
Social Security’s Gift to Children is Security

December 21, 2017 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: December 15, 2020

man holding little boy During the holiday season, most of us, regardless of religion or beliefs, focus on the children we love. Caring for children is one of the best ways to safeguard the future. And we at Social Security know a thing or two about helping children.

The application for a Social Security number and card is sometimes overlooked in the paperwork that parents fill out in preparation for a child’s birth. Typically, the hospital will ask new mothers if they want to apply for a Social Security number for their newborn as part of the birth registration process. This is the easiest and fastest way to apply. The Social Security card typically arrives about a week to ten days after that little bundle of joy! You can learn about Social Security numbers for children by reading our publication, Social Security Numbers for Children.

A child needs a Social Security number if he or she is going to have a bank account, if a relative is buying savings bonds for the child, if the child will have medical coverage, or if the child will receive government services. You’ll also need a Social Security number for a child to claim him or her on your tax returns.

If you wait to apply, you will have to visit a Social Security office and you’ll need to:

  • Complete an Application for a Social Security Card (Form SS-5);
  • Show us original documents proving your child’s U.S. citizenship, age, and identity; and
  • Show us documents proving your identity.

A child age 12 or older requesting an original Social Security number must appear in person for the interview, even though a parent or guardian will sign the application on the child’s behalf.

Children with disabilities are among our most vulnerable citizens. Social Security is dedicated to helping those with qualifying disabilities and their families through the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program. To qualify for SSI:

  • The child must have a physical or mental condition, or a combination of conditions, resulting in “marked and severe functional limitations.” This means that the condition(s) must severely limit your child’s activities;
  • The child’s condition(s) must be severe, last for at least 12 months, or be expected to result in death; and
  • The child must not be working and earning more than the Substantial Gainful Activity limit ($1,180 a month in 2018).

If your child’s condition(s) does not result in “marked and severe limitations,” or does not result in those limitations lasting for at least 12 months, your child will not qualify for SSI.

Family resources are also considered. If the parents of the child or children have more resources than are allowed, then the child or children will not qualify for SSI. You can read more about children’s benefits here.

Visit our Parents and Guardians page to learn more about all we do to care for children. Social Security is with you and your children through your life’s journey, securing today and tomorrow.

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. emagrece m.

    A Aclaração Da Enfermagem
    Emagrecer não é certa tarefa fácil, nunca é mesmo?
    Você pode ser inflexível sobre que você come e manter a absorção de alimentos gordos completo ao auricular,
    mas isso é como você precisa ir. Fome ou dietas muito estritas só são bons para resultados a
    curto prazo, se seu objetivo de perder peso, uma vez e para sempre prefere adotar
    uma dieta equilibrada.

    A teoria é que, por ser tão rapidamente absorvida e metabolizada ela
    estimule organismo a utilizar como bica de energia a gordura acumulada como borbotão a energia nas atividades físicas bem como
    com isso ajude no processo a emagrecimento. Achar as dicas para emagrecer muitas vezes é
    mais difícil que conseguir perder calorias de fato, até
    porque quando você acha a receita pela certa a perda
    de peso é natural.

    Bem como a melhor estratégia para conseguir isso é fazer abstinência e
    também praticar exercícios regularmente, certo?
    Em segundo lugar você deverá fazer certa regime, uma vez que
    as dietas são muito importantes para ajudar a quem deseja emagrecer.
    Palavra-chave: Hábitos alimentares, saúde, qualidade, alimentos, rendimento escolar.

    Nessa ansiedade, muitas pessoas acabam esquecendo que de nada adianta emagrecer se não for com saúde.
    Nos dias de hoje, existem muitas dietas usadas para perder peso, desde dietas baseadas
    somente no ingestão de líquidos, de alimentos com a letra específica até dietas nem condicionante para alimentos com alto assunto
    de gordura.

    Multiplique seu peso por 30ml para descobrir qual consumo ideal para você e dê preferência Sempre, para a água gelada,
    pois ela terá um efeito emagrecedor maior, já que seu
    corpo gastará ainda mais energia para equilibrar sua
    temperatura corporal.

    Um destes é neurologista e nutricionista Perlmutter, que
    afirma que dietas ricas em carboidratos, além de engordar, são responsáveis pela aceleração de
    doenças degenerativas, como Alzheimer. Se é isso que você busca, em texto vai deparar
    informações valiosas para alcançar corpo ideal e também algumas dicas
    destinado a perder calorias rápido e como perder barriga.

    Esse suco natural é proveitoso para aquelas pessoas que querem despossar peso rapidamente.

    Mas, os carne são qualquer “espécie” de digno peso e você deve tentar
    construir mais músculo para ajudar a manter
    a gordura corporal na baía. 1 – Alimentação saudável: Invista nas gorduras

    É claro que quem deseja emagrecer de maneira rápida e sem acabar com
    a saúde deve focar principalmente em alimentos naturais, e de preferência sem agrotóxicos.

    Já com low carb é possível perder muito peso sem restringir consumo de calorias e estar sempre saciado.

    Benéfico, anteriormente de falarmos sobre dietas à base de carboidratos, é bom entender que não existem dietas milagrosas e minudência que faz a diferença entre resultados positivos ou negativos
    em certa dieta, é você conseguir certa reeducação alimentar,
    aliada a exercícios e durante um benéfico tempo.

    Carboidratos, proibidos na maioria das dietas proteicas, são nosso principal combustível.
    Alguns alimentos que servem como uma alternativa para perder peso em uma semana similarmente são úteis para desintoxicar organismo de substâncias prejudiciais.
    Você pode apenas fazer caminhada, mas unir a alimentação
    saudável a certo treinamento planejado, potencializará os resultados bem como,
    principalmente, eliminará toda a gordura localizada.

    Publicamos vídeos sobre tema Abastecimento Saudável, Dietas, Emagrecimento Vigoroso e dicas de bem estar físico por meio de de alimentos e atividades físicas.
    Sou contra emagrecimento rápido, apesar de ja ter feito varias dietas rapidas.
    Como perder calorias rápido bem como com saúde é possível se você tiver muita dedicação.

    Comprovado que ao comer com mais frequência, você irá
    aumentar metabolismo natural do seu corpo. No grupo, os participantes, encontram aquilo que
    buscam para conseguir adquirir seus objetivos, emagrecimento, a
    alavanca de câmbio de hábitos alimentares,
    melhora na auto-estima e também na qualidade
    de vida.

    Para perder peso com a dieta do limão, logo ao acordar, ainda dentro de jejum, esprema meia fruta
    em um copo com 300 ml de água morna e beba-
    sem açúcar. Quando ela acaba, organismo busca energia na massa magra e é
    exatamente aí que as pessoas começam a perder peso.

  2. Yugank K.

  3. Yecenya

    What happen in casa of stolen theft of children security cards numbers

    • R.F.

      Hi Yecenya! Please visit our Frequently Asked Questions web page for information on this topic, Thanks.

  4. Kelli

    Thank you for promoting diversity in this pictures! I loved seeing this sweet little boy’s Hearing Aid’s (or they could be Cochlear Implants, it’s hard to tell). My 6 year old uses Cochlear Implants and pictures like this highlight everyone’s differences.

  5. Purvis J.

    I am currently receiving SS payments as a retiree. I am 68 years old. I live in Guatemala part of the year (winter months) and have a woman who is pregnant with my child. I was told by a a accountant that there is a provision for the USA to provide support for children born to citizens beyond the age of 62. Is this correct? If so, where can I find the information? Thank you.

  6. Martha S.

    What percent of SS recipients are investigated for fraud?
    How many Millions of our tax dollars are wasted on them??

  7. DAVID S.

    I have three adopted children who have disabilities. In Apr. of 2017 we recieved a letter for each child in the mail showing an increase in funds . I have never seen the increase…and have contacted Social Security for months trying to get information and all I get is “it’s being worked on”. We contacted Senator Hatch’s office in Nov…..and the same run around. I am seriously considering going to the news media regarding this situation because Social Security doesn’t seem to care about children and their benefits. Any other business accountants would have been fired for not paying their debts…some one is dumber than a box of rocks. If this were you would you like it. It’s really nice you can post these articles but in my opinion…it’s all a lie. No one cares about the well being of the elderly or the children. You get your pay check…we are now 18 months and waiting…waiting…waiting. No one returns our calls…no one DOES ANYTHING. Anyone who reads this remember Social Security does not care about our kids. Those in charge are obviously incompetent idiots. The worst part is it is like being held HOSTAGE BECAUSE WE ARE AT THEIR MERCY!!!!!

    • Rissa

      You basically sell your child to the government when you give them a social security number. The way I see it, I’ll let my son make that decision on his own, when he’s old enough to work and make decisions that are so important. I’m not after the governments tainted dollars anyway

    • Rissa

      My point is that I agree, the ones running the show don’t give a fraction of a damn for us, our well being, our children, or our future. It’s sickening. And that’s an understatement.

    • Jennifer D.

      nowadays you have to equil welfair mamas and deadbeat dads alotment of dependents / tax wrightoff socialsecurity # the system is not ment to Be Used as a sole provider 4 income.

  8. steven s.

    thankyou for the news may you and ur families have a happy holidays

  9. John

    Every child can learn a skill and that will provide an income for them as they become adults. Why give them something and never expect them to work because that’s what will happen to them the easy life.

    • Jennifer D.

      then again many kids were abused electricuted rejected and thrown away like trash not to long ago… if some one was intellegant they were called CRAZY , IF SOMEONE WAS of color and could Read they were Sold off away from there native blood. if they were good (buttlers or loyle slaves)the FAMILY would pay them maby even let them adopt the OWNERS NAME WHEN they were allowed to go free and vote if they dared to. ..not too long ago People who practiced medicine were called witches and alchemists and were murdered 4 anything that could have “”spooked”” the people who do the condemnations. I am a mother of 2 one boy one girl exactly ten years in between there birthdays Born as Bastards because of birthcontroll .. my 2 ASTRANGED husbands are not BIO DADS THEY WERE STEP FATHERS.

  10. Sylvia B.

    Don’t know password.

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