Disability, Frauds & Scams, General, Retirement, Survivors

Social Security Takes Fraud Seriously

June 15, 2015 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: August 19, 2021

An identity thief holds a Social Security card in front of a keyboardOne out of five Americans receives benefits from Social Security, including elderly retirees, people with severe illnesses, and widows and children of deceased wage earners.

With so many of our country’s most vulnerable citizens depending on us, we take our responsibility of providing them with a measure of financial security seriously.

One way we do that is by making a priority our many efforts to pursue those who would cheat the system and take money away from those who need it most.

The agency’s benefit programs are far-reaching and complex, which means that preventing, detecting, and combatting fraud, waste, and abuse is an ongoing challenge. Although we can’t prevent every instance of fraud any more than law enforcement can prevent all crimes, we aggressively investigate potential instances of fraud and pursue prosecution of those who commit it.

Our Office of Anti-Fraud Programs (OAFP) uses many tools to help predict where fraud may occur so we can identify it as quickly as possible. OAFP works alongside the Office of the Inspector General, and Disability Determination Services in the Cooperative Disability Investigation (CDI) program. CDI units investigate and resolve questions of fraud in our programs. There are stiff penalties: We seek the maximum punishment allowable under the law to restore money stolen from the American people. As a result, fraud affects only a very small percentage of our overall payments.

You can help protect your investment in Social Security. Take time to learn all the facts on how we work to prevent fraud. Remember, if you suspect fraud, report it or call the fraud hotline at 1-800-269-0271.

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About the Author

Phil Gambino, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Assistant Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Ernest C.

    As far as I know I have no problems with S.S. however I only wish that the IRS had at some place like this to complain about there service.
    Please trash this if you choose because it has nothing to do with S.S. I’m trying to get relief from a travesty of justice that gets worse everyday.
    You can no longer contact them about your own money and based on facts they in my opinion are a den of thieves, lairs, and very few people with morals, ethics, principles, and have put their selves in positions where now they are like Gods. It’s the most asinine system I have ever seen. My x-son in law has been claiming my grandson for five years now when we have legal custody or him and he is almost $30,000.00 behind in child support. He has paid $83.00 in six years yet he writes our grandson off each year on his taxes and no one cares.We brought him home from the hospital and he has lived with us since. When he divorced my daughter in Sept. of 2013 because of his extremely serious criminal record plus the fact that his dad had beat him and chocked him. Problem is him and his daddy appear to own most of the Judges and lawyers in Dothan and Houston County the Judge took him away from him.
    I apologist for misusing your site I know full well this is not the correct place. I guest do not believe America has come to this. Evil is good and good in evil and the majority of people live as if they will not stand before God one day and spend an eternity in a fiery hell or in heaven with their saved / washed in the blood relatives in heaven. Again I’m very sorry.


    pioneer recovery – this a fraud co — said contracted by us office of education

  3. Martha O.

    I am Martha, a 58 years old disabled person due to various surgeries.
    My situation is I live in nursing home I do owe money to facility but I myself was going to pay. Well without my authorization they opened and cashed my check without me knowing. The check was under my name please get to me as soon as can
    Thank You
    They also opened check without authoratiom.

  4. Peggy M.

    I understand this about SSI fraud, but my Facebook acct was hacked and somehow they got into my computer and started controlling it. I had a bank acct with direct deposit from SSI last month and somehow the person that hacked my computer deposited a fraudulent check (on my behalf) and that triggered an investigation. Okay, but while they are investigating they will not release my money to me. I didn’t get my direct deposit information changed online in time, now this months check will go to the bank that I don’t have access to. I was told by that bank that my SSI money will be deposited and after they finish their investigation I will be issued a check from them when they close my account. Isn’t this illegal? They should not be allowed to hold my social security money.

    • A.C.

      Hi, Peggy. We’re sorry to hear about the issues you are experiencing. We can only advise you in regards to Social Security programs and benefits. To correct bank records, you’ll need to continue working with your financial institution. We hope this is resolved soon.

  5. JL E.

  6. Juanita L.

    I receive a letter from IRS each year since someone was trying to steal my identity through my income tax filing. For the last 7 or 8 years I receive a letter to be sent with my income tax filing and I received it early, before social security offices were closed. Some how it can not be found. Please send me another letter to put with my tax information which is now coming in and I need it to file.
    Thank You.

    • J L.

      Please send me another letter to send with my income tax return.
      Thank You.

    • V.V.

      Hi Juanita, thank you for using the blog to ask your question. Unfortunately, and because of security reasons, we do not have access to personal records in this blog and cannot assist you.

      If this letter was indeed from Social Security, you will need to contact your local office or call our toll-free number at 1-800-772-1213. Representatives are available Monday through Friday, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.

  7. Julie K.

    I received a phone message, telling me that there is a legal enforcement action filed on my social security number for fraudulent activities. The message asked me to call back at my earliest possible on their number before the begin with the legal proceedings. The phone number they left for me to call back was 254-326-1327. The caller I.D. showed the phone call coming from Clifton, TX 1-254-326-1377. If this is something I need to be concerned about please let me know. If not I will assume it is fraudulent and not return the call.

  8. Joshua L.

    It seems to be a slow process or else not taken very seriously. My ex wife misused 8000 dollars of my daughters money for her and her new fiancé. Having gone through hardships myself and my daughter almost lost our home, meanwhile using money that should be going towards our daughter she goes and spends on other things. Does not care that her daughter had needs.

    • V.V.

      Thank you for contacting us, Joshua. We take allegations of fraud very seriously. Unfortunately, and because of security reasons, we do not have access to personal records in this blog and cannot assist you.

      To inquire on the status of the fraud allegations, you will have to contact your local office or call our toll-free number at 1-800-772-1213. Representatives are available Monday through Friday, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.

  9. Nichole V.

    The opportunity that is provided to utilize the very real loss associated with those that are in need of said benefits is insane.
    The statistics that list the perpetrators as the majority fail to mention that those that are classified as the criminal are never really criminal at all.
    The statistics fail to mention that the very thing that is the most questionable is the
    Opportunistic way the child’s ssi is the very thing that is there to ‘take’
    The seriousness taken in the act of abuse on funds that are many times the only thing that remains to aid in your survival. Often times is the very source to your suffering.
    The simple fact that not one person is souly just living on ssdi and the child’s ssi comfortably let alone so often ‘misusing’ the very thing that has so many uses that won’t be filled but sadly the weapon and burden
    That is hung over you. The one that never provides for the child that is shared, the one that is given the very things that end up seemingly needing to be taken.
    The notion that the misuse is so prevelent by those of us that act as the representative payees for the ‘extra’ funds offered only because of the children you have the inability to survive let alone provide what The child with the ‘idea’ behind the ignorance in place based on the very lists set out as though the children’s benefits being used for the need that the amounts given don’t even begin to cover that offer the one thing that without there is no need for the rest.
    Even with the combined benefits The inabilities to provide are massive. The things that you as a parent leave behind or go without so your children don’t suffer nearly as much from the things that a parent can not control.
    The loss of income and sustainability required to somehow continue to maintain what you had before offering only just enough is not at all the reality In which you will find to be the fight to even provide enough to survive At all.

    The ease in which one can walk into a local office, send off in an email or fill out in a web form the most ruthless of accusations.
    The ones that need it be discredited in many instances are the ones pretending to protect the victims while creating new victims the child ends up absolutely victimizated by every organization that should have checked the credibility of BOTH the accuser and accused.

    The very ways in which I was destroyed while the proof of questionable credibility was in the very file used to steer and aid in fraud and theft on me my daughter and ssi. I was tortured so severely by the very person committing the fraud just by failure to provide what should have been seen. Having the ssi that was already part of his income via child support taken out of MY SSDI that should not have stopped Coming out of the very thing that was why it wad being paid in the first place l.
    The one thing that should have even altered the amount he was handed so easily it was like a bank drive thru.
    The fact that $890 going to one person for one child out of SSDI and ssi that already was taken down to less then $1200 a month for myself and daughter to begin with but it was $732 that honestly was the last Flag and the very thing that everyone that had a hand in not even obtaining a shred of information and receipts that I HAVE the very reason I order everything my dr needs online was to give the most thoughtfully constructed Account of where more than just her SSI needed to be used for her care because none of the ssi that was ordered by child support provided the toilet paper she used.
    the very day my family was failed by and destroyed but not even shown the respect by anybody as I was so unbelievably overcome by my disease but also having the device that was supposed to help me but made me worse be the absolute horror still suffering from while it pulled and shifted out of my spinal column as it sits wrapped tightly around nerves as I go without the ability to medically do what’s necessary or have the tools to even communicate the very home that if lost puts me on the streets as younger disabled population are already treated as less them people by the very systems in place that should aid in the basic survival needs being met .
    The very ways in which the systems fail to provide even basic human rights but actually are awful and inhumane ways that no one should suffer without or through.
    Not one person should not be held accountable. Especially with the lack of respect that I continue to receive.
    The very Least that should be done Is help in recovering the $915 in child support taken that violated me ssi and child support

    • Capri

      Stopping the depravity caused by our agencies there to help protect and prevent is what i would like to see addressed.
      The assumed fraudulent behavior or accusations should NEVER be the only things involved in a federal investigation.
      The very Discrimination that is going on and littered all through the lack of ANY programs benefits or services available for disabled under 55 yrs any where around. The very benefits for food as well as secondary insurance WE as disabled are the exception and disadvantaged in ability to obtain.

  10. Donna M.

    There is a man i know that faked injuries and faked a mental disability to get social security. I think it’s wrong because hes able to have a job and he’s taking money from people who actually need it.

    • V.V.

      Hi Donna. Thank you for helping us fight fraud. We take allegations of fraud very seriously. If you suspect fraud, waste or abuse of Social Security benefits, we encourage you to report it.

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