Disability, Frauds & Scams, General, Retirement, Survivors

Social Security Takes Fraud Seriously

June 15, 2015 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: August 19, 2021

An identity thief holds a Social Security card in front of a keyboardOne out of five Americans receives benefits from Social Security, including elderly retirees, people with severe illnesses, and widows and children of deceased wage earners.

With so many of our country’s most vulnerable citizens depending on us, we take our responsibility of providing them with a measure of financial security seriously.

One way we do that is by making a priority our many efforts to pursue those who would cheat the system and take money away from those who need it most.

The agency’s benefit programs are far-reaching and complex, which means that preventing, detecting, and combatting fraud, waste, and abuse is an ongoing challenge. Although we can’t prevent every instance of fraud any more than law enforcement can prevent all crimes, we aggressively investigate potential instances of fraud and pursue prosecution of those who commit it.

Our Office of Anti-Fraud Programs (OAFP) uses many tools to help predict where fraud may occur so we can identify it as quickly as possible. OAFP works alongside the Office of the Inspector General, and Disability Determination Services in the Cooperative Disability Investigation (CDI) program. CDI units investigate and resolve questions of fraud in our programs. There are stiff penalties: We seek the maximum punishment allowable under the law to restore money stolen from the American people. As a result, fraud affects only a very small percentage of our overall payments.

You can help protect your investment in Social Security. Take time to learn all the facts on how we work to prevent fraud. Remember, if you suspect fraud, report it or call the fraud hotline at 1-800-269-0271.

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About the Author

Phil Gambino, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Assistant Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. ssimmons

    Either the Social Security Department doesn’t take fraud seriously or they are unaware they are giving fraudster the most important components to commit fraud & ID theft, I would like to think it`s the latter. Here`s what I`m talking about, the SSA sends the USPS address verification forms of SSA recipients. The purpose is too verify the address that’s giving to SSA by the recipients is the same address listed with the USPS. An associate at the post office is suppose to verify the address on the form and send back to the SSA. The problem is on this form it has the SSA recipients name ,address & SSN !!!!! No telling how many eyes see this form, that is not sent secured in it`s travel and it`s just stapled to the outside of the return envelope. The only way I became aware of this is because the mailman handed my girlfriend`s mail to me while she was right there getting something out the car. I knew this was something she wasn’t suppose to receive and had her bring to the attention of the local post office.

    There response: Oh sorry you weren’t suppose to get that, we were suppose to fill that out and send it back.

    What happens next, she receives another one . Lets face it not everyone in the USPS is honest, again no telling how many eyes that wasn’t suppose to see that saw it. With 65.1 million people taking part in SSA program(s) and all of them having to supply addresses that need to be verified, think of the magnitude of fraud and ID theft this could create.
    I hope this get noticed by the right people and something get done about this process that can and will create fraud .

    • R.F.

      We apologize and regret any inconveniences. We have referred your complaint to our Office of Operations to follow up and to take corrective action as necessary. We appreciate your feedback, and thank you for bringing this to our attention.

  2. Luandria c.

    If I’m 14 an my grandmother receives a check for me each month an I don’t receive anything an she buys household things when I move out will those things belong to me???

  3. Tamika J.

    My question concerns someone else receiving my benefits. My mother passed in 1984 of cancer. My sister and I were willed to our step-father who soon remarried. We lived with he and his wife for 7 years. The experience was not great. We recently heard that there were benefit checks issued in our name. How can we find out?

  4. Gab

    That is such a lie!!! My father takes my ssi,and refuses to get my necessities as I need,only so often!! But then he goes arpund and buys expensive phones and other things!! My FRIEND gets my necessities!! NONE of my own money goes to it!! I never get told where it actually goes either!! But who listens? Not a damn person! You all go and ask him about it!! LMAO! It’s just like going to a cerial killer and asking him, “have you murdered anyone lately?” “No. :F ” “That’s good enough for us!” Good grief!! And everyone wonders why I’m so pissed off!! Idiots working the government!! Take fraud seriously MY A**!!

  5. Mary j.

    I attended Cambridge tech. in Cincinnati,Ohio back in the late 80’s early 90’s. The Government close them down. We were told we did not have to pay any money because we did not receive any money.Because I don’t have any paper work from over 25 years ago,Ican’t stop who every is doing this, when I turn 62 it started.Can any one stop this and return my money!

  6. Mary j.

    I attended Cambridge Tech. her in Cincinnati, Ohio back in the late 80;s early 90;s—They were close down by the Government, we were not suppose to pay any money back because we did not receive any money. When I turn 62, someone has been taken money out of my check every month, even rebate checks. I don;t have any paper work from over 25 years ago , I can;t find anyone to stop this! Can you please help me?

  7. Joshua k.

    What do I do if I am receiving social security and my guardian uses it and won’t give me any of it

    • R.F.

      Hi Joshua, if you think your guardian or representative payee is misusing benefits, you must report it immediately. Please call 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) Monday through Friday, between 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. to speak to one of our representatives. Or you can contact your local Social Security office. For more information, visit our “FAQs For Beneficiaries Who Have A Payee” web page. Thanks!

      • Gab

        What bs!!! You as the government don’t even take us seriously when we try!!! So what’s the point of calling people who don’t listen???

    • Gab

      I have that same issue!! Social Security doesn’t give any f***s!! I tried to tell them my situation only to get laughed off!!

  8. Sigourney W.

    It’s been 5 month my husband told me he is not in love with me anymore. That was the last time I saw him. He moved in to live with her, this was after 9 years our my marriage, i was heart broken until i got in contact with Dr.Mack, after i saw good testimony on how he restored relationship, i decided to get in contact with him and when i told him all my problems he laughed and said this is not a problem that everything will be OK in 2 days time.Exactly the 2nd day my husband called me i was shocked and what surprise, My Husband behavior was normal as the man i got married to. Am so grateful to Dr.Mack for what he did for me in helping me to get my husband back, I want to thank God for using Dr.Mack as my source of savior,if you wish to contacting him Email: dr_mack@ yahoo. com,,,

  9. ronald e.

    I was paying rent to a friend for two months they drempt up a story that she needed emergency brain surgery for a tumar i fell for it there is no brain surgury her job didnt know ime shure her family has no idea this is what she told me apparently she had been telling them she was moving in with them because i wasnt paying and draging her down now ime homeless till i get paid next month.the person in question is ava matyja*** – ** – ****thuoght she could hide behind her son because he is a cop frank matyja her family reely has no clue yet that she told me brain surgery to cover up the fact that i was paying before her son found out i was.if he would have known i was paying rent then he would have to ask mom why aint it helping any she was afraid he would find out about her 455.00 a month on line gambling credit card shit . she took my rent came up with brain surgery to get rid of me i dont see how this could be ok with anyone you would not like to here what mom thinks of ava weve been friends 40 fucking years i cant let this slide can you point me in the right direction to hire a lawyer if me and mom can cum up with some coin there should be some kinda law about this shit its about as pathetic as it gets thank you.

  10. Yevonne A.

    I have thought about whats happening to me and I know the bank higher executives are not helping.

    I have my social security check deposited to Citizen Bank. I tried to have $10 deducted each month so I would have something in case of emergency. Every month I was coming up short and I would have to take the money out and cover my checking account. This went on for several months. I made it a point to leave money in my checking account to see if it would be there when my benefit check was deposited and I noticed the money was not there. I reported this an a audit was taken. I didnot receive a reply jusy $22 was in my account. More had been taken at least $150(???). My saying something angered someone. My mtg payment was held up 10 days. While checking my account on the mobile banking I noticed $226 was to be delivered to someone. I couldnt delete it so I hoped a supervisor or manager would get my email. They did and it was taken out. The next day a overdraft was put through on a check I had paid.Before this I had deposited money in my account so I could pay my credit card. They paid it because I had deposit cash. Somehow all these checks came up overdrafts. I paid them and didnt argue because the checks were ACH. I had written checks on these over 7 years and they never overdre me. So I found it strange two different places. But I would accept this.

    I had been discussing this with Mr. Richard A. in the chairmans office. Although hes nice, I think i’m being abused and fraud is taking place. Please help me.

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