
Social Security is now on the ‘Gram’

April 29, 2019 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: August 19, 2021

social security Instagram account image Over the last decade, the way Social Security communicates with you has evolved to include electronic messages, through our social media channels. We spread our message about a lifetime of protections on Twitter, LinkedIn, our Facebook page,  and on our YouTube channel.

We are proud to add Instagram as our newest social media channel. As we do on the others , we share information and resources on our Instagram page that can help you and your loved ones — with a visual focus. As the old adage goes, sometimes a picture says more than a thousand words. We look forward to maximizing this platform’s storytelling style of posting to share stories that help you.

Using Instagram’s vast reach of over one billion users a month, we can share information about Social Security programs and benefits with millions of people. We want to start a conversation with you and create a lasting connection. Connecting with us on social media helps you share important information and knowledge with the people you care about.

Check out our Instagram page today! You can follow our posts, comment on them, quote them, repost them, and help us spread the message. Follow @SocialSecurity for valuable content or, as they say on the ‘Gram’, #instagood posts.

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications


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