Social Security Benefits Increase in 2022

October 13, 2021 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: November 2, 2023

Approximately 70 million Americans will see a 5.9% increase in their Social Security benefits and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments in 2022. Federal benefit rates increase when the cost-of-living rises, as measured by the Department of Labor’s Consumer Price Index (CPI-W).

The CPI-W rises when inflation increases, leading to a higher cost-of-living. This change means prices for goods and services, on average, are a little more expensive, so the cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) helps to offset these costs.

We will mail COLA notices throughout the month of December to retirement, survivors, and disability beneficiaries, SSI recipients, and representative payees. But, if you want to know your new benefit amount sooner, you can securely obtain your Social Security COLA notice online using the Message Center in your my Social Security account. You can access this information in early December prior to the mailed notice.

If you prefer to access your COLA notice online and not receive the mailed notice, you can log in to your personal my Social Security account to opt out of a mailed COLA notice and any other notices that are available online by updating your Preferences in the Message Center. Did you know you can receive a text or email alert when there is a new message waiting for you? That way, you always know when we have something important for you – like your COLA notice. If you don’t have an account yet, you must create one by November 17, 2021, to receive the 2022 COLA notice online.

January 2022 marks other changes that will happen based on the increase in the national average wage index. For example, the maximum amount of earnings subject to Social Security payroll tax in 2022 will be higher. The retirement earnings test exempt amount will also change in 2022.

Be among the first to know! Sign up for or log in to your personal my Social Security account today. Choose email or text under “Message Center Preferences” to receive courtesy notifications.

You can find more information about the 2022 COLA here.


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About the Author

Darlynda Bogle, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Darlynda Bogle, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Dee

    My partner died in September. We could barely make rent together and no way can I live on my own with less than $800 a month after medicare and supplement insurance is paid. I can’t even get housing, literally homeless now and relying on the generosity of friends for a place to sleep. Every penny we had went to pay for his medical care, the amount that Medicare wouldn’t pay. How can this happen to Americans .. in America?

    • A.B.

      I have two children and things are tight! America is allowing it’s people to fall into below poverty levels. Really, shameful and sad situations!

      • Randell Z.

        It’s really sad my wife work for prison in florence az for many years n she was also cna for many years also she got sick with cancer it took over three years for her to get approved then they told her they only go back three years n then told her she would get 800 per month only if she devorced me n if she stayed married to me because of my ssi amount she would only received 162.00 per month she just gave up two months later she died ..what is our government turning. is when Obama was In office

    • Gina C.

      I live alone on disability I was worrying about the rising cost of Medicare. I hate American medical I am a walking medical malpractice case I have so many malpractice issues really I decided to just take part A only people on
      S S D their part A is automatic nothing deducted each month just tell Medicare you want part A only S S and Medicare are two completely different antitys. Then just stay away from people so you don’t get sick.

    • V.V.

      Hi Dee, we are very sorry for your loss. You may want to apply for Extra Help with Medicare prescription drug plan costs. The Extra Help is estimated to be worth about $5,000 per year. To qualify for the Extra Help, a person must be receiving Medicare, have limited resources and income, and reside in one of the 50 States or the District of Columbia. In addition to the Extra Help, you may be able to get help from your State with other Medicare costs under the Medicare Savings Programs. By completing the Extra Help application, you will start your application process for a Medicare Savings Program. We will send information to your State who will contact you to help you apply for a Medicare Savings Program unless you tell us not to when you complete the application.

      If you need information about Medicare Savings Programs, Medicare Prescription Drug plans or how to enroll in a plan, call 1-800-MEDICARE (TTY 1-877-486-2048) or visit You also can request information about how to contact your State Health Insurance Counseling and Assistance Program (SHIP). The SHIP offers help with your Medicare questions. We hope this helps.

      • Kelly K.

        I receive my SSDI payment on the third of every month, I use it for my rent, but now they are changing my deposit date to the 3rd Wednesday of every month, how am I supposed to pay January rent when it won’t come until the end of January?? My rent is 1200. What am I supposed to do. That is like going 2 months without any money!? What am I supposed to do???? Please help.

        • Candice

          I completely understand exactly. I’ve been getting my benefits on the 3rd of each month also. All my bills are due the first week of each month.. now, I have to cross my fingers because my check won’t come until the 2and Wednesday, which will put my bills behind. I don’t understand it either. I have always lived by Murphy’s First Law….
          If it isn’t broke don’t fix it. This change is going to hurt so so many, but I’ve come to realize, they higher up then we are so they don’t care. Sending my prayers to you dear.

          • V.V.

            Hi Candice, thanks for using our blog. The Social Security payment schedule is not changing. If you receive your Social Security benefits on the third of the month, you will continue to receive them on the third of the month. Check out our Schedule of Social Security Payments for the 2022 payment dates.

        • V.V.

          Hi Kelly, thanks for using our blog. The Social Security payment schedule is not changing. If you receive your Social Security benefits on the third of the month, you will continue to receive them on the third of the month. Check out our Schedule of Social Security Payments for the 2022 payment dates.

          • Theresa R.

            I feel that social security office does not have its finger on the pulse of the clients it serves. The cost of living formula needs to be revisited because I know that 16% or higher. But offering extra help doesn’t pay the rent and it doesn’t buy the food yeah it helps with your co-pays especially if you high medication bills. But that’s only one thing they’re so many fingers to these problems. Maybe you need seniors to come in and help you figure it out.

      • Marie

        Where are you not listening. Extra help is wonderful but it does not pay the rent. It does not buy food. It doesn’t pay the electric bill. And if you’re like me and you only use one drug that you can buy for five dollars at Walmart it doesn’t help.

    • Karen B.

      Have you tried to apply for the Federal Rent assistance program? My Congressman told me to apply even though we weren’t married but without his support of paying bills and rent I will be facing homelessness. He died because he was terrified of going to necessary Doctors appointments. Terrified of Covid.

    • Eve

      Because it seems that they prefer to care more for immigrants, which makes no sense. Our retired elderly that have contributed to our country are treated second to new illegal arrivals who have contributed absolutely nothing!!! Not acceptable.

  2. Joann L.

    SSI is provided to people who become disabled and did not have enough units paid into SS from employment. I became disabled from my employment and was provided little compensation, had my career ripped out from under me. Still raising children at home with no help from anyone. The SSI amount was to be just enough for basic needs. Price increases,rent increases mainly causing SSI recipients to be priced out of shelter and housing. Still nothing changes for those like myself stuck with SSI. Now we have price gouging cost and no way to even survive off a SSI payment, even with the 2022 increase. It is not enough to even cover basic needs. SSP payments are not increasing so struggling for survival and forced to live below poverty levels are clearly cruelty to humans. What is going to happen for us who have no alternative way to live. Would Social Security and our government call this a slow murder for disabled and elderly on SSI.

    • Justin D.

      SSI doesn’t care about the ones that has worked and become disabled.This government is a poor excuse.

    • Dee

      we are not amongst the donating class, so politicians don’t care .. the career beaurocrats don’t care, they are working and have money for their Christmas this year. Meanwhile, millions of us decide which meals to skip, which nights to wander aimlessly around a 24 hour retailer so we can sleep safely during the day in our cars. We are the forgotten, the priority from HUD and every other agency are so-called “undocumented” and refugees .. American Moms and Grandmas like us can go fend for ourselves. Shame on every one of them!

  3. Shenna

    How much will I recieve in 2022 if I’m on both ssi and social security but never worked and only getting it off my disability with my leg

    • V.V.

      Hi Shenna, thanks for using our blog. All monthly Social Security (retirement, disability and survivors) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits for approximately 70 million Americans will see a 5.9% increase in their Social Security benefits and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments in 2022.

      The 5.9 percent cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) will begin with benefits payable to more than 64 million Social Security beneficiaries in January 2022.  Increased payments to approximately 8 million SSI beneficiaries will begin on December 30, 2021. 

      For more details about the new COLA, visit our Cost-of-Living Adjustment information page.

      • Dee

        5.9% is a joke .. medicare premiums and supplemental insurance premiums combined increase 13% and that means a net loss of income .. money we need. Do you have any idea how many homeless Seniors there are? Landlords won’t rent to us .. we don’t make enough money and the HUD funded places are prioritized for refugees and undocumented .. not a thing for American born Grandmas. Shame on you all.

  4. Ebby P.

    I am receiving survivor benefits and I am wondering how much I can make before I loss my benefits or before it is reduced

    • V.V.

      Hi Ebby, thanks for using our blog. You can get Social Security retirement or survivors benefits and work at the same time. However, there is a limit to how much you can earn and still receive full benefits. The amount you’re allowed to earn while receiving benefits depends on your age. If you attain full retirement age in 2022, the earnings limit is $51,960 but we only count earnings before the month you reach full retirement age. Beginning with the month you reach full retirement age, earnings no longer reduce your benefits, no matter how much you earn. If you’re under full retirement age for the entire year, then we deduct $1 from benefit payments for every $2 earned above the annual limit. For 2022, that limit is $19,560.

      Visit our Receiving Benefits While Working web page for more details.

    • Bryan F.

      When is our goverment going to get thier head out of thier a—– and start taking care of the people on social security retirement, ssd, ssi and va disability reciepients. None of the above make enough money to pay for the nessesities such as rent, food ,utilities ext with out giving up some of the important things they need month to month. I’m on social security retirement and I’m a disabled american Vietnam vet which gives me 30 percent disability. Combining the two incomes and that I’m on housing I still haven’t enough income to pay for all my needs. I’m retired and worked all my life, spent 8 yrs in the Marine Corps served 1 year in viet nam and have an honorable discharge yet I spent over a year homeless ( which no vertran who served honorably during a war or conflict should ever be homeless) because my monthly income is not enough to live on. I should be living a comfortable and enjoyable retirement life but infact I’m living a life where I don’t know if I will have a place to live or where my next meal will come from But our governent electees don’t have to worry about that because we the tax payers pay them a good income only to screw the american people out of what they should be getting. Plus that also makes them not to worry about the ones who could use the extra help. Our country has lost its integrity and has gone to hell in a hand bascket. I hope they can sleep at night because I have had alot of sleepiness night worrying if I’m going to make it at any given day. Shane on you all of you polticians. Maybe they all should be forced to live as we do for six months and see how they feel and cope with our day to day lives.

      Bryan F

      • Tammy

        Hi Bryan,
        Thank you for your service. I absolutely 100% agree with you, NO VETERAN SHOULD BE HOMELESS & STRUGGLING. Veterans should be given free medical/dental, a comfortable, safe place to live, compensated a respectable living wage, & treated like a king for risking/sacrificing their life for their country. It pisses me off to see the way the idiot, moronic, asshole government treats our veterans. I’m so sorry. Thank you again for your service.

  5. Barbara Y.

    My question is ” If I usually get my social security payment on the 3 rd of the month, will I still get it on the same date ? Or cause of the” Cola ” payment, will it change to a different date ?? Indeed to know this ahead of time, so that I if I have to change all of my electronic payments ?

    Thank You;

    Barb Y. Preston

    • Teresa J.

      It’s not changing. If it’s on the 3rd it stays on the 3rd. Per SSA staff.

      • Pamela

        However anyone on disability will surely be having lots of hard times when it comes to paying bills. Landlords want rent always on the 1st and no later than the 5th of the month or they charge a $50 late fee. People on disability can’t afford to pay an extra $50. As well, if your last payment was on the 1st and you don’t getting anymore benefits till say the 26th, well gee, that’s almost 2 months without a payment.

    • Joyce

      Why is my social security payments coming out on the third wensday instead of on the third of each month

    • V.V.

      Hi Barbara, thanks for using our blog. The Social Security payment schedule is not changing. If you receive your Social Security benefits on the third of the month, you will continue to receive them on the third of the month. Check out our Schedule of Social Security Payments for the 2022 payment dates.

      • Diane K.

        so payment dates are changing?

        • V.V.

          Hi Diane, thanks for using our blog. The Social Security payment schedule is not changing. Check out our Schedule of Social Security Payments for the 2022 payment dates.

          • Greg F.

            The news says our checks are being mailed late in January Social Security checks why would the news say that

  6. Michael L.

    Hello, Accordingly I should still receive my disability on the 3rd, but according to your site, it will be changing to the middle of the month. So, this means S.S.A. is changing the dates. How are we suppose to be able to make our monthly bill payments without being constantly late due to your changes? Granted some can allow for date changes, but there are those who will not allow you to change without either a hefty penalty or not at all.

    • Barbara Y.

      In my comment question above, should of read ” I need to know this. So if I need to change my electronic payments ahead of time. Sorry, about the typing era. Thank You ; Barb Y. Preston

    • Teresa J.

      It’s not changing your date. We also receive ours on the 3rd. Lots of panic the way this was put out. SSA staff have already answered multiple times that nothing is changing from the way it is now. Dates by birthday started in May 1997. If you were getting a check based on your Birthday, the schedule is the same.

      So, no change. Good news!

      • Michael L.

        Thank you for the clarification of the disbursements dates.

      • Shookie

        So I’m looking where has anyone from SDA Govt answered this ? Im just looking for this in confirmation I keep seeing along w the COLA increase dates will b changing but can’t find that on the SDA site either cuz I looked at it & some ppl would have to wait like an extra 3 wks + some days for check in Jan so it would b like ppl losing almost a mos pay I couldnt see how this is possible. Thanks for your teplies

        • Greg F.

          Again the news says our checks are being mailed the second third and third and fourth Wednesday of January when we normally get them on the 3rd why would the news say this if it wasn’t right

          • V.V.

            Hi Greg, thanks for using our blog. The Social Security payment schedule is not changing. If you receive your Social Security benefits on the third of the month, you will continue to receive them on the third of the month. Check out our Schedule of Social Security Payments for the 2022 payment dates.

    • V.V.

      Hi Michael, thanks for using our blog. The Social Security payment schedule is not changing. If you receive your Social Security benefits on the third of the month, you will continue to receive them on the third of the month. Check out our Schedule of Social Security Payments for the 2022 payment dates.

  7. Ralph M.

    My wife passed away Thanksgiving day 2020. It will be one year and I still have not received the 255.00 I was told. SS has her paperwork.

    • V.V.

      Hi Ralph, thanks for reaching out. We are very sorry for your loss. Please contact your local Social Security office. Look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social Security Office Locator. The number may appear under Show Additional Office Information. We hope this information helps.

  8. Dan S.

    The COLA is supposed to adjust for inflation, which is more than the increase. Biden says the increase will pay for the increase in Medicare. We are below the inflation increase and have even less to survive on because the Medicare increase will take more away from us. So start with 100, add 5.9% and now you have 105.90. Take out inflation close to 7% (about $7.41) and go back down to 98.49. Now take out the increase in Medicare. Even if the COLA was equal to inflation, Medicare increase will put us further in the hole. Biden thinks his lies will carry because the Media will spread, and cover, for them.

    • Gordon +.

      My wife and i are also below the poverty level and receive extra help for senior thru the state of Michigan, it pays our Medicare premium !

    • Debora B.

      Well said.. I was always told the truth hurts. You are right increase in one and go into debt (Medicare) for the rest. How does the government expect people in America to survive. But if you are a illegal you get everything that tax payers put into the system. It’s a shame how retired people and elderly people are treated in this country. Shame Shame on the government

  9. Patricia D.

    Will we still get our benefits on the same date of 2021 deposit to our accounts

    • V.V.

      Hi Patricia, thanks for using our blog. Social Security’s payment schedule is not changing. Check out our Schedule of Social Security Payments for the 2022 payment dates.

      • Elizabeth H.

        According to the 2022 pdf

        the dates my SSI benefits are available are changing for me. It will be on the 12th of January, the second Wednesday of the month, and the second Wednesday of every month thereafter, instead of on the 1st of every month.

        The dates are changing for a lot of people. Why are you doing this?!? People need to pay their rent and bills on time and your new schedule of payments messes that up.

        • A.C.

          Hi, Elizabeth. Our payment schedule has not changed. For most Social Security benefits, payment dates are based on your birthdate. We issue SSI payments at the beginning of the month. For more information about payment dates, check out our blog, What Day of the Month Do I Get My Social Security Payment? We hope this information is helpful.

          • Michael G.

            Hello. Accordingly, I should be still receiving my disability on the 3rd of each month. as your reply to Elizabeth states your schedule has not changed. Yet, going to your site mentioned in your reply. it will be changed to the middle of the month. How am I and the rest are to pay our bills by their due dates and the bills that are on auto withdraw from our accounts? A number of places will not change their payment dates without penalty of sorts. Thank you.

          • V.V.

            Hi Michael, thanks for using our blog. Our payment schedule has not changed. If you have been receiving your benefits on the third of each month, you will continue to receive them on the third of each month. Check out our Schedule of Social Security Payments for the 2022 payment dates. We hope this helps.

  10. Tom B.

    I applied for benefits and I didn’t get all my Delayed Benefits credit. (Delayed 26 months and they are giving me only 16 months.) Full retirement age 66 on September 2019 and I applied on October 2021. How Can I correct this mistake. I need help. They didn’t calculate the amount correctly.

    • V.V.

      Hi Tom, thanks for using our blog. If you retire before age 70, some of your delayed retirement credits will not be applied until the January after you start receiving benefits. For example, if you reach your full retirement age (67) in June, you may plan to wait until your 69th birthday to start your retirement benefits. Your initial benefit amount will reflect delayed retirement credits earned from your full retirement age through the year before your 69th birthday. In January of the following calendar year, your benefit will increase for the credits earned in the year of your 69th birthday. If you have additional questions, you can contact your local Social Security office. Please look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social Security Office Locator. The number may appear under Show Additional Office Information. We hope this information helps.

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