Social Security Announces 2.5 Percent Benefit Increase for 2025  

October 10, 2024 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: October 10, 2024

Social Security benefits and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments for more than 72.5 million Americans will increase 2.5% in 2025, the Social Security Administration announced today. On average, Social Security retirement benefits will increase by about $50 per month starting in January.

Over the last decade the cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) increase has averaged about 2.6%. The COLA was 3.2% in 2024.

Nearly 68 million Social Security beneficiaries will see a 2.5% COLA beginning in January 2025.  Increased payments to nearly 7.5 million people receiving SSI will begin on December 31, 2024. (Note: Some people receive both Social Security benefits and SSI).

“Social Security benefits and SSI payments will increase in 2025, helping tens of millions of people keep up with expenses even as inflation has started to cool,” said Martin O’Malley, Commissioner of Social Security.


Some other adjustments that take effect in January of each year are based on the increase in average wages.  Based on that increase, the maximum amount of earnings subject to the Social Security tax (taxable maximum) is slated to increase to $176,100 from $168,600.

Social Security begins notifying people about their new benefit amount by mail starting in early December.

This year, for the first time, Social Security beneficiaries will receive a newly designed and improved COLA notice that makes it easier for customers to find the information they need most.  The simplified COLA notice is now only one page, uses plain and personalized language, and provides exact dates and dollar amounts of a person’s new benefit amount and any deductions. Learn more on our video.

Individuals who have a personal my Social Security account can view their COLA notice online, which is secure, easy, and faster than receiving a letter in the mail.  People can set up text or email alerts when there is a new message–such as their COLA notice–waiting for them in my Social Security.

People will need to have a personal my Social Security account by Nov. 20 to see their COLA notice online.  To get started, visit

Information about Medicare changes for 2025 will be available at  For Social Security beneficiaries enrolled in Medicare, the 2025 benefit amount will be available via my Social Security’s Message Center starting in late November.  Those who have not opted to receive messages online will receive their COLA notice by mail in December.

The Social Security Act provides for how the COLA is calculated.  The Social Security Act ties the annual COLA to the increase in the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) as determined by the Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics.

To read more, please visit


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  1. Saue

    How i won a lottery with the help of Prist Osemu Email: osemudiamentemple @ gmail. com WhatsApp: +2348104029541

  2. Patricia V.

    Government pension is the worst type of income we worked for, yet many of us could not get pensions from private-sector employment and limited or no savings! We face financial problems with shrinking fixed income values while collecting with our benefits called Social Security, SSDI & SSDI as our only income. We feel punished because we must now live with a fixed income through no fault of our own.

  3. Cherie P.

    We were told by many sources about the COLA for this year, 2025. It is 2.5% or an average increase of $50 to the beneficiaries of which I am one. HOWEVER, why in the world did MY monthly check DECREASE? I called and was told Medicare increased our Part B premium to $185/month. OUCH. Seems like I could purchase my own private medical insurance for that kind of premium. Why didn’t my friends’ and neighbors’ checks decrease? Their Medicare premium is also (I am told) $185. Not only did I not qualify (???) for COLA but the monthly check I was already receiving decreased ALSO! I got hit TWO WAYS.
    Any ideas anyone that make sense?

    • Alison W.

      I get $185.00 less $150.00 for Medicare leaving $35.00 SS income. Each time there is a COLA increase that amount of money goes to Medicare. My benefit remains $35.00.
      I worked for 40 plus quarters which qualified me for a small Soc. Sec. benefit. After I start public school teaching, I paid into that state’s pension for teachers. For many years in Texas I was not allowed to pay into Social Security. When the option was available, I turned it down as I was vested in the Tx Retirement System and would not get much of a return from SS. It makes no sense. I tried to figure out from information on Medicare site why this COLA always goes to Medicare. Maybe it is an AI glitch or some algorithm that was not properly set up. Write to your Senators and Congressmen.

  4. Patricia V.


    2025 SSA rates increased 2.5%, but inflation increased 3 %. My benefits are not keeping up with general inflation. My housing costs alone increased about 5% last year, and may do the same in 2025, leaving my payments behind by over 2.5%. Already this year the payment increase has lost its value. The CPI index
    appears to be insufficient calculation.

    Thank you.

  5. Jared b.

    Hi, I would like my social security check to get increased a little please.

    • Angela L.

      Yes I would love an desperately need it . I’m a single mother with everything on .y two shoulders. It’s so hard ow days an Lord know we need a miracle

    • Christine T.

      No ido not. I want to send the page from my divorce decree that showed my ex-husband was required to pay for my medical insurance as I raised our 2 autistic children and he saw them as our attorneys agreed to our of court. The day we appeared before the Judge he said he would of granted me alimony as he was a software engineer. The attorney I had through legal aid found another position and there was no 1 to advocate for me. Life has never been fair but we divorce 3 months short of the 10 year period required to receive your spouse’s retirement income. Due to my disability I no longer drive so can’t easily get into Longview WA to drop off a copy of it there. If you can send an large envelope where you will p pay for a postage I would be happy to send it to you in the mail let’s see if the voice recording is appropriate now I’m talking to a federal office so probably will be I also wish I would have thought of telling the judge that he also paid my attorney $5,000. My senses this that was because it was before part d of medication passed for senior citizens and I’m on a lot of medication and so they were trying to find I understand there’s a program where pharmaceutical companies will help you with those expenses but the counselor that I told was seeing told me that you have to constantly update that information in time and it really isn’t that good of a program my social security number is 301 66 67 23 I still have his social security number because the medical plan that we used use the social security number for identification however that has long been past tense as I think about it we divorced years ago and I do not think I should be sharing that information with you I also am overwhelmed with my own health issues lately and I received something that would allow me to receive my prescription drugs at no cost but I simply haven’t filled out the paperwork I am working on getting better and not filling out paperwork Social Security wants me to send them I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m Ill I’m sorry I can’t do everything at once I’m sorry I don’t have technical skills required and everything else that I am tired of apologizing. No one chooses to become disabled when I checked with Social Security if I was entitled to any additional assistance the first time I was told I did not work long enough to qualify for SSI I believe that’s why I got this stuff lately in the mail saying you would pay for my prescription drugs medication which is now 480 each I simply am frustrated and tired with everything I left off my savings from my home the first 5 years I moved to Washington State however that money has been depleted I am now setting up payment for the ambulance fees that I had at $50 a month because they were there when I needed them I received a refund for an overpayment on some other charges and so I informed to tell them today that I will deposit that check into a savings account I have here so my money would have been closer to me when I was driving and I would have immediate access without worrying about atm fees please send me copies of my Social Security Disability benefits for the last 6 years as I moved from Portland to WA State in 2018. I want to show it’s the only income I received during the time I lived here unless you want to establish my income after my divorce in 2004 to show I have not had any additional earnings since I was diagnosed with MS at Kaiser Permanente in OR where I lived since I was 17 years old. Did I note my RX medicine couldn’t be covered. I go to Kaiser to receive infusions as none of what’s now know as the ABC treatments worked well for me. I will also include my Gmail address as I figure it’s more popular than Yahoo. 1

      • Tisha A.

        Christine, this is simply a comment board for the above article. No one from Social Security is going to read this or contact you as they’d have zero clue how to just from you commenting on a post. I see you put your social security number on here for the whole world to see and possibly even use to steal your identity. Please take this doen or at least edit it and remove your social security number. I’d hate to see you get scammed and taken advantage or have your identity stolen because of this with everything else it seems you’re going through. You need to call the Socisl Security office in your state and tell them everything you’ve said here or even better to make an appointment and go in person. If I had a way to contact you I would help you create an online account where you could get the information you need from the last six years of your social security payments. It’s rather easy but I’m sure a representative from the social security office would walk you through it. I’m so sorry your having such a rough time and I will put you in my prayers ma’am. But PLEASE delete your social number from this post, please. There are unfortunately so many evil and deceitful people out here that would love to prey on you. Protect yourself in any way possible from it by starting with keeping your personal information private, don’t put it online like this and only give it to the people that you know you can trust with it. Be safe and you have my prayers ma’am.

      • Patricia V.

        Is ride-share available in your area?

      • Patricia V.

        Delete your Social Security # to protect your identity and call your local Social Security office.

  6. Elizabeth W.

    Thanks for always informing us, about our benefits status. I appreciate it very much .

    • BETTY G.

      The 2025 cost of living raise was signed by Joe Biden. People received that. Raise injanuary 2025..PLEASE STOP GASLIGHTING THE PEOPLE..

    • C.B.

      Hi, Elizabeth. Thanks for your feedback and for using our blog! We value your opinion of us and look forward to many more years of serving you in the future. 

      • Alison W.

        Preceding this blog, in red or some other stand out print, warn people to not list personalized information such as Social Security number, telephone, address, and you as a federal employee should delete said information from this blog. There is danger of scam or worse.

    • Christine T.

      No ido not. I want to send the page from my divorce decree that showed my ex-husband was required to pay for my medical insurance as I raised our 2 autistic children and he saw them as our attorneys agreed to our of court. The day we appeared before the Judge he said he would of granted me alimony as he was a software engineer. The attorney I had through legal aid found another position and there was no 1 to advocate for me. Life has never been fair but we divorce 3 months short of the 10 year period required to receive your spouse’s retirement income. Due to my disability I no longer drive so can’t easily get into Longview WA to drop off a copy of it there. If you can send an large envelope where you will p pay for a postage I would be happy to send it to you in the mail let’s see if the voice recording is appropriate now I’m talking to a federal office so probably will be I also wish I would have thought of telling the judge that he also paid my attorney $5,000. My senses this that was because it was before part d of medication passed for senior citizens and I’m on a lot of medication and so they were trying to find I understand there’s a program where pharmaceutical companies will help you with those expenses but the counselor that I told was seeing told me that you have to constantly update that information in time and it really isn’t that good of a program my social security number is 301 66 67 23 I still have his social security number because the medical plan that we used use the social security number for identification however that has long been past tense as I think about it we divorced years ago and I do not think I should be sharing that information with you I also am overwhelmed with my own health issues lately and I received something that would allow me to receive my prescription drugs at no cost but I simply haven’t filled out the paperwork I am working on getting better and not filling out paperwork Social Security wants me to send them I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m Ill I’m sorry I can’t do everything at once I’m sorry I don’t have technical skills required and everything else that I am tired of apologizing. No one chooses to become disabled when I checked with Social Security if I was entitled to any additional assistance the first time I was told I did not work long enough to qualify for SSI I believe that’s why I got this stuff lately in the mail saying you would pay for my prescription drugs medication which is now 480 each I simply am frustrated and tired with everything I left off my savings from my home the first 5 years I moved to Washington State however that money has been depleted I am now setting up payment for the ambulance fees that I had at $50 a month because they were there when I needed them I received a refund for an overpayment on some other charges and so I informed to tell them today that I will deposit that check into a savings account I have here so my money would have been closer to me when I was driving and I would have immediate access without worrying about atm fees please send me copies of my Social Security Disability benefits for the last 6 years as I moved from Portland to WA State in 2018. I want to show it’s the only income I received during the time I lived here unless you want to establish my income after my divorce in 2004 to show I have not had any additional earnings since I was diagnosed with MS at Kaiser Permanente in OR where I lived since I was 17 years old. Did I note my RX medicine couldn’t be covered. I go to Kaiser to receive infusions as none of what’s now know as the ABC treatments worked well for me. I will also include my Gmail address as I figure it’s more popular than Yahoo. I did repeat myself that is correct. I know that is understandable when you aren’t feeling well and dealing with technology that you don’t understand. I have had different email addresses and phone numbers as you are not allowed to use the same one twice but arrived to keep one’s where people could recognize it was me. As I noted the time I used misty as part of one it was because that was a nickname I had in high school. I use small case letters as you have to hold down an additional key when I would use the Chromebook laptop I had. Surely you would agree it’s nice to have one available for yourself to drink a beverage with when you are on line

  7. Christine P.

    2.9 % increase a month for us on Social Security…DISGUSTING!!

    • Patricia V.

      Correction: 2.5% increase for SSA for 2025

  8. Rose C.

    Why does everyone see large increases but SSI doesn’t. SSA gave out cards for help with food but SSI can’t get something like that. I struggle while lots of others get more help. I am disabled and can’t work to help out. SS won’t allow me to be on complete disability but I can’t work. I am on oxygen 24/7.

    • C.B.

      Hi, Rose. We’re sorry to hear of your situation. You may be able to receive other assistance from the state in which you live. To learn about services in your community and to find out if you’re eligible, you can contact your state or local social services agency or welfare office. For other resources, check out our blog: How Connecting to Benefits Programs Can Save You Money. We hope this helps.

    • Laurie R.

      Hi Rose,

      I am on SSI as well. The TINY COLA increase started in January…by February, THAT amount was decreased on my SNAP benefits.

      So, not only do I have to try & survive on SSI & food stamps, but can’t even afford average toiletries or television (which i literally need to survive, being permanently disabled), because i already have to pay for some
      food out of my SSI.

      No matter how grateful, I am struggling to survive.

      I’d be on SSDI but I was in a nursing home, after my 5th (emergency) spinal surgery (as a single mother of two)… and missed my ‘10 year work deadline’ (was a stay @ home mom, while we were married) by days because of that. I was expeditiously denied SSDI & placed on SSI instead.


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