Social Security Announces 2.5 Percent Benefit Increase for 2025  

October 10, 2024 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: October 10, 2024

Social Security benefits and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments for more than 72.5 million Americans will increase 2.5% in 2025, the Social Security Administration announced today. On average, Social Security retirement benefits will increase by about $50 per month starting in January.

Over the last decade the cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) increase has averaged about 2.6%. The COLA was 3.2% in 2024.

Nearly 68 million Social Security beneficiaries will see a 2.5% COLA beginning in January 2025.  Increased payments to nearly 7.5 million people receiving SSI will begin on December 31, 2024. (Note: Some people receive both Social Security benefits and SSI).

“Social Security benefits and SSI payments will increase in 2025, helping tens of millions of people keep up with expenses even as inflation has started to cool,” said Martin O’Malley, Commissioner of Social Security.


Some other adjustments that take effect in January of each year are based on the increase in average wages.  Based on that increase, the maximum amount of earnings subject to the Social Security tax (taxable maximum) is slated to increase to $176,100 from $168,600.

Social Security begins notifying people about their new benefit amount by mail starting in early December.

This year, for the first time, Social Security beneficiaries will receive a newly designed and improved COLA notice that makes it easier for customers to find the information they need most.  The simplified COLA notice is now only one page, uses plain and personalized language, and provides exact dates and dollar amounts of a person’s new benefit amount and any deductions. Learn more on our video.

Individuals who have a personal my Social Security account can view their COLA notice online, which is secure, easy, and faster than receiving a letter in the mail.  People can set up text or email alerts when there is a new message–such as their COLA notice–waiting for them in my Social Security.

People will need to have a personal my Social Security account by Nov. 20 to see their COLA notice online.  To get started, visit

Information about Medicare changes for 2025 will be available at  For Social Security beneficiaries enrolled in Medicare, the 2025 benefit amount will be available via my Social Security’s Message Center starting in late November.  Those who have not opted to receive messages online will receive their COLA notice by mail in December.

The Social Security Act provides for how the COLA is calculated.  The Social Security Act ties the annual COLA to the increase in the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) as determined by the Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics.

To read more, please visit


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  1. Debra

    This government agency is a JOKE. The millions that’s paid to doctors to do unethical practice an that is to lie saying that claimaints are not in need of their benefits. Read article where a whistleblower give up the details here in TN years ago.

  2. Ray R.

    The COLA they are giving you doesn’t even scatch the surface and they think they are doing you a favor

  3. Kim P.

    And then they raise Medicare payment LOL. Can’t wait until Trump gets in there with Vivek and Elon! Government employees will actually have to go to work for a change!

  4. Arlene

    Thank you for everything. I could not have survived this long without my SS Disability income.

    I did receive your letter re the COLA increase and am happy that it will not be too much money. At some point the increases will make me ineligible for Medicaid in my State.

    Also you warned us of no paper statements, on line only.

    I still cannot access my account via the .gov site. Wonder if I’m not the only one. Maybe wrong email address? Don’t know.

    Anyway, happy holidays to all your staff!

  5. Calvin

    I get $449 a month as it is and I’m totally disabled thinking about crawling on my stomach to become a greeter at Walmart twice if not three times as much as my government is giving me! Where is my help after paying taxes for 40 years? SMH!

    • R j.

      In there pocket

      • raylena C.

        My name is raylenA Luna direct Express always takes my money and don’t give it to me so they owe me a lot of money and I haven’t received my benefits as 450 I have not received my benefits

    • Ge M.

      Isn’t it just great how the FAT MAN dances using our money! If the government would put back the money it took out of Social Security and kicked in I O U’s for the money that was taken, the retired folks could possibly be living close to a half way decent life on Social Security. Let’s vote to require all of OUR politicians have the same retirement as we have, and if they mismanage OUR MONEY and keep over spending and increasing our taxes to match what they spend, they get a decrease in salary and put on job probation with the possible permanent loss of all federal employment. The politicians have got to where they think we are the employee and they are the boss. We the voters are the ones that let them get this way by not requiring them to operate as responsible employees and letting them run loose, with no requirements or productivity pertaining to working for Citizens of the United States. The main thing the government is for is to protect our land and nation from invasion from other countries. Look what we have leading us into bankruptcy now! We have at least one of our employees wanting to go to a Socialist government. Socialism is one of the first steeps towered Communism. Boy isn’t this great help for the United States. I have a whole lot more that I will not disclose at this time. Thanks for reading this dislike.

      • Whatwhat

        2.5 % (essentially $25-5) doesn’t cover the increase in Medicares Plan B and the extra cost of a Prescription Plan D even though you are not on meds or pay the Penalty they will charge you if you don’t get a Plan D. Not too mention the Supplemental coverage to pay what Medicare doesn’t pay. Face it, Medicare pays 80%, the remaining 20% is more than anyone on SSI or SSD draws in a month. Decide food, utilities, housing, transportation, basic essentials or meds which one has to go?

        • Keven L.

          i agree, my rent for the past two years has increased, eating up my so valled cola

        • Calvary J.


      • Diane F.

        Well said. The government makes me sick. Their greed and mismanagement of the social security money that WE have worked and paid into and is ours to live off of until we die but Unfortunately the government seems to think it belongs to them to use as they please for their benefit. So hope Trump will make things better.

      • Keven

        at last, domeone with a brain

    • Jadirah

      Only I hope our new president has some mercy and understand that many retired people living from pennies, the increase never helps, since the economy every time is getting worst, while some people that never worked in our country, they have everything, housing, food stamps, and other kind of assistance, that’s why many illegal immigrate to our country many of them to commit crimes, while receiving all kind of assistance, hopefully our president quick it out those criminals, since many American Citizen living in deep hardship.

      • Troy

        You’re kidding right? You’re going to be sorely disappointed. Any knowledgeable economist would tell you that this country would crumble without migrant workers…and percentage wise, very few commit crimes. Most are honest and hardworking. Look to your neighbors as the criminals.

        Just saying…

      • Keven L.

        it cant be just the president
        all REAL AMERICANS need to suport kicking ALL of these illegal POS back to the dumps they came from snd taking back any monies given to them.
        we also need to be ready militarily, because these countries arent going to want them back. this is NOT an option

      • Ange V.

        Puedes tener la certesa que las aguas cojeran su cause por dos poderosas razones[tenemos un nuevo director del seguro social y para remachar el clabo,como dise el dicho,antes hera con guitarra ahora enpocos dias cera con violin tenemos nuevo presidente,tenga la ceteza que todo camviara,Angel V

    • Bernice s.

      really? 2.5 percent? geese like that is really going to help with the high food prices in the markets now,I have to skimp on things because of the food costs now.

    • Johnny W.

      On SS all we can afford is income-based housing. They just take that 2.5% away by raising your rent. Makes it appear we are benefitting, and they are helping us, when in reality we get nowhere, and prices keep going up.

  6. Rebecca c.

    Really 2.5%? That is nothing and a slap in the face to retired Americans. Inflation is out the roof.

    • Jack S.

      Windfall is stealing!!!

    • Sheri B.


  7. Elizabeth

    You need a good lawyer, Armenian one. They can show you how to milk the government, lie about your age, about your health, get benefit for your ‘sick’ family members, get housing assistance. You are set to live a good life, live up to the age of 102 or more. Collect free money (you have never worked for). And..all this done ‘”legally”

    • Gail A.

      Deception ( another gate of hell ).

  8. Rebecca B.

    In reference to the very first one I read, Miss Sherry. No way in h… she or anyone can live off of that when rent, food, gas, etc. is soo high. One more thing, give her her rights back that she is entitled to but was taken away because of a felony. Come on people, our P O S president is a felon. DUH . All applications or forms should have that question or word removed. Is America so blind and ignorant to see what is going on. . Gosh, I must have been dreaming of making America great again, I missed it, how many felonies was it?

    • Robert Y.

      I agree I bring home fair amount of Social Security but with the prices increasing I’m almost to the point where I will have to find another place to live right now I live by myself and drive a new car. The things are changing fast.

      • Julie

        Yes, I know I live all by myself to and have been on disability for about 2 years now. Some part-time job may help but there’s really none out there for me. I was thinking about going back to work because of the way this economy is. I had a newer 2017 car and because everything is so high price it just got repossessed on Thanksgiving Day can you imagine that on Thanksgiving Day. So now if I wanted to work how am I going to get there I don’t live on a bus line. No money for Uber. It’s just disgusting man I work for 50 years

    • Marc A.

      Just to clarify, Trump is not President yet and does not have any affect on the current COLA for this year, you can Thank the sitting POTUS and VICE POTUS for what’s going on.

    • HAYDE S.

      America doomed

    • Sickov L.

      Biden is your president and yeah he probably does have numerous felonies. ( being covered up) The new incoming president is innocent until proven guilty!!!

    • Ebrima S.

      What is the contact number. Im interested

    • Jerry F.

      Still whining because the thieves you support took your money. Typical brain dead Democrat. !!!!!

    • Julie

      He was not convicted of any felonies he is not a convicted felon. All the Chargers were dropped for everything because of the Democrats trying to dig up stuff from years and years ago amongst other things to try to stop him from being president. With that being said he has not been convicted of a felon. Take that to the bank

      • Whatwhat

        Wrong. 34 convictions awaiting sentencing. Please catch up.

        • Cavalry J.

          Wrong… Any and all fake convictions are gone now… Done… Finito… The LAWFARE by Biden has been stopped by “We The People”. The Democrat Party is finished too… Too many RADICALLY CHARGED IDEOLOGICALLY INSANE MARXIST POLICIES…

  9. Sherry P.

    I’m a 57 year old female on SSI $943⁰⁰/month. My rent is $875⁰⁰. I also receive food stamps & not eligible for cash assistance, however, I’m curious when is the Government going to reassess the guidelines???
    I talked to my local SSI office & was informed that it hasn’t been addressed since the 70’s…
    Once my rent is paid, I have $90 for the month! How can I pay gas, water & electric with that??? Much less get household items. Not to mention I had to give up driving & having a phone now I have no way to get around.
    I tried housing, senior living etc… Either I’m denied because of a felony (self defence) or I don’t qualify because of my age.

    I hope this gets into the hands of someone who can help….

    • Beth

      okay, people you have to be self-sufficient in this world we live in. if your receiving social security and it’s not enough you will need to go to work. there are things you can do for yourself. depending on a handout will not get you anywhere. help yourself. stop complaining, it’s not easy never has been. however, believing in yourself will get you on the path to say yes I can make it work.

      • Patrick

        handout??really b÷=%$tch, I worked my whole life paying 90 a wk for ss with interest at 7% would be in the millions and you call it a handout?B=%^^TCH MUST BE A DEM

    • Janice R.

      Nobody in the White House or anywhere else cares if we have anywhere to live, or food to eat, or get our bill’s paid. They are the cause of us not having any money to live on. They are the one’s that are making all the money, and they don’t do anything too earn one penny that they get. All they do is go on trip’s all the time, and stay in all the other homes they have in all parts of the country. Biden didn’t do anything the whole 4 year’s he was president, but cause thing’s to be worse than they’ve ever been. Now he can’t remember nothing, and has to have everyone to yell him what to say and do. And Harris needs to be sent to another country where she can’t get back here too the US. Hopefully Trump will get everything straightened back out, and get all the war’s stopped, and peace between the countries like he had before. And fix everything else. And get them to give us a decent cola amount so that we can half way live. I would like to see them live on what we do, and see how they would survive. They’d never make it. I’ve been on disability since 2013, and I drawed more money when I worked, than what I get on it. These little pidly amounts ee get, i’d be ashamed to even give an amount that we get. But, too them, we are getting a whopping big ole amount that we can live high on the hog with.

      • Debra

        If that remark ain’t the TRUTH. I’m waiting for Trump to enter office as well because his administration last time is the only one that assist citizens.

  10. Puddin T.

    Who the hell can live on 1100.00 a month? They automatically take their money out for insurance etc.. before we ever see it. They damn sure don’t give a s*** about Americans. They are so worried about what other countries think of us, in all reality not any other country likes us at all. So why are we still giving and giving to them?
    I thought America Was! Strong Lol
    Not anymore a bunch of P***ys running and ruining this Country
    What a Joke!

    • Tammy M.

      You’re so right 👍! What about us Americans? They the social security administration don’t give a shit about us, they automatically take out from us, our social security benefits is automatically deducted for Medicare insurance with out our permission or knowledge, what a bunch of bullshit! Leave our social security benefits ALONE and let us Americans make our own decision on our own medical insurance, not social security.

      • eight b.

        social security was NEVER meant to be enough for you live on. have you ignored all warnings since you were entering the workforce that you need to provide additional money to saving for your old age? ever heard of an ira?

        • Brandon B.

          7.25 an hour doesn’t leave much for an Ira. And yes federal minimum wage is still 7.25 in many states and that is what you get.

    • Mark F.

      That will all change when Trump gets into office because he and Senators have been trying get at SS, so we all wait for the fall out! Then you can really complain.

    • L W.

      34? 36 ? Does it matter. One should be bad enough to exempt a person of ever holding office!


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