Social Security Announces 2.5 Percent Benefit Increase for 2025  

October 10, 2024 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: October 10, 2024

Social Security benefits and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments for more than 72.5 million Americans will increase 2.5% in 2025, the Social Security Administration announced today. On average, Social Security retirement benefits will increase by about $50 per month starting in January.

Over the last decade the cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) increase has averaged about 2.6%. The COLA was 3.2% in 2024.

Nearly 68 million Social Security beneficiaries will see a 2.5% COLA beginning in January 2025.  Increased payments to nearly 7.5 million people receiving SSI will begin on December 31, 2024. (Note: Some people receive both Social Security benefits and SSI).

“Social Security benefits and SSI payments will increase in 2025, helping tens of millions of people keep up with expenses even as inflation has started to cool,” said Martin O’Malley, Commissioner of Social Security.


Some other adjustments that take effect in January of each year are based on the increase in average wages.  Based on that increase, the maximum amount of earnings subject to the Social Security tax (taxable maximum) is slated to increase to $176,100 from $168,600.

Social Security begins notifying people about their new benefit amount by mail starting in early December.

This year, for the first time, Social Security beneficiaries will receive a newly designed and improved COLA notice that makes it easier for customers to find the information they need most.  The simplified COLA notice is now only one page, uses plain and personalized language, and provides exact dates and dollar amounts of a person’s new benefit amount and any deductions. Learn more on our video.

Individuals who have a personal my Social Security account can view their COLA notice online, which is secure, easy, and faster than receiving a letter in the mail.  People can set up text or email alerts when there is a new message–such as their COLA notice–waiting for them in my Social Security.

People will need to have a personal my Social Security account by Nov. 20 to see their COLA notice online.  To get started, visit

Information about Medicare changes for 2025 will be available at  For Social Security beneficiaries enrolled in Medicare, the 2025 benefit amount will be available via my Social Security’s Message Center starting in late November.  Those who have not opted to receive messages online will receive their COLA notice by mail in December.

The Social Security Act provides for how the COLA is calculated.  The Social Security Act ties the annual COLA to the increase in the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) as determined by the Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics.

To read more, please visit


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  1. Pat

    I agree with Tony. No wonder the uneducated are the MAGA Dump supporters. No wonder they want to continue to dummy down the electorate. It’s shameful that people support a convicted felon and liar whose photo will be in every public school in the country come January 20th. Is this what you want your kids to look up to? …. shameful

    • Big M.

      Spot on Pat..
      * Uneducated
      * Morons are governing American
      * Convicted Felon
      * Sold out their own kids future
      * Shameful
      I’ll add-
      * 2 communist ex-wives
      * Actual surname Trumph (German roots)
      * His kids are Jewish not the white Christian nationalists he claims but Maga didn’t Read books before they were banned
      * Cooperated with the FBI & Giuliani in NY against the Italians in the 1980’s while laundering money for the Russians. Melosivich was the most wanted Man on the planet yet paid cash for 5 units in Trump Tower.
      It only took a week for the Morons to realize they were duped as Trump demands recess powers to appoint all his own kind without congressional approval .

    • Zechariah. J.

      Social security the cola reflects that usages of other income my taxes $17,ooo requires im only getting $50.0 the sources that I pay for social security $100.00 a month as I pay $174.80 a month I’m the only son out the social security act averages my name zechariah James Dunn .This portion that you are running my money by loaning it to others as the million of quote as deciding the house of Treasury act inner money is not receipent to title rightly . The hike reflect I’m a citizen of Alabama and the taxes you are charging is twice time the calculation toward money math economy or livable quote your prize others from me if you knew who rhetoric the reprise was low deductable to the social security act my check shows the statue of liberty of the United States Treasury as you are rendering it as a slave act quote the age of 3 mobile,Alabama quote as you put me inner other social security in New York Florida ,Ohio ,fifty dollars socialsecurity as Jamaican New,York social security . You took rendering foughts over smart to your system move house adjusting live fighting at home fussing black cacus immigration other has hashtag tax for imulet rule.

    • bruce j.


  2. Anthony

    Trust the government? Forget the government! Big business and special interests have always ruled this country including the government. You are on your own! Trust in God!!

    • Kathy

      If you don’t like what you got go else ware and see what they give you.

    • Big M.

      Fact! Suddenly he’s a fan of electric cars. Lobbyists.. Al Gore: save the Everglades. Clinton squashed that for the sugar plantatiolns. Nothing is as it seems expect Trump. There’s a reason NY hates him. Orange man would have promised a yellow brick to stay out of an orange Jump suit in Colorado

  3. Janice C.

    I’m considered lower middle class in my retirement years. Thirty plus years working as an LPN has afforded me a comfortable, but budgeted lifestyle. I am a healthy 70 yo woman and am very grateful for what I have. Although larger increases in SS would be wonderful, this isn’t realistic. I appreciate the yearly increases in SS, any supplemental programs I qualify for, and accept the responsibility of living within my means. In light of recent political changes, I hope the rug won’t be pulled out from under my feet. Take a look around and appreciate what you have.

    • Big M.

      Thank you for your career of helping others. Unfortunately, Too many people don’t appreciate what they have have. Freedom. More than 50% of “, supportors have no idea what they voted for. Marco Rubio, Elon musk chose Vance so he could tell Vance to stay home. Thereby circumventing that pesky requirement that candidates be natural born citizens. I read a message board yesterday where a supporter just realized he voted away his health coverage. Some of us who already knew.Tge military brass along with those From the first administration who aren’t in jail or cooperating tried to warn the “Merc mongers”

  4. Sheila W.

    I am grateful for any increase. I just pray our Social Security is not reduced within 6 years as that is what I heard Trump was proposing. I need to fact checkfact that against what’s in Project 2025.

    • Keith

      Trump had nothing to do with project 25. You can take that to the bank. Do not listen to ANYONE who says he does. Propaganda is all that is. Trump is the best thing to happen to America in a long, long time. Enjoy his administration while you can. The Dimms will surely find a way to cause trouble.

      • Jim R.

        Trump is Champion when it comes to Social Security. That’s what happens when people listen to the fake news. It’s really Disgusting. But I have a new outlook on 2025. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

        • Big M.

          He’s a golf chaplain too
          And the only man to bankrupt a casino or 2

    • Big M.

      I agree Sheila.. It’s been a while since I read the 900 pages. I’ll go back & check but I recall something to the effect of raising the retirement age prior to the proposed “cuts”

  5. Susan N.

    In the last 4 years we got cola raises and they took in medicare so you really didn’t get a raise. Thank God we were military so we have good medical.

    • Geraldine A.

      Why don’t they ever show the % increase payment on your monthly Medicare?

      • Big M.

        They show it in advance for the upcoming year. You should be getting the into soon.. there’s also an app you can utilize

      • bruce j.

        do not fall for medicare. Medicare B ls going up 6% in 2025 —–total $186. MO.


    Those of you who think you are funny, what pitiful human beings you are. Not grateful for $50 each month? Of course not. Let’s talk about the increases. Food, rent, utilities (do you REALIZE how much the CEO of P, G & E is paid?), insurance, medical, garbage, cable…FRIGGIN’ DISNEY+!!! And the richest asshole in the country? ELON MUSK…Who may have very well just bought himself the presidency of the US. Trump may not live long enough to take the oath of office again. Why??? Because “SHOW ME THE MONEY” Vance will move ahead and allow Elon Musk to do what he couldn’t do before, run for office. Who I am sure, will take the advice of Bill O’REILLY. He says declare immigrants as terrorists and shoot them all down or better yet, drop a nuclear bomb on Mexico. That will show all those selfish children, looking for opportunities and fleeing the persecution in their homeland. Half of this country have no clue what they have just done. This election was stolen. Not by Trump or Vance. The Anti-Christ himself has made his move. Beam me up Scotty! 🙏

    • Andre F.

      Lol. Says the communist

      • Big M.

        Thumper isn’t the Communist. Jt was Trump not him who married 2 communiss & raised 5 Communist children.
        That’s why the feds were investigating his ties to checkoslovakia in 1993. Ivanka’s native county. I’m pretty sure Thumper has never been there

    • Helene t.

      Why don’t you shut up? You don’t know what you’re talking about your asshole

    • Geraldine A.

      🙏 Amen.

    • Kathy h.

      All of America is wrong except you and a FEW blues. You’ll never admit it it wait and see. How would you like to be one of those people that gave testimony about the illegal immigrants that brutally killed their children. And has anyone asked Kamala what happened to the 325,000 children? It makes me sick when I see your post. I hope this doesn’t happen to your family and if it does point your finger at the right woman and thank the right man that is there now going to protect them.

    • Big M.

      Mic drop!
      I got you Thumper!

  7. Wallye R.

    Not enought to buy dog food what joke,,,,,,,,,,,,……..

    • Tony H.

      Quit whining! The inflation rate is at 2.1% now, so if food prices remain high, it is because of corporate greed…period. Get a clue.

      • Eric

        Obviously you don’t understand economics or how that because last month inflation was at 2.1% that does not negate the last 3.75 years of rates as high as 9.1%. It simply means that its “only” going up now at a rate of 2.1%. We have had more than 20 years of inflation in less than 3 years. Grocery stores only have about a 2% profit rate on goods sold.

      • DDD

        You’re 💯 correct. Unfortunately Maga folks are missing one important part of their anatomy. (BRAIN)🤣🤣

    • RonS

      Can’t afford dog food, can’t afford a dog.

      • Susan S.

        Hey boys, you’re lucky you’re getting Social Security. Leave the country if you don’t like it.

        • Geraldine A.

          Hey,Smartie, my SS is my money. Over 40 years of working. Government took the money, every GD paycheck. Let’s not get to the SS pymt too. No entitlements here.

  8. Marc P.

    Will the rase be automatic

    • Andre F.

      Only to people that can spell

  9. Roosevelt J.

    Sounds good, but I have a question? Every Oct I lose over $2,000.00 and only get $ 35 to $ 49 deposit in my account. This is going for about 4 years. This month I received $ 59 deposit. Who can I call or report this to.

  10. L.B.

    2.5% .. what a joke.
    With the way prices are and keep going up and up, people are drowning… poor Healthcare, poor nutrition, homelessness, sad SAD SAD nation we live in.
    Something needs to change for all… especially the elderly and disabled. You work your butt off your entire life to end up living worse than in poverty.
    Keep the money in the USA and keep immigrants who come here, take jobs and help away from citizens, so so they can send $$ back to their homeland, then eventually go back themselves, and live like kings and queens.

    • Marc P.

      Will the rase be automatic or do I have to call

      • Tony H.

        It’s automatic.

      • Angela

        That’s a really stupid question!! Because you already know the answer if you’re getting ssi or ssdi. Again people who don’t get ssi are the ones who ask questions like yours.

    • Tony H.

      Let me take a wild guess…at the very least, you’re a Republican, and very likely a Trump loving #MAGAt too. You’re wrong about everything you spewed, and you are totally clueless as to how the program even works. Social Security is based on your own lifetime earnings, and is based on how much you paid into the system. There is no nefarious “evil immigrants” crap going on anywhere except in your twisted little, small #MAGAt mind. Your fake king Trump and the GOP want to cut Social Security and plan to eliminate it. Democrats are the ONLY ones working to protect it. BTW Sparky, Social Security was never meant to be a persons only source of income. Get a clue.

      • Susan N.

        Wow maybe you should get educated. Your obviously one of those people who voted then never watch the news or fact check again. Alot going on in this country that you don’t know about either. Plus when they have a bill it’s not just one bill their 5 or 6 things in that bill that they don’t share until it’s passed. Be lucky you have SS$

        • Keith

          Well said fellow American! They’ll never get it with those reprobate minds. Let them go on with their delusional lives.

          • Big M.

            Really Keith? Shall we simply believe you or might you share some proof?

            Google “The heritage foundation” & Trump’s ties to the author’s. Including Vance.
            Trump doesn’t Read.
            I read the 909 pages in its entirety . His cabinet picks in the first week are ironically in right off the first few pages of project 2025.. stay tuned..

      • Andre F.

        Says the communist…..

    • Tony H.

      You’re the joke! You, and all the right wingnuts like Trump and the GOP who want to destroy Social Security. You people are so clueless.

      • Susie

        Good grief Tony, who pissed in your cornflakes this morning?


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