Frauds & Scams, Office of the Inspector General

Social Security and OIG Hold 5th Annual National Slam the Scam Day

March 7, 2024 • By

Reading Time: 3 Minutes

Last Updated: March 7, 2024

Slam the Scam LogoThe Social Security Administration and its Office of the Inspector General (OIG) are partnering once again to raise public awareness about Social Security imposter scams during their fifth annual “Slam the Scam” Day on March 7.

“As public servants, we must use every tool at our disposal to raise awareness and protect the American people against Social Security imposter scams,” said Martin O’Malley, Commissioner of Social Security. “Scammers use fear and deception to scare people out of their critical benefits. We urge everyone to protect their personal information, remain vigilant, do not give money, and report any scam attempts to”

Social Security scams–where fraudsters mislead victims into making cash, gift card, or wire transfer payments to fix alleged Social Security number problems or to avoid arrest–are an ongoing government imposter fraud scheme. Social Security impersonation scams have been one of the most common government imposter scams reported to the Federal Trade Commission. Social Security continues to make concerted efforts to address this issue, through extensive outreach and investigative initiatives.

Criminals use sophisticated tactics to trick potential victims into disclosing personal and financial information. Typically, they use these P’s – Pretend, Prize or Problem, Pressure, and Payment. For example, scammers pretend they are from Social Security in phone calls, texts, emails, and direct messages on social media, and claim there is a problem with the person’s Social Security number. The scammer’s caller ID may be spoofed to look like a legitimate government number. Scammers may also send fake documents to pressure people into complying with demands for information or money. Other common tactics include citing “badge numbers,” using fraudulent Social Security letterhead, and creating imposter social media pages to target individuals for payment or personal information.

“On our fifth National Slam the Scam Day, we are just as committed as we were in 2020. The scammers have not stopped, and we will not stop in our commitment to increase public awareness of these pervasive scams,” said Gail S. Ennis, Inspector General for SSA. “We are grateful for the many partnerships we have formed over the last 5 years in support of this initiative and the collaborative efforts that have come forth. We must continue to work together to slam the scam.”

Social Security will never tell you that your Social Security number is suspended; contact you to demand an immediate payment; threaten you with arrest; ask for your credit or debit card numbers over the phone; request gift cards or cash; or promise a Social Security benefit approval or increase in exchange for information or money.

Social Security employees do contact the public by telephone for business purposes. Ordinarily, the agency calls people who have recently applied for a Social Security benefit, are already receiving payments and require an update to their record, or have requested a phone call from the agency. If there is a problem with a person’s Social Security number or record, Social Security will typically mail a letter.

Today’s events include:

  • 1 p.m. ET: Join USAgov’s National Consumer Protection Week (NCPW) X/Twitter chat (in Spanish) for advice on avoiding common scams with @USAGovEspanol. Follow the conversation by using the hashtags #OjoConLasEstafas and #NCPW2024.
  • 3 p.m. ET: Join USAgov’s NCPW X/Twitter chat (in English) for advice on avoiding common scams with @USAGov. Follow the conversation by using the hashtags #SlamTheScamChat and #NCPW2024.

To report a scam attempt, go to the OIG website. For more information, please visit our Protect Yourself from Scams and Fraud Prevention and Reporting pages.

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  1. sandra

    If you’ve been scammed I suggest you should first gather all the evidence and contact a recovery specialist. In my case, the process took 24 hours . I was able to get back a substantial amount of the money lost, may I suggest Ben Recover . They helped me recover my funds with good counselling and financial support system that can help you at this difficult time. If you have been a victim to internet related frauds do not hesitate to reach out to hackerrone90 ⓐ gmail COM —they’re reliable

  2. conlines s.

    I was scammed last month and had to look for a way to get my stolen funds back. I was referred to an expert and I texted them on { hackerrone90 @ g mail . C o m } They make sure I recovered all I lost. I’m so speechless and surprised how it really happened.

  3. brenda b.

    My information got out from Verizon or T-Mobile my social security number my address my driver’s license number my food stamps were stolen in February they didn’t get none of my money my social security money because I called it direct Express and social security and talk to them about it and they put a pen number on my account now. They were able to get into my Google account and they used my direct Express card on Google . They bought two different things on Google and then I got scammed I mean cleaning chemical right before Christmas or $ 19.99 but come and find out they took $29.99 off my direct Express card. I never did get to clean chemicals that I ordered. I called direct Express line and social security and they were very helpful but my information is still out there and I don’t know how to get it blocked or get it off more people see it cuz now I have an address in California which I have never been to California I have an address in Texas never been to Texas and I haven’t addressing and Chicago and I have never been to Chicago and the person that got on my Google account. In California is the one that used my card but they’re playing the games on Google where you you can win so much money on gift cards. The person in Chicago got my PayPal and my cash app and I had probably 8,000 in my cash app cuz I had two of them one was $3,000 and something the other one was 4,000 and something and my PayPal had money on it but they took it he took it too there’s only like 2,000 on it and they keep using my name and my social security number and everything to play them games to win $1,000 Amazon card or $1,000 Samsung card Walmart cards whatever cards you can win on them games. I don’t know how to get my name blocked when nobody can see it cuz I got my name they may have got my social security card number and my driver’s license number but like I said it got out from Verizon or T-Mobile about 2 years ago. I’m pretty sure it is Verizon that got my name out. When I finally got Google to shut my account down the guy was still playing the games on my account and he got the builder’s number of my cell phone he was able to control my phone and he was able to get my contacts he was calling my ex-mother-in-law my son’s girlfriend and my daughter I’m trying to find me he was a private locator that he had something for me and that he was a private person locator which I never heard of before.
    Whoever the marketplace got to call people and talk to their doctor to get to take their insurance during Medicare opening I think the guy there you got my information because they were offering $5,000 subsidy money to talk to them doctor though or a nurse practitioner that takes their insurance and it was not true and I called them out or told him off. Because all them elderly people that they got to do that is expecting a big check that’s where she here because they said they’d be sending a check out and I think he’s one of them that got my information and they were foreigners that were calling people because he’s older people and need the money and thought that they were going to get a big check at the first year and subsidy check I called and told him off about all the elderly people that he gotten that expected money now and they’re not going to get it. Direct Express and social security did help me but my information is still out there and I don’t know how to go about getting it out off of there it should be Verizon paying for it. The only time I have Verizon is when the government was paying for my Internet through Verizon.

    • C.B.

      Thanks for using our blog, Brenda. We’re sorry to hear of your situation. If you suspect someone is using your Social Security number, you should go to and report the theft to the Federal Trade Commission or call 1-877-IDTHEFT (1-877-438-4338). In addition, you can order free credit reports annually from the three major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian and Trans Union). To order your credit report go to or call 1-877-322-8228. For more information, check out our publication, Identity Theft And Your Social Security Number. We hope this is helpful.

  4. Griselda V.


    • Tom C.

      In English por favor. You mean the 2020 Overpayments? You want them to hurry up and remove and clear them like Congress, the Courts and the social security administration agreed to do.

  5. Maxine

    I have been paying into Social Security for more than 50 years. My son is unable to work and collects Social Security; I am retired from a career but continuing to work full-time. His Social Security number was stolen by person unknown about a year ago and he lost 1.5 months of his Social Security benefits. We were informed of this by Social Security and it was reported as overearning. My son has never worked for pay because of his multiple disabilities. For all parents/guardians of disabled adults, please be aware of predatory individuals who may be trying to obtain information about your protected previous child through the Internet, through stolen documents, through accessing records at their place of work, or other means and contact Social Security at once if this happens to you. I contacted Social Security and after four contacts, convinced Social Security to restore his benefits. He lost so much money and I paid for his expenses. He does not communicate by phone, email, text, mail, and does not drive.

  6. marcus

    Greetings everyone, it quite awesome to know that one scammed crypto/ funds can also be recovered back to wallet. I’m marcus Thompson from Arkansas I got scammed why trying to purchase NFT on discord platform, got a link to purchase and tryin to put my wallet it’s like having an error sign then got a message from bot with help Solution and I followed the instructions and end up being scammed until wizard Morrison helps me to get back my funds, wanna thank Martina my very good friend here in downtown who referred me to ( capitalrecoveryfundservices1 at outlook dot com ) so I recommend them to everyone who needs such services. Their e-mail : capitalrecoveryfundservices1 (a) outlook dot com )

  7. Rahim

    Promoting awareness and vigilance against scams is crucial, especially when it concerns Social Security. Kudos to Social Security and OIG for organizing such an important event to protect citizens from fraudulent schemes

    • C.B.

      Hi, Rahim. Thanks for your feedback, and for using our blog! Your thoughts are important to us and we’re pleased when feedback is positive. We try hard to provide the best possible service to our customers and your satisfaction is our reward.

  8. P C.

    What about stolen and cashed social security checks?

    I was between banks, had to switch after my bank account was hacked last summer so I needed to receive my November benefits by check.

    My 60th birthday fell on my benefits day. I didn’t find out until maybe 3-4 days later that my check had been stolen And cashed on my 60th birthday.

    I had no funds, had to visit a food Pantry, and received a replacement check on the the 20th.

    I also got RSV and ended up in the ER on the 17th.

    Happy 60th Birthday to Me. And, I am permanently disabled.

    I have been trying to get status or file a claim so I can find out who stole my check and where it was cashed.

    I have gotten so many numbers between SS, IRS and nobodies is helping me.

    I was just shocked, it occured on my 60th birthday and I had zero funds November 8th until November 20th; it set me back with all of my bills and I finally am current with my phone and internet bills, this month.

    I am also a fulltime online student, hoping to get back to work one day, although I am permanently disabled.

    I may only be able to work part-time, but I have no one but me, and I have to take care of Me.

  9. Kevin C.

    I just wanted to thank you for your time and effort on this matter. I know that you and your team are working hard on this issue for that, I’m very thankful and proud to be a US resident and please keep up the great work you and your team do. I hope that you have a great weekend with your family and friends. God bless 🙌 🙏

    • C.B.

      Hi, Kevin. Thanks for visiting our blog, and thanks for your feedback! Your thoughts are important to us, and we’re pleased when feedback is positive. We try hard to provide the best possible service to our customers and your satisfaction is our reward.

  10. Marilyn b.

    What about all these different ads on Facebook about getting extra money? Are these actually from social security or insurance scams to get to change insurance companies. Is there any way to stop them.

    • C.B.

      Hi, Marilyn. Thanks for visiting our blog. To keep up with the changing needs of the public, we run ads on Facebook. The Social Security Administration is committed to keeping the public informed about Social Security programs and the services we offer. Our goal is to provide helpful information to as many people as possible. Facebook ads allow us to share this information with millions of people and provide you quick and convenient access. Our ads are legitimate and trustworthy. Also, always look for the verified badge, which means Facebook has confirmed that the Page or profile is the authentic presence of the public figure or brand it represents. We hope this information is helpful.

    • Edmund K.

      Yes off of Facebook, because anything out there is nothing but scams, stay off of Facebook.

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