
Social Security 2024 Trustees Report

May 6, 2024 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: May 6, 2024

Today, the Social Security Board of Trustees released its annual report on the long-term financial status of the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and Disability Insurance Trust Funds.  Want to learn more? Read our press release. You can also watch this video from Commissioner O’Malley.



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About the Author

Stephen C. Goss, Chief Actuary

Stephen C. Goss, Chief Actuary


  1. Tina R.

    I’m receiving my husband benefits that died in 2018 I will be turning 62 in December 9th I can’t receive my benefits in his benefits and his benefits to still just being a thousand and one dollars how you supposed to live on that even you give us a cost of living in January and then everything goes up and then they deduct living expenses from us and raise everything again and we still right back to nothing because anything that you give us goes back to them because they raised everything how can you still help us and how can I still be able to connect my benefits and when I turn 62 and still collect his benefits since he has passed away can you help

    • S.D.

      Hi, Tina. Thanks for reading our blog and for your question. For your security, we do not have access to private information in this venue. In many cases, a surviving spouse can begin receiving a survivors benefit at a reduced rate and later switch to their own retirement benefit, if it is higher. The rules are complicated and vary depending on the situation. To learn more, read our guest blog. To speak with a representative about your situation, you can call us at 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. We hope this helps.

  2. Chief W.

    The Piscataquis, owners of most of the Yukon, etc. would like very much to duplicate and improve the Social Security “system”. We have been insulted enough. We’ve long had trust funds funding much of the US military, now we would like to keep Social Security from being weaponized against the US’s interests. It’s petty cash for us. And we’re tired of being told we don’t exist.

  3. Peter I.

    Seniors need $200 more a month. They can
    get the money from the same place they get
    money to give to Ukraine and Israel!

    • Linda J.

      $200 additional every month would be so very helpful.
      I’m not making it now…behind in property taxes, to cancel the life insurance which only cover cremation at today’s rate. I can’t really afford to grocery store except once per month. I did apply for Snap that was $16.00 per month.
      Plus additional payments for doctors and hospital bills….
      Thanks for your interest.
      L. Jones

      I would be very grateful for the extra money.

    • Traci A.

      That would help us tremendously. Both my husband and I are on SSDI and we are stretching every $ we get every month. Our bills get paid but that doesn’t leave room for for much for anything else.

  4. Jeanette

    What a a list of trustees and how much money they are paid from OUR money!!! Put every dime back that our government stole from us! It’s OUR money!
    Where’s all the money from those who passed before retirement age? It belongs to family members not the government and or overseers!! Biggest scam ever!!

  5. Robin k.

    Want about the people on so get extra help and we not getting any raise or extra benefits we struggle to it hard to live on want we get an food stamps r getting lower where we can’t make it an out of money and food before the middle of the month an bill are so high can’t do anything with the price going up so can we please get some extra help please

  6. Not y.

    Man whatever!

    • john

      we need trump back in office the white house doesn’t need a senile old man leading our country

      • Ros

        Trump is the senile old man who will cut social security.

        • Mike

          Apparently your confused who is currently president for last 3 plus years. He hasn’t touched anything to fix it. Not even a rough draft plan. Biden is the 1 on tape when he was a senator stating he was supporting any bill to cut s.s. look it up don’t take my word. Oh I forgot they just have over 10 mill new illegals medicare and benefits. Oh, guess trump was behind that also. Wake up. These democrats are against working people in any sense. How much went to Ukraine? How much has biden donated us his salary 0%. Trump 100%.

      • Mike

        Trump and republicans wants to eliminate social security.

        • Dorothy J.

          False. Democrats “borrowed” trillions from SS many yrs ago for general fund. Never paid back

      • Linda J.

        OMG! I 🙏 for people that still follow Trump. What more problems do we need??

  7. July P.

    I want to personally thank The Honorable Joseph R Biden, The Honorable Hakeem Jefferies, Nancy Pelosi and all the dedicated, engaged, positive Democrats for common sense, thoughtful and sorely needed legislationing for The People. No faux swearing of fealty to incompetence, games and theft, no wasting time on lies, slander, hate and avarice, just good old fashioned representation. If you’re all about pissing, moaning, name calling and all the rest of modern “christian” behaviour…shut up, go home, yer drunk, w/no clue, willfully ignorant and just a weak minded “rube”.

    • Steve H.

      Yes!!! Joe and Kamala care about All Americans! Our side wants the Social Security Administration healthy and to keep working for ALL Americans no matter party! Vote 2024!!!

    • Jack H.

      Stop using the title “Honorable” on those who are clearly morally bankrupt.

    • Nancy E.

      There is no honor among thieves like the ones you are calling honorable.

    • Traci A.

      Oh so you think those Demobunnies are doing a good job? Then I hope you don’t have a Roth IRA or anything else like because the just DEMOLISHED THE EXISTENCE OF ANYTHING RELATED TO pensions. Good luck having thing to retire on.

  8. G.G.

    This is the Biden camp smoothing “things” out pre-election in Nov. All govern. released stats ( employment, inflation, etc.) will be really good for next 6 months! Then after the election they will be “adjusted”.

    • Willis B.

      You confuse political speech with professional analysis by career actuaries.

    • Mistick922

      Yes, there will be more “giveaways” before the election, as well as our gas prices will decrease. After the election, gas prices will climb back up and the giveaways will stop, at least for 3 years – until the next election.

      Drain the swamp! Start over America! We need representation with common sense! Spending on giveaways is only costing all Americans the “American Dream.”

      The Military disabled and retirees make double what a worker makes on social security. Why? Why are American’s valued less than military when they are the people that gives the military a reason to protect? Also – they chose that line of work and we pay them and train them, providing for a much better career than someone going into debt and getting a college education, so why should they get more in retirement?

      I’m also against giveaways for first responders and law enforcement. That is a profession they chose to go into, why should they get paid more or get special benefits for choosing to work in those professions – pay them what you think they should get paid through the employer, not through legislation.

    • June


      • Sue R.

        The difference is Trump has a plan for America and self reliance and Biden has a plan only for dems to retain power. Why don’t you ask why Biden has allowed millions of people to cross the border illegally and why Biden intends to send these illegals a Social Security check.

    • June

      All Trump!! and his team lie after lie. Trump wants to destroy America. There is no good work in his behavior I use to like Trump until I started paying attention all he does is talk being a victim what is his plan for the country but attack that is not going to be good for no one.

      • Sue R.

        You must be paying attention to MSNBC or CNN. These are not news stations. They are propaganda stations for the DEM party. THERE ARE MANY NEWS OUTLETS. LISTEN TO A VARIETY. Biden has never told the truth in his life, and I have been watching him for over 50 years. You have a right to your own thoughts. I do not condem you, and I won’t critize your point of view. Biden is too ill to be running this country. He is a figurehead only. I would like to know who is in charge. BIDEN IS A NAME. HE IS NOT THE ACTUAL PRESIDENT. Why aren’t we all demanding to know WHO is making these horrible decisions?

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