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and Tomorrow
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Simplified Online SSI Application Now Available as First Step in Larger Effort
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
An online application for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is now available for some adults, making the application process easier. Following up on an announcement earlier this year, the simplified online application is part of the agency’s overall commitment to improving access to our benefits and programs. SSI provides monthly payments to adults and children with […]
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Appointments Growing (and Lines Shrinking) for Social Security Cards and Other Services
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
In recent years, some Social Security offices saw lines getting longer, in some cases lasting hours. In 2024, we started to tackle this, renewing our commitment to better customer experiences. Over the summer, about 50 offices in Georgia and Florida began an effort to help customers make appointments instead of waiting in line. Many customers […]
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SSA Talks: Recognize and Report Scams
Reading Time: 1 Minute
The newest episode of SSA Talks features Kate Kleinert, a widow living near Philadelphia. As a warning to others, she shares her story of losing the last of her life savings – $39,000 – in a romance scam. The episode includes advice from Rebecca Rose, a senior public affairs specialist with Social Security’s Office of […]
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Reading Time: 2 Minutes
As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving, we offer our thanks for the opportunity to serve you and your families. We are stewards of a mission that is older than most of us. It is a mission that is grounded in a promise to all Americans that remains as essential today as the day that it […]
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Helpful Social Security Resources for People Experiencing Homelessness
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
November is National Homelessness Awareness Month. Social Security provides helpful resources to serve the unique needs of people experiencing homelessness. We are proud to be one of 19 federal agencies that partner with the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH). We are committed to its admirable mission to prevent and end homelessness in America. People […]
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You Can Access Many of Our Notices Online
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
In today’s digital world, many people prefer to conduct business online. Due to customer demand, we’re making more notices and other communications available through your personal my Social Security account. Besides being more convenient, the online, paperless option has other advantages. It is environmentally friendly, faster than U.S. mail, and eliminates lost, delayed, or misplaced […]
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Important Resources for Veterans and Their Families
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
As we approach Veterans Day 2024, we want to remind veterans and their families about programs and services that are tailored to meet their unique needs. Social Security Resources We offer resources to help veterans with disabilities. Our benefits and programs include: Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI): Veterans who have a Department of Veterans Affairs […]
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Don’t “Fall Back” Into Scams This Season
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
The days are getting shorter, the temperatures are pleasant, and the fall foliage is beautiful. This is also the time of year when scammers are ramping up their tricks and tactics. As we prepare to set our clocks back an hour this weekend, don’t “fall back” into bad habits and let your guard down. Scammers […]
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Ensure Your Application for Disability Benefits Is Complete
Reading Time: 1 Minute
Social Security takes care to handle your claim for benefits efficiently. When you submit your application for disability benefits, be sure to provide as much information as possible. That will help to avoid any processing delays. Here’s how to get your application off to a good start: If you’re an adult applying for disability benefits, […]
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Sign up for Medicare Part B Online, by Fax, or by Mail
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
Medicare’s Open Enrollment Period is underway through December 7. This is an annual opportunity for people with Medicare to review their coverage and, if needed, make changes to their plans. If you already have Medicare Part A and want to sign up for Part B, you don’t have to wait for open enrollment. (Learn more […]
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