
Our Commitment Goes Beyond Our Services

October 31, 2016 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: August 19, 2021

fedfeeds32Social Security is here to help secure today and tomorrow with financial benefits, information, and tools that provide a level of economic security throughout life’s journey. This commitment goes beyond the services we render.

Through our work in serving the public, we know first-hand the challenges that many members of the community face. Every year, Social Security employees participate in the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). The CFC promotes and supports charities and non-profit organizations by making it easy for federal employees to contribute personally and thus improve the quality of life for many.

Social Security also proudly participates in Feds Feed Families, an initiative launched in 2009 as part of President Obama’s United We Serve campaign. The Feds Feed Families effort helps food banks and pantries stay stocked.


According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which sponsors Feds Feed Families, more than 23 million Americans, including 6.5 million children, live in low-income urban and rural neighborhoods without access to affordable, quality, and nutritious foods. This summer, Social Security provided food donations totaling 661,280 pounds, which included non-perishable food, toiletries, and fresh food gathered from local farms or backyard gardens.  We surpassed expectations and beat our totals from 2015 by 22%.

fedfeeds1Our contributions came from employee donations and gleaning events in conjunction with local fruit and vegetable farms. Gleaning is the practice of collecting excess fresh produce from farms, gardens, farmers markets, grocers, restaurants, state and county fairs, or any other sources to provide it to those in need. Social Security employees, their children, extended family, and friends harvested nearly 30,000 pounds of sweet corn, which helped support food banks in Pennsylvania and Maryland.

Acting Commissioner Carolyn Colvin said it best, “I encourage you to participate in this year’s CFC activities. We must continue our long-standing tradition of donating to causes and organizations that are meaningful to each of us.” Together we can make a difference in the lives of families in need.

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Jim Borland, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications


  1. Tony S.

    Your blog is so vulnerable to hacking. Now I have to proof-read the October 7, 2016 SNAP results all over again. Please restore the +/-$10 billion in truth. It is an accurate national account of the sort SSA seems unable to secure. In the future I will be sure to archive national accounting and representation privately before submitting it to your insecure server. I mentioned it to the Food Bank that SSA donated 665,000 pounds of food and the USDA only a $10,000 fine for people deprived of their right to free food because their income is too high.

    Maria Rodale for Agriculture Secretary. SNAP for independent federal program with extremely low administrative costs, high payment accuracy, 3% benefit growth and 1% population growth and no more attrition by deprivation of relief benefits under 18USC246.

  2. Tony S.

    Sorry. The high of $76 billion was in 2013.

  3. Tony S.

    The USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) cut Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) spending Halloween 2013. This is deprivation relief benefits under 18USC246. I am looking at the SNAP benefits table. It looks like he cut benefits again in 2016. Total spending went down dramatically from a high of $76 billion in 2015, to $70 billion in 2014, and 8% decrease, and stayed at $70 billion in 2015 and then went down to $56 billion in 2016 a -20% decrease. The number of participants went down from 48 million in 2013, to 46 million in 2014 and 2015 and then to 44 million in 2016. Average benefits payments also went down from $133.07 in 2013, to $125.01 in 2014, to $126.83 in 2015 and $125.52 in 2016. Participants times average benefits equals $76.6 billion in 2013 and $70 billion in 2014 and 15. $125.52 times 12 times 44.3 million beneficiaries equals $66.7 billion but there is only $55.7 billion budgeted in 2016. Have they massively cut SNAP benefits or made an accounting error to complicate Vilsack’s second count of deprivation of relief benefits under 18USC246? I find that the SNAP spending table of October 17, 2016 are in error. No benefits should be cut as a result of this harmless accounting error. Because of the intentional decline in average benefit and spending the second conviction for deprivation of relief benefits stands under 18USC246. SNAP average benefits and total spending must grow 3% annually and the voluntary population should grow by 1% annually, 104% annual SNAP growth under Sec. 4 of the Social Security Amendments of January 1, 2016

  4. tammy

    “Social Security is here to help secure today and tomorrow with financial benefits, information, and tools that provide a level of economic security throughout life’s journey”. I think yall forgot a line, the last part of of the sentence should read – for only some select people.

    I am 45 years old, a mother of three older children and physically disabled ( I was born with cerebral palsy ). I’ve never collected one red cent of money from the Socialist Security System, even though I have applied several times and they find me disabled.

    Technically, I am an “adult disabled child” (please look this up, it is NOT SSI or SSDI) but have never been able to secure any benefits whatsoever from the Socialist Security system, even under that program because I got married to an “Able bodied person”. The Socialist Security system is too busy paying benefits to some people who scam the system and worrying about adult disabled children (who they pay benefits to off of a parents record) marrying an able bodied person. This gives them the justification to cut off benefits to the adult disabled child because the husband (in theory) can now support the disabled person. This theory works great, if your husband is rich and you have no need for money but what it actually does, is to force two adults (one disabled one able bodied person) to live off of one income. In the real world, the socialist security system is forcing adult disabled children to only marry other disabled persons (and NO able bodied persons) at the threat of loosing any and all benefits that they are entitled to.

    If you are a physically disabled person (an adult disabled child) and you happen to marry an “able bodied person” you will be loosing out on a lifetime of benefits, all because of a one word “rule” that prohibits you from marrying an “able bodied person”. Best of all, they never tell you about their “Rule” so that they can justify cutting off any benefits that you may be due.

    Because you are physically disabled (adult disabled child) and you choose not to marry another adult disabled child or disabled person drawing off socialist security, you WILL LOOSE ANY AND ALL BENEFITS FOR LIFE. This means that the SOCIALIST SECURITY system is TELLING YOU WHO YOU ARE ALLOWED TO MARRY and who you are
    NOT ALLOWED TO MARRY! It is a discriminatory act “rule” and should be ILLEGAL!

    Even though I am permanently and totally disabled, if I marry an “able bodied person”, somehow that marriage makes everything ok and I am no longer considered disabled (in the eyes of the socialist security system). Magically (because I married an able bodied person), the pixie fairies come down and cure my disability, because now I can just go out and find gainful employment, no one will discriminate against my physical disability and everything will be grand, right? Somehow magically, marrying an able bodied person makes my physical disablility dissappear and now I am cured, right? WRONG!

    The issue is a special “Rule” that the Socialist Security System uses to discriminate against “certain” people. If you are a “physically disabled person” (AKA-certain people) and happen to marry an able bodied person, then the SOCIALIST SECURITY system will use special “Rules” to legally discriminate against you and deny you benefits, even if you appeal online.

    The SOCIALIST SECURITY system has caused me a lot of economic hardship all because I married an able bodied person. The SOCIALIST SECURITY system thinks someone who is physically disabled (permanently and totally disabled) marries an “able bodied person”, that somehow magically they are cured of their physical disability and two people can survive off the able bodied persons income. WOW, talk about a bunch of bureaucratic idiotic thinking, that somehow this would not cause a financial hardship….. amazing.

    The rules that the Social Security Administration uses to legally discriminate against persons who are “Adult Disabled Children” who happen to marry an able bodied person, are discriminatory. This is loosely referred to as the “marriage penalty” but I call it exactly what it is, a legal form of discrimination.
    I firmly believe this rule, is an act of bias, prejudice and discrimination against people who (by no fault of their own) are born disabled and happen to marry an able bodied person

    Please write your Congressional Representative and tell them to end this modern day form of Legal Discrimination. In this day of fairness and equality, there are still some people suffering from an outdated and oppressive bureaucratic rule.

    (PS. notice how the only thing any of these SOCIALIST SECURITY workers ever say are quotes of the rules or processes, like a worker drone. They are unable to address any topics that fall outside of their rule books). Typical bureaucracy and bureaucratic responses, like trying to argue over lost change with a vending machine!

  5. Alphonse

    With havin a lot content and articles do you ever have any problems of plagiarism infringement? My site has lots of unique material I’ve created myself or outsourced but it seems a lot of it is popping it up all over the web without my permission. Do you know any solutions to help prevent content from being ripped off? I’d truly appreciate it.

  6. Ms.Adams

    Uuuugh it really is some donkeys on this thread! No need to be such pricks! Like who gets off attacking seniors or the disable?

  7. JR

    Didn’t your Mom tell you to save for your old age?
    Why do you think the government should take care of you?
    Where is your responsibility to provide for your self?
    Who told you that You were entitled?
    Get a job or figure out how to earn some money, age doesn’t prevent you from going to work.

  8. tony

    The Federal Government pays farmers not to grow fruits and vegetables. The farmers even get paid not to raise livestalk.

    The farmers where I live only harvest the corn one time. It is not cost effective to harvest it more than once because there are fewer corn and they would still have to walk the entire field. The corn stalk gets tilled to the ground by the tractor after the first harvest.

    Most of the corn gets turn into ethanol and the company gets subsidized by the government.

    • tony

      When people volunteer, can they take home some of that food. Some people can’t afford those food with the measily 0.3% COLA raise.

    • tony

      The tomatoes pickers in Florida get paid less than a penny a pound to pick tomatoes. The 30,000 pounds is about $300 worth of labor.

    • tony

      There is 23 million Americans who live in low-income urban and rural neighborhoods. Social Security provided food donations totaling 661,280 pounds. That isn’t even enough to feed everyone for one meal or one day. It is only 0.03 pound of food per person.

      • Cordelia

        The puarsches I make are entirely based on these articles.

  9. Paula G.

    I am a senior living on SS alone. I found out I was only getting a $4.11 cost of living increase in 2017 (after none in 2016) and the cost of Medicare was going up to $120.00 +. This might not seem significant to many, but all increases hurt when SS is all you have. Fortunately, we have good food pantries where I live and I take advantage of most of them. But, really, this isn’t fair to make our seniors live like this!!!

    • ata

      SSA is about the only type of pension plan that gives any COLA. There was a time when recipients did not get any increase, now they do even if meager at times. Still not good enough eh?

    • R.F.

      Information about Medicare changes for 2017, when announced, will be available at

  10. Jerry

    When is the Social Security Administration going to DEMAND the Congress repay all the MONEY it borrowed for Social Security YEARS ago with INTEREST? Or have you bafoons forgotten this fact.

    • ata

      A bank loans out deposits, the government borrows from the deposits into a trust fund. In neither case are you prevented from receiving your deposits. Take a course in Econ 101.

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