
New Rule Modernizes How We Award Disability Benefits

February 24, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 24, 2020

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The Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income programs protect some of the most vulnerable people in our society. A successful disability program must evolve and support making the right decision as early in the process as possible. To help us do that, we must modernize the rules and standards we use to evaluate how we determine disability benefits. We are moving forward with a rule change that has been in the works for a number of years and serves to update a more than 40-year-old policy that made the inability to communicate in English a factor in awarding disability benefits. The new rule is effective April 27, 2020.

We are required to consider education to determine if your medical condition prevents work. In 2015, our Inspector General recommended that we evaluate the appropriateness of this policy. Research now shows the inability to communicate in English is no longer a good measure of a person’s education level or the ability to engage in work. The new rule also supports the Administration’s longstanding focus of recognizing that individuals with disabilities can remain in the workforce.

To make the right disability decisions, Social Security disability rules must continue to reflect current medicine and evolution of work. We need to update our rules to keep up with society’s changes.

We owe it to the American public to ensure that our disability programs continue to reflect the realities of the modern workplace. Please share this information with your family and friends.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Cynthia

    I’m 65 and was diagnose with spinal stenosis and. Disc bulging my balance is off i have work since i was12 years old. I’ve work at one company for 29 years and another for 5 years the pain that i suffers daoly is much bit i had to go ouy and find a job that understood my health problems. i can only work 32 hrs per week and i can only stand\sit only about 1\12 hrs during my 4days and when its over i ‘m in my bed for 3 days i’m on long term disability why are they doing

  2. Ellen D.

    I don’t understand how this charge would affect me?

  3. Tanya J.

    Thank you so much for this. I have been a social worker for over 30 years and see many people receiving SSI benefits that CAN work. I also help many apply for benefits that really need the help. I visit several of your offices on a regular basis and find your staff to be very gracious, professional, and helpful. I believe this change is very much needed.
    Thank you for all you do for so many. You are indeed appreciated.

  4. Judy

    Way too many young people are getting disability for pretending to be anti-social and or mentally ill when their just plain Too LAZY to work

  5. Wade S.

    I have been denied disability with two different attys twice now and yet my health has not improved over the years but has gotten worse .
    I have neurological desease fibromyalgia ,PTSD anxiety depression. Under active thyroid and chronic eye disease and as a veteran denied because veterans administration could not get lawyers all the paperwork needed before judge in the past .even with social security drs telling them in could never work as a union laborer again.
    Now on the other hand if I was a substance abuse or acholic problem. Would of gotten this green lighted 20 yrs ago I believe .whites are being discriminated against when it comes to claims more than ever in this country and its veterans are getting the shaft coming and going for us putting our lives on the line.what gives .be fair to all not just minorities here .

    • Trc

      Go to Allsup. Com. 98% guarantee no attorney necessary. They helped me and I have same disabilities as you. 1 year.

  6. Michele M.

    Because I was found totally disabled with at the age of 34 and amount awarded, is half if I was 55 . I only was able to work so I was only able to pay into social security a certain amount. I am 62 and live on only $970 a month. I didn’t ask you be disabled so young and currently 70% more disabled than I was 30 yes.ago but costs of living have tripled in costs at. This rate people will be in nursing facilities by 70 if we live that long. I can’t afford to live by myself medical needs aren’t addressed in time which is caused by malpractices because of HMO’s can’t qualify for supplemental assistance you always make $20-30 to much money.we live in pain depression and lack of wanting to live long enough to be a burden on families or some that don’t have any family members left that could help you with the smallest thing’s like providing a meal a day. Sometimes I think why I need to go on who would miss me

  7. Carol K.

    My stepson is a cancer survivor so far and had to have his right leg amputated. Why is it taking over a year for him to actually receive disability benefits?

    • Dawn

      Did your stepson have his leg amputated above or below the knee? It must be ABOVE the knee to be considered for disability if that is the only thing wrong with him.

  8. Phil L.

    More b******* from a racist administration. Maybe they should change the rule about how much money you get to survive on.

  9. Teresa A.

    Why can’t I get SSDI when I have had both Mental and Physical Disabilities since childhood. I am unable to work Full Time because of both yet am told I don’t have Enough Work Credits yet had. I known at a much younger age would have qualified immediately. Now every month or year I continue to work with these Disabilities I am told I need more and more credits. I don’t understand how my own Government can discriminate against me. Someone please explain this. Thank you

  10. Carrie D.

    We need to stop awarding benefits to these,20 or ,,30 something’s who aren’t working because of add. All the more reason for them to work. I’ve worked over 40yrs consistently have degenerate disc disease had a 2 level fusion on my lower back. Even after that I went back to work for another 12 yrs until pain and neuropathy became to much. I lost my home and car because even with my Drs telling them I have failed back surgery I get nothing. I’m 57 yrs old and live in a rat and roach infested public housing 2000 miles from my kids as these younger ones get SSDI for being a drug addicts and ADHD. They dress better and drive nice cars and not one penny for me because I worked as professional. SMH

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