
New Rule Modernizes How We Award Disability Benefits

February 24, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 24, 2020

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The Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income programs protect some of the most vulnerable people in our society. A successful disability program must evolve and support making the right decision as early in the process as possible. To help us do that, we must modernize the rules and standards we use to evaluate how we determine disability benefits. We are moving forward with a rule change that has been in the works for a number of years and serves to update a more than 40-year-old policy that made the inability to communicate in English a factor in awarding disability benefits. The new rule is effective April 27, 2020.

We are required to consider education to determine if your medical condition prevents work. In 2015, our Inspector General recommended that we evaluate the appropriateness of this policy. Research now shows the inability to communicate in English is no longer a good measure of a person’s education level or the ability to engage in work. The new rule also supports the Administration’s longstanding focus of recognizing that individuals with disabilities can remain in the workforce.

To make the right disability decisions, Social Security disability rules must continue to reflect current medicine and evolution of work. We need to update our rules to keep up with society’s changes.

We owe it to the American public to ensure that our disability programs continue to reflect the realities of the modern workplace. Please share this information with your family and friends.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Arthur W.

    It is unfair treatment to disabled veteran who are 100% sc with p&t. I am dying from 2 types of cancer and mental conditions.

  2. Linda H.

    My son was receiving ssi until his death. He leaves behind 5 children under the age of 18. Why was his children were denied benefits?

  3. drifter

    English is now our official language. Rectified a number of years ago when it was widely reported and our leaders decided to put forth a legal bill/ resolution to accept English as our National.Language.

  4. Teresa a.

    My husband has had 2 major strokes one in 2016 it was a bleeding stroke which his right side he can’t use very well another 6months later 2017 he had a brain stem stroke where he had an operation that damage his right side even more now he’s in a wheel chair he doesn’t walk or can not use his rite side
    I filed for social security in December I was denied then I filed in March 2017 denied again. He doesn’t get no help (income). So we’re living on my income only which it’s hard I hope there is away you can help us thank you
    My number is 209 303-1355

    • Margaret

      Please ge at disability lawyer. These lawyers are paid directly (but slowly) by SS when the disability recipient is approved for benefits. It is limited by law to 1/4 of the awarded back pay to a maximum of $6000. You may be billed by the attorney a small amount for doing paperwork. I was billed less than $200. Bottom line- get a lawyer.

  5. Carla J.

    So someone that only has comprehension of 10 year old cannot add and subtract money and count change and warehouses are too fast paced to keep up the demand what are disabled people suppose to do

  6. Carla a.

    So someone that only has comprehension of 10 year old cannot add and subtract money and count change and warehouses are too fast paced to keep up the demand what are disabled people suppose to do

  7. Raquel V.

    I was born a pre- me with CP and a bunch of other preexisting physical problems. I am limited in physical labor capacity. Can’t take an office job because I can’t type the minimum speed. I don’t have a driver’s license because of my migrains. They are too unpredictable for those preventive medicines advertised on TV. My sight is less than normal and lopsided. I’m at risk for more retinal detachments. I’ve already had two in my right eye. Ive needed alot of laser and cryo in both retinas. I have deformed joint bones and list goes on. I tried to get a college degree at two year schools. My learning problems kept me from graduating so I have NO credentials. My muscles are getting weaker. Point is, is if a disabled person happens to find that one compassionate employer that has the one and only job that person may ever have in life and all it is is a menial minimum wage job. Don’t punnish that person by taking away support. They still have a disability as long as their doctor says so. Folks like me would have to give up whatever part time job they had if they lost support. Public health care does NOT cover things like shoes, insoles, braces and glasses or anything else a disabled worker might need. I’d rather they reward disabled folks that would like to have a part time job while STILL being able to keep their benefits. I think SSA should be harder on those looking to escape having to work AT ALL unless they are severely sick or handicaped.

  8. Loyd

    Receveiveing disability can be a life saver,, i was disabled when i was 55 years old. itis nothing to be ashamed of life handles us a curve every now & then.After my amputation i tryed to settle down and got some schooling and i am a Lic gunsmith & firearm dealer. I just could not just sit and not do anything.

  9. Mr T.

    My received your department of ssa+ssi issued pay my benefits retirement plan.gov, pay overseas in Thailand my address!03/28/2020 ,birth year 1954,66 age full retirement benefit pay on

  10. James D.

    I would like to know if my retired wife who is over 72, can get help on getting a {wheel chair?} She is on medicare and she gets her check from Social Security each month. She has bad knees and COPD and needs to rest often.

    I was told that I needed some help with caring for her. I am doing the house work the ,cooking. She needs me and I need to know what if any help we can get. In house care or something. I am 72 medically retired, I am a service connected Vietnam veteran. I have schizophrenia and scoliosis in my back.I also have rumor tory arthritis and in my right hip it is bone to bone. Margaret’s healthcare is Kaiser Permanente in Fairfield Ca. and her medical record. My medical records are with Department of Veterans Affairs. My doctor is R.Cunn for twenty years at the Oakland Outpatient Clinic 2221 Martin Luther King Way,Oakland CA. 94612. Needless to say my medical condition puts me at a extreme disadvantage. We are Veterans, we were trained to defend from the boy scouts ,little baseball and football to high school baseball and football. Disciplined groomed to be a member of United States Armed Forces. My psychiatrist is Doctor Leyba at the outpatient clinic on Travis Air Force Base, Fairfield CA.

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