COVID-19, General

New Guidance about COVID-19 Economic Impact Payments

April 10, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

“The Treasury Department launched a new web tool allowing quick registration for Economic Impact Payments for eligible individuals who do not normally file a tax return, and also announced that it would begin making automatic payments.  However, for some people receiving benefits from the Social Security Administration—specifically those who have dependent children under the age of 17—it is to their advantage to go to this portal to ensure they also get the $500 per dependent Economic Impact Payment.  I encourage them to do this as soon as possible, and want to provide the following details:

People who receive Social Security retirement, survivors, or disability insurance benefits and who did not file a tax return for 2018 or 2019 and who have qualifying children under age 17 should now go to the IRS’s webpage to enter their information instead of waiting for their automatic $1,200 Economic Impact Payment.  By taking proactive steps to enter information on the IRS website about them and their qualifying children, they will also receive the $500 per dependent child payment in addition to their $1,200 individual payment.  If Social Security beneficiaries in this group do not provide their information to the IRS soon, they will have to wait to receive their $500 per qualifying child.

The same new guidance also applies to SSI recipients, especially those who have qualifying children under age 17.  To receive the full amount of the Economic Impact Payments you and your family are eligible for, go to the IRS’s Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info page and provide information about yourself and your qualifying children.

Additionally, any new beneficiaries since January 1, 2020, of either Social Security or SSI benefits, who did not file a tax return for 2018 or 2019, will also need to go to the IRS’s Non-Filers website to enter their information.

Lastly, for Social Security retirement, survivors, or disability beneficiaries who do not have qualifying children under age 17, you do not need to take any action with the IRS.  You will automatically receive your $1,200 economic impact payment directly from the IRS as long as you received an SSA-1099 for 2019.

For SSI recipients who do not have qualifying children under age 17, we continue to work closely with Treasury in our efforts to make these payments automatically.  Please note that we will not consider Economic Impact Payments as income for SSI recipients.

The eligibility requirements and other information about the Economic Impact Payments can be found at the IRS’s Coronavirus Tax Relief and Economic Impact Payments page.  In addition, please continue to visit the IRS for the latest information.”

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Travis

    Oh even better than these… There’s now a deadline for those under Social security disability to submit discrepancies Yet in there own words “due to lack of staffing because of the closures” there’s no one to actually fking help those of us with disabilities that prevent us from being able to submit the information or the non-filer crap… nice catch 21 there IRS CONGRATS because we can’t even collect our correct payments I’m sure there’s going to be a TON left over for your Raises your about to screw us out of…

  2. Sharon V.

    Will the stimulus check go to the SSDI receipient or to his/her rep payee. The receipient has a separate account from the rep payee but the rep payee handles the money? The SSA-1099 came as follows:
    Rep payee FOR the receipient (2019 SSA-1099). No one has been able to answer this important question. Receipient is eligible and has direct deposit but has not received stimulus check. Hope you can clarify this for us. Thank You.

    • Darlene


    • V.V.

      Hi Sharon, thank you for your question. In certain situations, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) may deposit a Social Security or SSI beneficiary’s Economic Impact Payment (EIP) into an account managed by the representative payee, or the representative payee will receive a check. For additional details regarding the representative payee’s responsibilities, visit the Social Security and Coronavirus web page. We hope this helps.

  3. Marc

    I read that for us people who is on SSI disability and direct express the money will come in about first 2 weeks of may

    • Darlene

      Following really hope so!!

  4. Tara

    My get my payment stimulus check was deposited into my direct deposit account April 30th and I still don’t have it on my prepaid chime card how long does it take.

  5. wb

    I encourage everyone who hasn’t received their stimulus money to contact their US Representative. Many of them are up for reelection this year. Seniors/Social Security recipients represent a very large number of voters.

  6. Paul

    I guess they did publish my comment, that’s good. I was just telling the truth. Anyway, there are families that have more children that myself that have really been hurt by this. Hopefully our Gov will fix before next year. The purpose of the stimulus was get the economy going now not next year. It seems the IRS is treating this like a tax refund and doesn’t understand economics. The blast of cash to create demand now not next year. Hopefully someone will figure this out before 2021.

  7. Paul

    I have not received my $500 for my 17 year old and filed with the non-filers page on April 10th. Well within the requirements. This blog just deleted my comment about it. I thought this was a blog?

  8. Paul

    The government is sending out millions of checks for up to $1,200 per individual and $500 for eligible children to help stave off the negative financial effects of the coronavirus crisis.
    Some families who received their payments this week also got an unwelcome surprise: Their children under 17 did not receive the $500 payments due to them.
    Those families say they are struggling without that money and here’s what members of Congress and the IRS have said so far about the situation.

  9. paul

    Some coronavirus stimulus checks go out without $500 for qualifying children

    The government is sending out millions of checks for up to $1,200 per individual and $500 for eligible children to help stave off the negative financial effects of the coronavirus crisis.
    Some families who received their payments this week also got an unwelcome surprise: Their children under 17 did not receive the $500 payments due to them.
    Those families say they are struggling without that money and here’s what members of Congress and the IRS have said so far about the situation.

    Here is the article:

  10. Paul

    Unbelievable, for the first time in my life I have lost faith in the integrity of the United States Government. They voted to pay all US citizens $1,200.00 per individual and $500 per child under 17 years old for the Corona Virus Stimulus. This is Law…Read this dishonest fraud by the IRS forcing seniors to filing a 2020 tax return to get the Stimulus Payment:

    On Monday, April 20, the IRS issued a “special alert” stating that non-filers who receive Social Security retirement or disability benefits (SSDI), or Railroad Retirement benefits, would have to enter dependent information into the non-filer portal by Wednesday, April 22, to receive the $500 child benefit. Since the deadline has passed, by law, the additional $500 per eligible child has to be paid in association with filing a tax return for 2020. This group can no longer use the Non-Filers tool to add eligible children.

    I filed for the $500 payment for my 17 year old daughter on the non-filers tool on April 10th. Well within the cut off. I never received the payment and neither did anyone else. This was a fraud by the IRS.. I want justice.

    Read this article by Forbes:

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