
If We Denied Your Application, You Can Appeal Online

July 18, 2016 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: July 18, 2016

q markSocial Security offers you many options to conduct business with us online. Far gone are the days when you needed to visit our offices or call us on the phone to appeal a denial of your disability benefits. Now you can file an appeal online, even if you live outside of the United States!

The online appeals application is simple, convenient, and secure, guiding you through every step of the process. From outlining your rights to an appeal, to publications on the appeals process, a fair review of your Social Security case is right at your fingertips. The online application even allows you to upload supporting documentation, like treatments, doctors, and medical reports, as well as an option to save your submissions.

Submitting all the necessary documents will save time and can help return a faster decision. Here are some things you’ll need when ready to submit an appeal:

  • Doctors, hospitals, medical treatments, and tests since you last gave us medical information;
  • Medicines you are currently taking; and
  • Changes in your medical conditions, daily activities, work, and education.

You can learn more about our appeals process by reading our publication Your Right To Question The Decision Made On Your Claim.

Social Security is constantly looking for ways to make our services accessible and readily available when you need them. It’s part of our commitment to delivering world-class service to you and providing you with more options, like an online appeal, to conduct your Social Security business.

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Jim Borland, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications


  1. Droidpile@Mothers D.

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  2. seyedhassan n.

    im looking for disablitys benefit in uk i can not travel to UK im living in iran???

    • R.F.

      Thank you for using our blog to communicate with us! For assistance with Social Security benefits, please contact the nearest U.S. Embassy in your area. Also, our Office of International Operations home page provides more information to assist our customers living abroad. We hope this information helps.

  3. JJ

    I have been denied twice now for disability. Neither time has an explanation been given as far as actual rationale. Is this normal procedure? I have Central Pain Syndrome. It is full body and an Intractable Pain. This means there is no known effective treatment. According to medical literature, it is nearly always permanently disabling. The pain is severe and will never end. I’m only 40 years old and spend the majority of my time laying down. I cannot handle even part time work of the most basic kind let alone full time work. My condition is more severe than the majority of conditions on the blue list. It is the same thing that Howard Hughes had later in life. Unfortunately, I’m not a world renowned wealthy man. What steps do I need to take to get this insidious condition listed? Death from this disorder usually is due to suicide or stroke, both greatly limiting average life span. It seems like a good candidate for listing. I want to do whatever I can to keep another person from having to go through this lunacy of a system.

  4. Aristeo A.

    I originally applied for retirement benefits in Oct. 2016. I was denied because I didn’t have enough credits. In Jan 2017, I had enough credits to apply. Should I reapply or appeal the first decision?
    Thank you

    • R.F.

      Thank you for your question Mr. Becerra, you should try to file a new application online. If you cannot apply online or you decide not to finish applying online, for whatever reason, you can apply in person at any Social Security office or by calling our toll-free number, 1-800-772-1213 for assistance. Representatives are available between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Friday. Generally, you’ll have a shorter wait time if you call later in the week. Happy retirement!

  5. Christine W.

    I got a lawyer and appealed my denial back in October 2015. How long does it take to hear about a decision or hearing? Not making enough to survive since feeling so bad and not being able to work with my Lupus flares:(

    • R.F.

      Thanks for your question Christine. The length of time it takes to get a hearing can vary from state to state. We attempt to resolve all claims promptly, but there may be delays due to the volume of pending appeals in your area. The good news is that we are trying to conduct many of our hearings through video teleconferencing (VTC) to speed up the process. Visit our “Hearing And Appeals” web page for more information, and continue working with your attorney and local hearing office on specific questions about your case.

      • mr s.

        parked to go to the comet store found they were closed for alteration to the store so i got my wife on the mobile and asked her were she was and she said m&s on going on foot to meet her i had my fall

  6. Heather S.

    How long is it before it is to late to appeal your denial letter

    • R.F.

      Hi Heather, you must request an appeal within 60 days from the date you received your notice of denial. For more information on the appeals process, read our publication The Appeals Process. Thanks!

  7. Crysti S.

    Hi, I have been waiting 4 1/2 years for a decision on my disability case and unfortunately when my Dr. told me to file, because she saw my degeneration with every visit. I have had major depression since I was a child, PTSD, I have panic attacks when/if I leave the house. I have such bad chronic pain that I’m in bed most days. I also have Fibromyalgia and probably 90% of the symptoms listed, degenerative disc disease in lower back, which a new MRI shows it’s in my neck as well, some days I can’t move my head, major memory loss, bursitis, pancreatitis, Hypothyroidism & I need my gall bladder out. I could go on, but why bore you?

    When I had to look for representation, I had no idea what I was doing, ZIP! I asked a lawyer friend if she knew of any and she didn’t but was going to a convention and would ask there.

    What I got out of it is HE!! Binder & Binder. I don’t want to get riled up, I haven’t slept for 2 days and am delirious. But, my advice. Avoid at all costs.

    I’ve been in appeals for god knows how long, no one ever has any answers and I can take this, my depression is getting worse and I just don’t want to be like this anymore. Because of all this, my life is in shambles. When I stopped working, there went $50K + down the drain and we lost our house, my car has been impounded (thankfully my in-laws helped). My Husband has drained his 401K just so we could go to a million Dr.’s, Rx’s, food, rent etc. and I feel awful and guilty. I’m being taken for a ride that I can’t get off of, because I signed a contract. I’m sorry, I just needed to vent. Thanks, if you made it this far, I’m at my wits end.

  8. Angel M.

    My daughter’s disability claim has been denied for the second time. I have read the different publications during my filing for benefits and denied, while being misdiagnosed; and don’t qiute understand how the guidelines are being applied. She has a rare hereditary primary immunodeficiency along with other co-existing conditions. We are the only family in our entire our health system with this diagnosis, and we are their learning curve after multiple misdiagnosis. Medicaid has her classified as having catastrophic illness and her medication cost over one million dollars a year. Our health system is teaching and creating a standard of care based on our input and health outcomes. So, the people who are making the disability decisions, are they basing it on knowledge of disease along with medical evidence? In the case of rare disease, what consideration or knowledge is given to make a determination? If she was diagnosed with AIDS/HIV or drug addiction, would she actually be approved?

    • Crysti S.

      Sounds like we’ve all been shut down because the Judge is NOT a Doctor.

      I truly hope things get better for your family and your Daughter. I truly don’t know what else to say, it’s disgusting and soooo not right. 🙁
      Sending Hugs.

  9. Stanley c.

    I have applied many times for a account. But it says you need a state side address. Well I don’t have a state side address. You tur me down automatics to. So I can’t even chane me address because I do t have a stateside address. Comon. Give me a break. I live in mexico. Explain this for me.

    • R.F.

      Hi Stanley, if you’re referring to opening or creating a “my Social Security account”, you must have a U. S. mailing address to create or to access your online account. The “my Social Security” authentication system requires address verification as one of the essential criteria for creating an account. People with APO/FPO/DPO addresses can create an account overseas, but our system does not support registration and account creation for users with a foreign address yet. if you are now living in Mexico, please contact your local U.S. embassy or consulate for assistance related to Social Security benefits. We hope this information helps!

  10. Tom A.

    I have been denied twice. I filed for an appeal on Nov 1st,2015 to get a hearing.I received a letter shortly after saying I would receive paperwork in several months with my court date. Does anyone know how long it really takes or how I can find out how much longer it will be?

    • R.F.

      Thanks for your question Tom. The length of time it takes to get a hearing can vary from state to state. We attempt to resolve all claims promptly, but there may be delays due to the volume of pending appeals in your area. The good news is that we are trying to conduct many of our hearings through video teleconferencing (VTC) to speed up the process. Visit our “Hearing And Appeals” web page for more information.

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