Disability, General, Online Services

How Our Expanded Compassionate Allowances Program Helps People with Severe Disabilities

August 16, 2021 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: November 2, 2023

A photo of Darlynda BogleOn August 16, 2021, Kilolo Kijakazi, Acting Commissioner of Social Security, announced 12 new Compassionate Allowances conditions. Compassionate Allowances is an initiative that quickly identifies severe medical conditions and diseases that meet our standards for disability benefits.

“Everyone who is eligible for benefits under the programs we administer should receive them,” said Acting Commissioner Kijakazi. “Our Compassionate Allowances program helps us address barriers by helping accelerate the disability application process for people who are likely to get approved for benefits due to the severity of their medical condition.”

Due to the severe nature of many of the Compassionate Allowance conditions, claims are often allowed based on medical confirmation of the diagnosis alone. For example, certain cancers, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and a number of rare disorders that affect children, would qualify under this program.

When a person applies for disability benefits, we must obtain medical records in order to make an accurate determination. With electronic records transmission, we can quickly obtain their medical information, review it, and make a fast determination. For more information about the program, including a list of all Compassionate Allowances conditions, please visit our Compassionate Allowances page.

To apply for disability benefits, visit our Disability Benefits page – and create a personal my Social Security account where you can check the status of your claim and conduct other business. Please share this information with your family and friends – and post it on social media.

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About the Author

Darlynda Bogle, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Darlynda Bogle, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Deborah p.

    On the social security website is something called the Blue book that lists all the disabling conditions and their criteria. Knowledge is power and this information is a good place to start. I have a blue book disorder and even I got denied the first time without a lawyer. I’m also a social worker so I can say the system doesn’t work without a lawyer IMO

    • Cindy S.

      I agree with you. I was turned down the first time without having an attorney. It took 5 years to be approved for SSDI even with an attorney.

  2. Karen J.

    Why is the disabled family member allowed to be exploited as free unpaid labor by the other family members for years? I have been informed that this is a case of hourly wage and labor exploitation of a disabled person or a person at risk. Why does the local DHS office fail to protect the civil and labor rights of the disabled person? The disabled person’s SSDI monthly income is used as a cover to make it appear that the family is compensating the disabled individual for his or her’s unpaid labor. In essence, the disabled person has been tricked thru fraud, deception, and circumstances to work for free as an unpaid and unrecognized caregiver. Even the Social Security Administration is unaware that this unfair labor practice is occurring to the disabled individual. I am sure this situation is happening all over this country behind closed doors and under the table.

    This scenario occurred to me as part of a predatory guardianship scam planned by members of my family unbeknownst to me and my father so they could gain access to his home and assets. I just need enough financial compensation paid to me immediately by all parties involved to live independently so I can move back to Florida. This predatory guardianship scam needs exposure to gain national attention and be made as public as possible. Are there any disability attorneys, advocates, or civil rights attorneys out there who are brave
    enough to take my case? If I win my case, my legal representation could stand to make millions in a very high profile and public lawsuit. This could be a landmark case for the rights of disabled people everywhere, and put a stop to predatory guardianship cases as well. Everyone reading this comment, please help now!

  3. Pauline J.

    how can my mom get more ssi if they don’t even count her work from American Samoa how is she suppose to live with $200 a month? What is the purpose of SSI getting taken out of your paycheck all the time and can’t even get your money back

    • Francine K.


      • Ihupawa

        Not easy not Impossible

    • V.V.

      For your security, Pauline, we do not have access to private information in this venue. We ask that members in our Blog community work with our offices with specific questions. Your mom can call us at 1-800-772-1213 for assistance or she can call her local Social Security office. Please look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social Security Office Locator. The number may appear under Show Additional Office Information. Please be aware that our call wait times are longer than normal. We hope this information helps.

  4. Faheerah F.

    I put in for disability way back in 2009(?) . I was under a car an dragged half a block. I was told that I didn’t qualify and I had to appeal it. Finally in 2015-16 I finally got a lawyer but I am only getting $671 of which 70 goes to Arizona for another child support issue of $57-58,000. Who can live on $601a month? I can’t find a place to live or buy food because when the food stamps people add that plus the$143 in SSI it comes to $3 over the allowed$800 and I get $39 in stamps. When the pandemic hit I was trying to make ends meet by cleaning up a few houses here and there and now that I get $87 a week unemployment from a job I did try to work and got terminated because of either taking my medicine or not being able to do the job of lifting patients too heavy they want to take the$143 . Where in America can a disabled person get justice. Can I get back pay from the original claim or can WE get a raise before 2022? I NEED HELP.

    • Pauline J.

      Your lucky my mom only gets $200 a month her is $1450 a month she struggles every month

  5. Joe m.

    I would like. too have my SS


    • V.V.

      Hi Joe, thank you for using our blog. Check out our Social Security and Coronavirus web page for details on continuing disability reviews during the COVID-19 pandemic. You may find our Continuing Disability Review web page helpful in understanding the process. You can call your local office if you still have questions. Please look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social Security Office Locator. The number may appear under Show Additional Office Information. Please be aware that our call wait times are longer than normal.

  6. Shannon

    Can you get re-evaluated for your social security disability and SSDI? Right now I get under $1000 and it’s just not enough to live on.

    • V.V.

      Hi Shannon, thanks for using our blog. Your monthly Social Security disability (SSDI) benefit is based on your average lifetime earnings. Your Supplemental Security Income (SSI) monthly benefit amount is based on factors such as the federal benefit rate, your income and resources. You may want to visit the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services web page for the many programs and services available in your state. We hope this helps!

  7. Jeffrey

    Why does your site still post a photo of the fired former Commissioner, Andrew Saul?

  8. Jodie L.

    I think he/she is saying he doesn’t know enough and asking for help.

    • Wayne

      BS, the government is full of it. Assigned a payee, when you’ve never been labeled with any mental health issues just to steal your benefits.

  9. Brian W.

    The SSA has never pulled my records from Children’s Hospital in Oklahoma City for my auto/ pedestrian accident the happened on October 26, 1982 when I was 17 years old that after 3 hospitals and being in children’s for 6 months which left me a cripple with a traumatic brain injury who for 38 years wrote,talked,emailed the SSA and they still will not look at my foot thick stack of records. Bkantky ,shows the SSA is discriminatory against some disabled people.
    Maybe someone there could at least pull my records and make a informed decision please?

    • Sue

      Called my congressman right away after giving in to the fact that I will never work again. He helped me through the whole process and got SSDI with no problems. Good luck to you.

    • Sean

      I agree you should contact a Congressman, and Senators. What they may be saying is you didn’t pay into the system (Taxes) to receive benefits, but at 17 your parents taxes should cover that, even if you were put up for Adoption.
      The other option is State run Disability programs, which for me would have been more than SSDI for California, but I went with Federal, because I wanted to move away from the expensive California living. Plus I had already paid for it.

    • Reese R.

      Put a claim in your injury, occurred, prior to the age of I think it’s 21yrs or 22yrs

      Make sure you put in the date of injury.

      You can now, do you Application online
      You obtain a copy of your medical records, surgeries all appointments rehabilitation, make copies, use a 3 ring notebook, do a coversheets and set up the book from beginning to end. Social Security is taking some appointments, you have an unique case

      • Theresa G.

        Put in request in 5/20 stating worker comp gave them incorrect earnings. After 6mos + with no response other than obligied their request of documentation i got no reply. So i resubmitted another. 1 letter received stating second request is voided. Ok . How long should i wait. Its almost a year!!!

        • V.V.

          For your security, Theresa, we do not have access to private information in this venue. We ask that members in our Blog community work with our offices with specific questions. You can call us at 1-800-772-1213 for assistance or you can call your local Social Security office. Please look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social Security Office Locator. The number may appear under Show Additional Office Information. Please be aware that our call wait times are longer than normal. We hope this information helps.

  10. Unshared N.

    How much does the lawyer get out of the disabled person’s valid claim to get this done?
    from Unshared News

    • Janice L.

      They pay the lawyers but after 18 months my husband has still not received his bulk settlement of a measley 5800 for being out of work with cancer. . The system is not helping anyone . Maybe our race plays a big role

      • Richard

        I have no doubt that race is a big factor. I have had issues for a long time. The problem is that I am white. The staff is almost all Black.

        • Mistie

          Well I wish that was my case.

        • robin

          You are without a doubt correct ,If you are white, you will get no help from the SSA. You will however get made fun of and mocked by the rep who is handling your case. GETTO GHETTO GETTO. All unprofessional, uneducated, gotta work a little to get alot of welfare getto raised individuals work for the SSA.

    • Jodie L.

      I used a ‘Community Partner’ who received $3,750 (25% of my ‘backpay’). He was well worth it. He did everything. When I received paperwork to fill out, I contacted him right away. EVERY TIME, he would say to me, “We already sent that to ‘so-and-so’, I’ll just send it to them.” Amazing and awesome (and lucky) …I was approved in two months and received my first payment the next month. I was extremely astonished and thrilled. I am blessed! I am so sorry to those that are put through such a terrible process…some only to find out that their claim has been denied.

      • Jodie L.


        There were some I did have to get completed.

      • Sean

        Average, can range from 10%-50% of your back pay, some want some of the money you get the first year, others charge a flat rate win or lose..
        Check first and shop around. All they really do is arrange the paperwork I did it myself with the aid of county social services and the Disabled American Veterans. I was denied the first time, and I did not appeal and received it the second time, took about a year and half, the first one was expedited by the VA. I put all the pertaining medical records, and an affadavit from myself, and proof of enough Tax credit to get it.
        Lawyers I am told are only worth it if you are appealing. A paralegal can help you with the forms. So can county social services, and you lose no money to lawyers this way.

    • JD

      SSA controls what an attorney can charge. It is 25% of backpay up to a maximum of $6k. They can also request to be reimbursed for their out of pocket expenses, such as filing fees, medical records, etc. If a case goes beyond a certain level or court, the attorney can request to be paid more than the 25%.

    • Theresa G.

      Mine was negotiated in court. The judge intervened on mine and denied them an extra $3000
      I was happy.

      Good luck

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