
How I Navigated the Social Security Disability Process

October 19, 2015 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: October 19, 2015

screen shot of the faces and facts of disability page

I’m on Social Security disability insurance (SSDI). Okay I said it, and, I’m also very thankful for it. I might sound somewhat perplexed, because it’s all new to me and isn’t what I had expected to deal with in life. Yet, I am realistic and understand that “things happen” to all people.

You hear about the horrifying, multi-year process involved when applying for SSDI benefits. These stories are in the media and everywhere, but I didn’t have to pay close attention, because I never expected I’d need SSDI.

I’ve always strategically planned for the unexpected. I’m a former corporate vice president of operations and international business leader of more than 30 years’ experience. My husband and I, together, had a significant income, owned a home in a country club, guard-gated community in Southern California, and were extensive travelers, etc. Then, the season changed – unexpectedly.

In 2012, I started to show medical symptoms from an old auto accident that had caused a brain injury. I had difficulty walking, memory loss, etc. My neurosurgeon explained what was occurring, and that major brain surgery was required for me to continue living. My first brain surgery was performed in July 2012; my second brain surgery in September 2012; and between 2012 and 2014, I underwent five brain/skull surgeries. My husband became my full-time caregiver, and our financial safety net was all compromised due to my health.

With that said, it was time to apply for SSDI. Friends recommended that I hire an attorney, but I went directly to www.ssa.gov and read the disability application requirements, and felt strongly that I could do it on my own via the website. I wasn’t in the best mental state to tackle an extensive application (I was in between brain shunt implant surgeries), but, was determined to apply for SSDI to help exercise my brain. When I got to the site, I found the SSA disability determination website amazingly user-friendly! I was able to, independently, apply online with the easy step-by-step instructions.  When my mind needed to rest, I was able to save my information and, the next day, continue from where I left off.  I did everything online — not once having to step foot in a field office to complete my application; and I received my disability benefits in four months!

What a decision to make! I always said that if I could work through the disability determination process successfully on my own, I’d publicly share my story to assist others.  I continue to fulfill that promise every day, and as it turns out, I’m not an anomaly.  The risk of disability is larger than we think: A 20-year-old worker has a 1-in-4 chance of needing disability benefits before reaching full retirement age!  So, after 30 years in the workforce and contributing to the Federal Insurance Compensation Act (FICA), I sure am glad my disability insurance was there for me in my time of need.

Honestly, I get tired of hearing the negative stories about SSDI. It’s time for everyone to hear a good truthful story about the Social Security disability determination process and how it works in favor of claimants and truly serves the public.

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About the Author

Jarita (J.D.) Davis, Social Security Disability Insurance Beneficiary and published author and blogger

Jarita (J.D.) Davis, Social Security Disability Insurance Beneficiary and published author and blogger


  1. EMN

    I get it i never believed in depending on the US GOV although if you work and pay your honest taxes you should be in titled to your money and not watch the feds give it all to the undocumented and refuges with no questions asked if we went to another country we would be imprisoned or deported and or killed !!!same thing for the birth right we keep them then they file to bring there hole family and they collect as well if we did that in any other country no hesitation you and the child kicked out with no provisions to get back home your on your own.i spent the last two teas care giving my in laws dad inlaw 91died 5 months after falling and breaking his hip mom inlaw 89 has allstimers i worked 33 years heavy construction for only two companies 25yr for 1 and 8 yr for the other as a field foremen and super filed for PFL got denied did not think much about it my in laws bought al the food and housed me with all the aminities then i became very run down and was diagnosed with typ2 diabetic and hell the very next day sever nerapathy sets in a1c was14 norm is 6 to 7 glucose was 465 norm is 70 to 110 a few months later could not take care of my mominlaw so my wife and i put here in a home and 3 months later she dies renavated the house for it to be a rental and when i got a renter moved in my wife files for divorce says i left here when i went to take car of her parents witch i dont have anything bad to say about her except she never came to help with her parents always at the casinos any way i just filed for my ssd myself now that no contractor is or will take on the liability on someone that works hights of 100 to 1000 feet off the ground its all ive known since i was 14 1/2 years old and i got denid so i hired a firm called binder and binder got denied again the attorney told me what would happen and it did i think the ssi just expects us to go away after we get denied well dont you must meet or beet there dead lines and push them most people will just give up i now am state disabled with my perm blue handycap placard witch will help tell your doctors what you want they are there for you they just dont want to get involved doctors are practicing medicine even after they get there degrees and they will be till they die so to listen and do some of the work with you dont let them just give you a prescription and say come back for a follow up i believe with my docs help and filling out and sighning some forms and my attorney it wont get denied again sssecurity has a listing of handy caps and illness and mental problems on there web page that say this is a qualification for ssd then dont give up make them stand to there word for there words are really lies but if it is in black and white there should be no dispute

    • Frank D.

      I am a veteran us army paratrooper who deployed to Greada in 1983. in 1985 my unit deployed to Hondourus where I hd my 1st simtoms. I was sent to Panama for 2 weeks to see a neurologist in which he coldnt figureout was wrong. For 35 yearsmy MS went dorment. It came back with a vengeance.,. I’m in a wheelchair .nowever I deal with it with loyalty and keep my head up. I will battle thid till the day I die . I thank God for theVA. They have done wonders for me. When I first arrived, I could not spak, walk etc they . I now speek. Wonders I say.

  2. Gloria

    Wow, I just finished reading through the stories and comments. I need HELP!!!!!!!!!!!! First and foremost, I’m a one man band and have absolutely NO ONE, NO FAMILY, FRIENDS OR ANYONE who can help me with at all! I’ve not been able to worked since the end of 2012. I went to an urgent care because I had reflux so bad (and still do) and was told to follow up with a primary doctor which I had to find one. Made the appointment, asked to have blood work done just to make sure everything was in check. Low and behold, I had high cholesterol. At the same visit, I complained of chronic fatigue, pains in my feet that went through me from the tips of my toes to the top of my head. I also had problems with two fingers on my right hand which turned out to be trigger finger. I continuously complained of pain and the fingers getting worse to where I couldn’t hold anything in my hand, had no grip nothing. During this time, he put me on medicine for the pain in my feet and which had to be increased in no time at all. I had xrays of my hand and was referred to a surgeon. Had trigger finger surgery and from there it’s been one thing after another. I had absolutely NO feeling in my hand at all for 3 months, couldn’t stand air touching it. Went to physical therapy and all I could do was cry the pain was so horrendous. Finally the physical therapist said he couldn’t help me anymore and thought I would benefit from stellate ganglion blocks as my sympathetic nervous system was traumatized. All along, I was already referred to and been seeing a rheumatologist and on more meds and pain meds. Next thing I know, I’m being stabbed in the neck with an almost 5 inch needle because I’ve been diagnosed with CRPS by my surgeon, rheumatologist and my physical therapist agreed as well. The doctor at the pain clinic said yes you have CRPS. For those who never heard of this, it’s a rare chronic pain disease. My only hope for my hand to ever work again was the stellate injections. The side effects were horrible and I had them all but death; obviously. I had two of these injections and was in chronic pain and the pain specialist recommended a pain pump, which I refused. My hand ended up working slightly. Now I’m back to physical therapy after these injections and dealing with the cold intensified the entire ordeal. From here, everything began to happen. I now have a primary doctor, rheumatologist, pain specialist, physical therapist, hematologist, neurologist, have had several more stellate ganglion injections, been diagnosed with spinal stenosis, osteoporosis, cervicalgia, severe carpel tunnel in both arms, have had an MRI of my brain and spine, nerve conduction extremity study upper and lower, L3 – L6 medial branch blocks and still going through those injections in the neck and after the last series, I’ll have the nerve burnt, leukopenia; diagnosed with severe anxiety, depression and borderline personality disorder (from childhood I might add), go to physical therapy every week and that order has 5 different diagnoses alone, inflammatory arthritis and take methotrexate for that, the bone density test has me -2.5 severe range, COPD, have an appointment with a pulmonologist the end of November, severe headaches, optomologist told me he’s putting silicone punctual plugs in my eyes in January because I have CDE (chronic dry eye), been to the ER multiple times, have had walking pneumonia in May, I literally have a safe of medicine, my physical therapy now consists of tens unit, moist heat, massage, statm which is scraping of the tissue to help with the blood circulation, then iced down, I have a tens unit I use everyday to get my hands working because the joints are so stiff and have a neubulizer. That’s only touching the surface. I had to fight tooth and nail to get my tens unit as I’ve had no other choice but the mercy of the state for which I’m most grateful. I’ve had several reactions to medication including the Fosamax for osteoporosis and now I’m suppose to start daily FORTEA injections. As you all can see, I’m fed up!!!!! I’m 52 and applied for disability last year after my surgery but when they called to do my interview and start the process over the phone, I was so heavily medicated I didn’t know what I was doing or saying and I told them I didn’t want it because I didn’t understand what was what. I just reapplied again this week and was told I wouldn’t hear anything for 3-5 months. I’ve been forced to work as I’m about to be evicted and no money for nothing and no help from no one. Having been told by my therapist last week of my mental disorder, I don’t know what to think or do anymore. I’m confused by this process and how it works. Technically, I’ve had the mental disorder all my life, everyday I’m in chronic pain and basically living on injections to prevent surgery. Does anyone or can anyone give me any advice??? I CAN’T AFFORD A LAWYER PERIOD!!!! I’ve been told they can or may go back as far as January 2013 for my benefits. Then I was told by another no. Can anyone PLEASE HELP ME WITH SOME ADVICE OR GUIDE ME IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION????


    • Gloria

      I forgot to mention I was also diagnosed with neuropathy. I read a post where someone had diabetes and neuropathy and it took 5 months. I can only hope and pray it’s that easy for me.

      • Brenda

        don’t hold your breath. I have multiple spinal issues and was denied. I can only sit or stand for very short periods of time and can only walk short distances. I have to lay down for short periods in between for a little relief. My son does almost everything around the house because I was given a weight restriction for lifting, pulling and pushing (which is more than I can even do) of no more than 10lbs. I am on multiple medications (pain killers, anti-inflamatories and muscle relaxers. My medications make me feel as if I am dislexic (sp).Some days I can hardly move because of pain and stiffness. I was denied.

  3. Sherri

    I have a question – I have started my joint application for early social security (at age 62) and when on the phone w/ a representative, he suggested I also apply for disability based on the fact that I had been receiving disability benefits from my employer but that was depleted and was going back to work mid Sept, which I have and have been working. I tried to get an appointment with my neurosurgeon who did my cervical spine surgery end of May, but next opening not until Dec. I have no current records to support the need for disability at this time. I am working out of financial necessity even though I am still having a fair amount of pain using the computer. How do I move forward w/ my application w/ no supporting medical documentation? Or is it best to withdraw the disability application for now and if so, how can I do that when they are both together. Any suggestions?

    • R.F.

      Hi Sherri! Our representative was correct in advising you to submit both applications. You can apply for both Retirement and Disability benefits at the same time.
      If you have been disabled, unable to work, for a period of 12 months or longer, you can still apply for disability for that period of time. Please keep in mind that the Social Security Act sets out a very strict definition of disability, Social Security pays only for total disability. No benefits are payable for partial disability or short-term disability. Disability benefits are paid to people who are unable to work because of a medical condition that is expected to last one year or more or to end in death. We will process your application for disability and we can begin paying retirement benefits at age 62, while we wait for a medical determination. You only need to provide the medical information and we will contact the doctors and medical facilities where you have been treated to obtain medical records. We suggest that you apply for both programs as soon as possible. For more information, please contact your local office, or call us at 1-800-772-1213, Monday to Friday between 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

  4. Aarone K.

    I was diagnosed with High Function Autism at age 21 and I been employed at a job for 5 years with help of a non-profit organization who helps adults with disabilities get jobs through companies that work with them. After 5 years I make $13 an hour. In April they cut my benefits stating my disability “has ended” and that I am doing “substantial gain activity” work. Since they cut my benefits I had to take out a loan through my 401K to cover May and Junes rent, which wont be paid back till the year 2020. July and on my parents have been helping me with half my rent. I only have a high school education. My $13 an hour job is now only covering half my rent, my basic bills and leaves me with a little left for food, gas for my car and living expenses. I am a single male with no kids or friends. I am struggling to make sure I have money for food every 2 weeks. On 10/22/15 at 7:41AM PST I have about $50 till 10/30/15. When I got paid on 9/30/15, I ended up ending the 2 weeks with only 20 cent before I got paid on 10/15/15. I have appealed there decision and still have not heard back even when I got Senator Feinstein’s Office involved and the White House. I have sent my bank statement, pay stubs and even my bills and rent checks. If my parents couldnt help I would be living in my car or in a hotel. I dont even have any extra money to have any sort of social life and my disability has to do with socialization. I work Monday thru Friday and I go home and try make myself workout at home and on the weekends I stay home alone and I am 95% of my time I am alone 5% I am at work. They keep going by my GROSS pay and not my NET, since I pay almost $500 a month is taxes and that is almost the amount my parents are helping me with half my rent. There taking there time and they don’t even ask me in any redetermination forms, how much i pay in rent ($1,096 with utilities) and how much I pay in bills (almost $500). About $300 a month in food give or take. I hope they realize that I have a disability that wont end, and I have only a high school education that I received through Special Ed and that I got live off $13 an hour. Appealed in May and still waiting for a decision. If you got this far, I thank you for reading my complaint about Social Security and they rules of who gets government help and who doesn’t

    • Gloria

      I truly understand where you’re coming from and how you feel. Reading your post is why I shared my story. Like you, I’m more than struggling and forced to work part time at $9 an hour trying to keep my head above water and at the same time, not loose the benefits I’m currently receiving. I PRAY AND PRAY and will certainly keep you in my prayers!

    • I d.

      There are many people who are not disabled who only make $13/hr or even less. Your problem is your rent and living expenses are too high for a $13/hr income.

      First thing you should do is call your local 2-1-1 (free call…it might be something different in your state) for “emergency/social services” and ask about “low income housing”. Also research it online. There is HUD-subsidized housing that will cost 30% of your income, whatever your income is. You will qualify for that, but you must get on the waiting lists for all the places that offer that type of housing as there is a huge demand (lots of poor people struggling with high rents). The wait time can be 6 months to YEARS.

      Also, look into “Tax Credit” apartments–these are lower-than-Market-Rate units, usually capped at around $825/mo, but could be as low as $400/mo. The rent is fixed (not based on a percentage of your income), but the rent will be lower than you are paying. They may have a waiting list also. Private landlords and nonprofits have these “Tax Credit” units–you just have to find them and apply.

      It is possible that your Disability benefits would be higher than your net pay (especially now that you have earned and paid in for a while). You can claim that you are unable to continue working full-time and ask for expedited reinstatement of your Disability benefits. You will need to prove it though by asking your employer to reduce your hours due to your condition/stress/whatever, taking a part-time job instead, leaving the job, or getting laid off.

      Once a disability has been established, it is easier to get back on benefits if you are once again unable to work full-time because of it.

  5. Jean J.

    I have applied for SSDI twice and was denied twice. Can having a degenerative disc disease, neuropathy, carpal tunnel, muscle weakness on left side and stiffness sitting and getting up, etc would qualify for social security disability? Appealing for the third time.

    • Gloria

      I have everything you have and more and I just applied. It’s sad hearing how people are suffering and struggling and being denied what they’re entitled too especially when you see people everyday getting everything they can get and lie and get away with it. At the end of the day, they have to answer!!!!

    • R.F.

      Hi Jean. You may find our listing of impairments useful. Remember that Social Security only pays disability benefits to people if they have a medical condition that has prevented them from working, is expected to prevent them from working for at least 12 months, or is expected to end in death. We use the same five-step process to make a decision on each application. For more information on the appeals process, please visit our Appeal Processing publication.

  6. Daniel M.

    Thanks To All The Government People Who Help The Citizens Out In There Time Of Need!!

  7. Ricky M.

    I’ve had 2 denials for Disability hired an attorney went before adj in 2015 , went to ce exam, now waiting on decision from SS They said I was eligible for ssdi and ssi How far back can you get back pay for Ss?

    • teresa

      I applied in 2008, i was diagnosed with several things. Fact’s are now that i have stage 4 liver cancer. Through this whole process ive been drug through the mud i suffer with fybromiralgia anxiety, i have hypertension severe panic attacks. And now what could of been treated in 2008. It will kill me. Had a ripoff attorney who stated the longer the wait the more money she makes. Obviously not considering ME?
      misdiagnosed and finally diagnosed with cerosis of the liver. Everything i described in 2008 were all symptoms of cerosis. I went to court this past march i was given only a partial favor. To the date i was fonslly seen by a resl DR. From the doorway he told me what was wrong with me. I was given medication since 2008 and due to the combination of meds they were destroying my liver. It cant be reversed. My attorney asked the SS DR who testified at my hearing if my client waz diagnosed on 9 -12-2015 on 9-11-2015 she did not have cerosis. I almost fainted. Well i got partial to the date i finally had a answer myself. The date i was diagnosed with cerosis of the liver meld 12 and 60 percent function. Ive suffered for years but because i was seeing quackass Drs who cared nothing about me.? And up to the date i requested another Dr. (“This dr stated to me that my liver and kidneys were fine”) 2 months later i have full blown cerosis. Less than 2 months. I am stll waiting for my backpay. I still owe so much out. and them not going back to the original date filed i dont think ill ever repay everyone who helped me. Where is my backpay ?? (why is it taking so long. ) ive been more than patient. I call ive been to office so i dont know what to do. How much longer do i have to wait. I get very lil my monthly income bearly gets me to the end of the month snd a week out of that i go hungry…. I dont know why the wait i think theyre waiting go me to die. This whole process has killed me years ago.
      I feel DEAD…..March i won it is November now.. My Attorney should be Bard from her practice. Its been a Total Nightmare.
      I didnt ask to get sick. i was trying to find out wat was wrong with me. Theropist and drs on there side should be changed immediatly id question there credibility…

  8. Selma

    My question is if someone is receiving social security disability and they find an ecommerce business that they would like to get involved with that could substain them financially what is the process of being removed off of social security disability.

    • R.F.

      Hi Selma. You can try to return to work while receiving Social Security disability benefits. We have special rules to help you get back to work without jeopardizing your initial benefits. You can learn more about how work can affect your benefits by reading our publication, “Working while Disabled- How We Can Help”.
      Keep in mind that whether you are receiving Social Security or SSI, it is important to let us know promptly when you start or stop working, or if any other change occurs that could affect your benefits. For specific questions and to report changes and update your benefit records, please contact your local office or call our toll free number at 1-800-772-1213 Monday through Friday, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. We hope this helps. Good luck !

      • Khadijah

        I’m upset. I havn’t been able to finish my application and when I went to the Minneola office to get help, they said I had to wait till December for an appointment. Can you please help?

        • R.F.

          We are sorry that you are having difficulty processing your application online and in getting an earlier appointment. You can also call us at 1-800-772-1213 Monday to Friday Between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. and ask a representative to help you. If you cannot continue your application on line, even setting up an appointment weeks in the future will establish a protective filing date, so we urge you to get on the calendar, even if it’s in December.

      • Michele S.

        Nice. Reply right away to someone that wants to get OFF SSD. I would like to know where *I* can get help? 15 years, 11 denials, and I DO have a legitimate disability, AND had attorneys, that were obviously as worthless as SS is.

  9. bettyg

    YOU and many of the above are LUCKY ones with your disabilities being spelled out in list of APPROVED LIST OF ADULT IMPAIRMENTS.

    many of us have INVISIBLE symptoms that average person can NOT see, but our bodies are a 24/7 construction project going on inside…many detours, pavement ends, bumpy roads, 1-lane roads going thru this stressful procedure for many years on end.

    took me 5 yrs. of hell to be approved; my claims were each 2-3″ thick of medical files!!

    bettyg, iowa

  10. Judi M.

    I have not seen.sny reference to.
    .medical record summary or.earliest onset date supported by a brief. Residual Capacity is a stumbling block to many and they are denied on assumption they can still do substantial gainful activity level work at.lraxt sedentary because people don’t know what that is
    .more complex conditions require professional expertise.of experienced advocate with ability to create thorough summaries and training to.write briefs,.reconsideration level.as well

    • bettyg

      RFC is residual function capacity form stating how long you can do each thing daily for:

      0-2 hrs, 2-4 hrs, 4-6 hrs, 6-8 hrs.

      sitting ,standing, lifting, climbing, bending, crawling, using your hands, etc.

      your SUPPORTIVE DRS. should fill this out on how you ARE TODAY when you visited the dr.

      NOT how you were on your LAST DAY OF WORK!! huge difference.

      then that your medical records indicate the same things that THEY commented on and are PRESENT in medical chart files.

      good luck,

      bettyg, iowa

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