
How I Navigated the Social Security Disability Process

October 19, 2015 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: October 19, 2015

screen shot of the faces and facts of disability page

I’m on Social Security disability insurance (SSDI). Okay I said it, and, I’m also very thankful for it. I might sound somewhat perplexed, because it’s all new to me and isn’t what I had expected to deal with in life. Yet, I am realistic and understand that “things happen” to all people.

You hear about the horrifying, multi-year process involved when applying for SSDI benefits. These stories are in the media and everywhere, but I didn’t have to pay close attention, because I never expected I’d need SSDI.

I’ve always strategically planned for the unexpected. I’m a former corporate vice president of operations and international business leader of more than 30 years’ experience. My husband and I, together, had a significant income, owned a home in a country club, guard-gated community in Southern California, and were extensive travelers, etc. Then, the season changed – unexpectedly.

In 2012, I started to show medical symptoms from an old auto accident that had caused a brain injury. I had difficulty walking, memory loss, etc. My neurosurgeon explained what was occurring, and that major brain surgery was required for me to continue living. My first brain surgery was performed in July 2012; my second brain surgery in September 2012; and between 2012 and 2014, I underwent five brain/skull surgeries. My husband became my full-time caregiver, and our financial safety net was all compromised due to my health.

With that said, it was time to apply for SSDI. Friends recommended that I hire an attorney, but I went directly to www.ssa.gov and read the disability application requirements, and felt strongly that I could do it on my own via the website. I wasn’t in the best mental state to tackle an extensive application (I was in between brain shunt implant surgeries), but, was determined to apply for SSDI to help exercise my brain. When I got to the site, I found the SSA disability determination website amazingly user-friendly! I was able to, independently, apply online with the easy step-by-step instructions.  When my mind needed to rest, I was able to save my information and, the next day, continue from where I left off.  I did everything online — not once having to step foot in a field office to complete my application; and I received my disability benefits in four months!

What a decision to make! I always said that if I could work through the disability determination process successfully on my own, I’d publicly share my story to assist others.  I continue to fulfill that promise every day, and as it turns out, I’m not an anomaly.  The risk of disability is larger than we think: A 20-year-old worker has a 1-in-4 chance of needing disability benefits before reaching full retirement age!  So, after 30 years in the workforce and contributing to the Federal Insurance Compensation Act (FICA), I sure am glad my disability insurance was there for me in my time of need.

Honestly, I get tired of hearing the negative stories about SSDI. It’s time for everyone to hear a good truthful story about the Social Security disability determination process and how it works in favor of claimants and truly serves the public.

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About the Author

Jarita (J.D.) Davis, Social Security Disability Insurance Beneficiary and published author and blogger

Jarita (J.D.) Davis, Social Security Disability Insurance Beneficiary and published author and blogger


  1. Ronnie C.

    Unfavorable decision on my case even though my doctor happen to be the ssi referral doctor they used to judge back issues will get over turned at next level or not.

    • V.V.

      Ronnie, we are sorry to hear about your disability. Social Security wants to be sure that the decision made about your disability claim is correct. If you do not agree with our decision, you have the right to file an appeal. You must make a request within 60 days from the date you received your notice of denial. If you need help with filing your appeal, you can contact your local Social Security office.

      For more information, read our publication “The Appeals Process“. Also, while you are waiting for a medical decision, you may be eligible to receive social services from the state in which you live. These services include free meals, housekeeping help, transportation, or help with other problems. You can get information about services in your area from your state or local social services office. You can also visit the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services web page for more information.

  2. Deborah L.

    My husband had many diffrent Disablities and couldn’t get on SSDI He worked until the day he died at 42 years old then they wouldn’t help me Iam having trouble even being verified to start the application I am a widow and have Hearing loss can’t hear without a hearin aid and don’t have the funds to get one

    • R.F.

      Hello Deborah. You cannot apply for survivors’ benefits online. If you need to apply for benefits, you will have to visit the local Social Security office. An appointment is not required, but if you call ahead and schedule one, it may reduce the time you spend waiting to speak to someone.
      We currently provide several reasonable accommodation options to ensure that we communicate effectively with you.
      To schedule an appointment and to request reasonable accommodation for an upcoming appointment, you can call us toll-free at 1-800-772-1213 or 1-800-325-0778 (TTY), between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Friday. You may also write or visit your local Social Security office. Thanks!

  3. Chris C.

    I have been on disability two years this June. Will I be able to go on Medicare?

    • V.V.

      Hi Chris, thank you for your question. You are automatically enrolled in Medicare Part A and B if you’ve been entitled to Social Security disability benefits for 24 months. An information packet will arrive in the mail a few months before you become eligible. Check out the Medicare brochure for more information.

  4. cynthia d.

    how much money can I make for2018

    • V.V.

      Hi Cynthia. Thank you for your question. The amount you’re allowed to earn depends on your age. If you attain full retirement age (66) in 2018, the earnings limit is $45,360 but we only count earnings before the month you reach full retirement age. Beginning with the month you reach full retirement age, earnings no longer reduce your benefits, no matter how much you earn. If you’re under full retirement age for the entire year, then we deduct $1 from benefit payments for every $2 earned above the annual limit. For 2018, that limit is $17,040. For 2019 amounts, see the 2019 Social Security Changes Factsheet.

      Visit our Retirement Planner: Getting Benefits While Working and our Retirement Earnings Test Calculator. Hope this helps!

  5. christopher l.

    I have been on ssi disability for liver failure for @ 2 years now and we believe there was a huge error on the amount granted.
    the ssi worker in Riverside county told us that he could not include the 2 years prior that he worked in South Dakota so he was granted the very minimal amount of ssi disability due to no work record.
    this sounds incorrect and I would like to know how to go about disputing this decision.

    • R.F.

      Hello Christopher. For disability benefits, the amount an individual can receive depends on the amount on their average lifetime earnings prior to when they become disabled.
      There are situations in which a records earnings may need corrections. Visit our Frequent Asked Questions web page for more on this topic.
      For security reasons, we do not have access to personal records via this blog. You may contact us and request a review of your records. You should continue working with your local office to resolve this matter, you can request to speak with the office manager if necessary.
      We hope this helps!

  6. Jerry

    I have been diagnosed with spinal stenosis and today I found out also thru X-rays taken last week I have Enthesopathy.( lumbar stenosis) My PCP is scheduling a orthopedic doctor ASAP.

    • R.F.

      Hello Jerry. To add new medical evidence or a medical source to your pending claim, you can mail or take the information to your local Social Security office. Thanks!

  7. Barry

    Lucky you! While I’m sorry you went through that physically and I’m glad that you had a successful application, I basically have the same background that you do but it might case it was a heart condition. I’ve been fighting this for 3 years now, and have now been remanded back for a new hearing. The process is agonizing. You are normally not the norm

  8. Milon K.

  9. Heather n.

    Whom do I find out by if I’m approved. Over 3 yrs of waiting and already had my case 60 days ago

    • R.F.

      Hello Heather, the length of time it takes to receive a final determination after a hearing varies. We attempt to resolve all claims promptly, but there may be delays due to the volume of pending claims in your area.
      Unfortunately, and because of security reasons we do not have access to personal records in this blog. Please call our toll free number at 1-800-772-1213 for assistance. Representatives are available Monday through Friday, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Generally, you will have a shorter wait time if you call later during the day or later in the week. Or contact your local Social Security office directly. Thanks!

  10. Cameron B.

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