Disability, General

Give Yourself the Gift of Healthcare

December 11, 2015 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: August 19, 2021

Christmas present Have you finished your holiday shopping? Did you find something special for each person you hold dear? What about for you?

When we focus on giving — of our time and with presents — it’s easy to forget about getting ourselves an important item. We seldom think about our own healthcare coverage during the holidays. This is something Social Security and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) aim to change.

Of course, you may be well now, but at one point or another, you’ll need healthcare coverage, if you become ill or have an accident. You may not like to think about it but an illness or disability can happen to you. Being prepared — by having coverage — is a major part of a healthier future. The ACA makes it easy to #GetCovered and to find affordable plans and preventive care.

We serve as a proud ACA education and referral partner. We believe that access to quality healthcare has a positive effect on health outcomes. Some people who apply for Social Security disability benefits may not have access to healthcare, which negatively affects their health and well-being. A good healthcare plan can provide you with the medical care you need, until we make a decision on your disability claim. The good news is you can be considered for healthcare coverage even if you have a pre-existing condition. Please don’t wait! Apply for health coverage now and get the care you need. I encourage you to visit healthcare.gov or call 1-800-318-2596 for more information.

Giving selflessly is part of the holiday season. Don’t forget . . . that includes you, too. If you need coverage, give yourself the gift of quality, affordable, healthcare for the holidays, and beyond. ACA Open enrollment ends January 31.

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About the Author

Carolyn W. Colvin, Acting Commissioner of Social Security

Acting Commissioner of Social Security


  1. Maribel G.

    I need the 1095 B
    Maribel Gonzalez

    273 Bryn Mawr Ave
    N E Palm Bay Fl

    I don’t know where it is so I need one thank you have a good day

    • R.F.

      Hi Maribel. If you’re referring to the Form SSA-1099 showing the amount of benefits paid during last year and the amount of any voluntary Federal tax withheld, these forms are mailed by January 31 each year.
      Just a reminder – We do not have access to personal information. Please be cautious about posting personal information on social media. Thanks!

  2. Rabby

    These comments show how important it is to be educated about this issue. But no one should be without healthcare cover – it is simply not right to be without some form of coverage, and it is possible to find affordable options even when they may not be in front of you. Sometimes it takes some research to get the best solution for your needs.

  3. Roby

    “La distruzione dei partiti conduce al&oâ™aut€ritarismol#8221;. A me pare che i più beceri autoritarismi del ’900 siano proprio venuti dall’avanzata di alcuni partiti: fascista e nazista. Se consideriamo pure quello comunista in Russia o in Cina…. Fabio Chiusi, sarai mica un altro di quelli che cambia i fatti per farli collimare con le tue tesi ? : )

  4. Lic. P.

    Congratulations to the functionary of the Social Security Administration who received the prize by the White House for her efforts in the social communication with the customers of Social Security
    around our country.

  5. Nancy

    Wondering about 1095-b, Ian continuing paying my disable Medicare A&B, while I live in Canada right now, I don’t work, Ian disabled, I don’t file American taxes, what do I do with 1095-b form

  6. Paula w.

    My sister in law is 63 she is disabled but doesn’t qualify for social security disability. Her income is only $700. Month. ACA wants $650 a month to insure her. We can’t get her on Medicaid because she can’t afford to go to a doctor to get certified disabled. She will now have to pay the penalty which is her entire monthly income. How is this helping her?

    If I get her enrolled in the local free clinic will that exempt her from the penalty?

    • R.F.

      Thanks for your question Paula. Consumers who need additional information or have questions should contact the Marketplace Consumer Call Center at 1-800-318-2596 / TTY: 1-855-889-4325. The Marketplace Consumer Call Center is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can also visit Healthcare.gov for general information.

  7. verica b.

    This Is my Second Replay In a last few months.Im retired after 34 years of Work.Still work,Few times a month.being alone,want to keep Hose.It is a Struggle at Times.Health issues.payed all my dues,taxes,insurances,
    Medicare,SS.working,stll paying SS,medicare.Even though,i won’t receive almost none Back in SS increase.Where is My money going?
    Second;I know Family,recently immigrated,Husband ^ years,Wife3 years in The USA.On Medicaid,Free Apartment$600 month,paing $80.water paid.elecricity,food.Free Dental Eye Care.Plus Both Working,some part time Jobs.Wher is this camping from?How does this compare to Retired People ,With lower Social Security,Pensions?People Work all their Life Here.Pay their Dues.At the end,Cant compare with those on Medicaid.where everything is Free,Donated,paid by The Government .What kind of logic,respect is this Toword,hard ,honest Working Citizen Of Our Country?It truly makes me Unequal,Less respected,and undeserving.I believe there are many more feeling the Pain,As i do.My Honest Question is;Is our Government ,SS,Consider,this issues,seriously at all?Please Respond! thank You!

  8. Calvin D.

    A person in this country who has worked little to none and can’t anymore can get social security disability before someone who has worked 30 or 40 years and can’t anymore. Why is that?

  9. MJean

    I noticed a Big Change when I went from an employer insurance to Medicare, as I retired 2+ years ago – fewer doctors, more crowded schedules, less time with me, fewer tests, etc.
    ‘obama(doesn’t)care’ guts Medicare!
    Private markets are Much Better than Government!! ;-(

  10. Al

    President Obama is ruining this country from within. Obama care is a complete failure for middle to upper lower class people. Only the extreme poor benefit. If We can’t repeal Obama care at least STOP the fines. Why should free people be forced to do this.

    • MJean

      Obviously obama does Not want us to be free – Everything can be related to healthcare and controlled!

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