Disability, SSI

Compassionate Allowances Speed Help to People with Severe Disabilities

February 11, 2016 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: March 17, 2021

photograph of a man in a wheelchairDisability can happen to anyone. If you suffer from a serious medical condition that prevents you from working, time is of the essence when it comes to applying for Social Security disability benefits. Although Social Security is committed to processing disability claims as quickly as possible in all cases, our initial claims process typically takes three to five months.

Because compassion is a cornerstone of our public service commitment, in some cases, we’re able to expedite the application process through our Compassionate Allowances program. Social Security uses Compassionate Allowances to identify people whose medical condition is so severe, they obviously meet our disability standards. Under the Social Security Act, we consider you disabled if you can’t work due to a severe medical condition that is expected to last at least one year, or result in death.

Social Security pays benefits under two programs, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) programs. Our disability program provides benefits and Medicare eligibility to workers with disabilities who paid into the Social Security trust fund through payroll taxes. Under some circumstances, children and family members can receive disability benefits. SSI pays benefits to disabled persons of all ages with limited income and resources. SSI benefits are not paid out of the Social Security trust fund.

Farber’s disease and Tay Sachs disease in children, and advanced pancreatic and ovarian cancer in adults are examples of the 223 conditions on the Compassionate Allowances list. Others include Huntington’s disease and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, which cause rapid brain deterioration in otherwise healthy adults. For a complete list of the Compassionate Allowances conditions, go to www.socialsecurity.gov/compassionateallowances.

The Compassionate Allowances initiative also provides grants to medical researchers to identify other conditions that may qualify for this list. This initiative is just one of many ways Social Security works to help provide you with peace of mind when disability happens. Learn more at www.socialsecurity.gov.

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Jim Borland, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications


  1. Primo A.

    “The title in the information in this email states When Tradigy Occurs,Your Family Can Conunt On Us.” The fact that there was no increas in SS leads me to believe our government does the opposite, they did not increase SS benefits. Why? it was stated that cost of living did not go up. I do not know what world SS lives in (Congress and the man in the White House Mr. Obama can not figure out what it costs to buy anthing in todays climate food the necessity of life plus other living expenses.
    I subtracted what you mean “When tradgy occurs you can count on us” . Well the tradgy did occur and we did not get an increase in SS. To me that is a disgrace. If you can give me a sensible reply, I welcome it. Meanwhile the brain of the government just announced that all college loans will not have to be repaid. I want you people to know, the government stole my (our money) over the years and they like college persons will not have to pay us Tax Payers back.


    • Marc

      FALSE. The government announced no such thing about student loans; if fact, they’ve proposed emfimg the student loan program entirely, and they’ve ended loan forgiveness programs for those who earned it by working in remote rural areas after graduation for years. Complainers never complain about real facts; they complain bitterly about everything they’ve heard which is all a bunch of idiotic lies by uninformed and/or dishonest people. Complain if you want, but at least know what you’re complaining about!!!

  2. bi2611

    I went through 4 years of this, lost everything I had only to have my attorney close my case and not take it to federal court. In the process of this, my insured status expired. I cannot apply again unless I go to work and build my time up.

  3. Teresa S.

    Practical post , Just to add my thoughts if others want a TX TCEQ 10228 P1-7 Instructions/Form , my family saw a blank version here http://goo.gl/FJ2IQC

  4. Edna W.

    My Lupus has gotten worse. I now have to use a walker to get around, shower chair to shower and a toilet seat to help with using the bathroom. I also, have sever Rheumatoid Arthritis. I can’t even raise my arms over my head because of pain, swollen legs and ankle when sitting up. I have worked for 35 years and was denied SSDI and SSI. Now I’m waiting for an appeal.

    Can I apply for the Compassionate Allowances for people with sever disability?

    • R.F.

      Hi Edna, medical conditions that meets the criteria for Compassionate Allowances are expedited. To add new medical evidence or a medical source to your pending claim, you can mail or take the information to your local Social Security office. In addition, you may be eligible to receive benefits from social services in your residing state, while you await a medical decision. These services could include Medicaid, free meals, housekeeping help, transportation or help with other matters. To get information about services in your area from your state or local social services or welfare office, please visit the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). We hope this information helps.

  5. juanita e.

    there system sucks for sure

  6. chris

    Ray Fernandez, Public Affairs Specialist,
    can you please comment about when future outreach hearings for CAL conditions are planned? Also, I am still fighting for 5 months of SSI due to each one of my children. I have been fighting and trying to obtain this since i was awarded initial back pay status. However, b/c the original amount was processed at the automatic processing center it only went back for 1 years duration and no one explained the proper procedures for filing additional paperwork in the many calls and visits i placed in this regard. I have been told so many different things by different reps that i no longer know what to believe. As far as policy goes….why is this so difficult? I fought for a long time and went through the legal processes required and lost everything we had! Do you know what it’s like to have to use the same dish water two consecutive days in a row, not be able to take your kids to the Dr.’s, have to pick and choose which meds you will do without? My point is that once you have been awarded SSD status you should not have to continue to fight for your award and sadly i am told that this is standard procedure.

    • R.F.

      We are sorry for the inconveniences Chris. Benefits issued through our Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program, are based on the needs of the individual and are only paid to the qualifying person. There are no children’s benefits payable. You must be referring to benefits paid through our Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program, which in certain circumstances, may also be payable to your children.
      For SSDI benefits, we generally allow up to 12 months of retroactivity payments. We also consider your application date, the established date of your disability and the five-month waiting period (benefits are not payable for the first full five month of disability). We attempt to resolve all claims promptly, but there may be delays due to the high volume of pending cases in our payment centers. Please continue working with your local office in this matter.
      For specific questions about your situation, call our toll free number at 1-800-772-1213. Our representatives are available Monday through Friday, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Thanks.

      • lydiacopeland

        I looked at the draft saying $5331 , I didn’t believe that…my… father in law realey receiving money in there spare time online. . there great aunt had bean doing this 4 only about fifteen months and a short time ago repayed the loans on their cottage and bought a great new Bugatti Veyron . visit this site …

        ========= http://alturl.com/ju4f8

    • Lawanda

      I’ve been lokiong for a post like this forever (and a day)

  7. bastcilk d.

    Really informative and wonderful bodily structure of articles, now that’s user friendly (:.

  8. Trish

    That you for answering. I was just told today by my attorney that in texas it is taking 12-14 months to get an appointment before a judge. So, it will be at least April-June before we hear about a date. They also said compassionate allowance does not apply because I was already in the process before my diagnosis. I thank you so much for this blog, you have no idea how nice it is to have questions answered. If I apply for early SS at 62 (oct) will I lose back payments and will it delay getting medicare?

    • R.F.

      We are glad we can help, Trish. If you apply for early retirement at age 62, we can continue payments until we receive a medical determination on your disability claim. If you are approved for disability benefits, we will adjust your payments accordingly. Medicare starts 24 months after a person receives disability benefits. We start counting the 24 months from the month you were entitled to receive disability, not the month when you received your first check.

  9. Trish

    Trish-I started working full time at 14 worked until 09/14. I had applied because I knew I was unable to work. My diagnosis crossed my 2nd denial. I have MSA , multiple system atrophy. I have life expectancy of 5-6 years and was told I am waiting for a video interview with a judge. That was 4/13/15. Still waiting. I have an attorney that says I just have to wait it out. I was told the compassion allowance was for MSA but normally would not work until you lost your home, filed bankruptcy (could not afford to do that) or were within a year of dying. I am now not able to fill prescriptions ($$) I have referrals for doctors that will not see me because I have obamacare. It costs me $200 a month I have 2000 dollar deductible and then they will only pay 30 per cent. My husband had to come out of retirement at 67 to be a cashier (only work he could get) I would love to know how much longer and what I can do to expedite and what happens when I turn 62 (oct) and am still waiting?

    • R.F.

      Thank you for sharing your comments, Trish. The length of time it takes to get a hearing can vary from state to state. We attempt to resolve all claims promptly, but there may be delays due to the volume of pending appeals in your area. Please continue working with your attorney and local hearing office on specific questions about your case. You can apply for your Retirement Benefits at age 62, if you are still waiting for a medical determination on your disability claim. While you wait you may want to check and see if you are eligible to receive social services from the state in which you live. These services include Medicaid, free meals, housekeeping help, transportation or help with other problems. You can get information about services in your area from your state or local social services or welfare office. Or you can visit the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) web page for more information. We hope this information helps.

      • Carriann C.

        Hi my name is carriann crum,i filed for ssi have been homeless lost my 6 kids to cps because of my injury and health this has been so heartbraking,the state gave me Medicaide there is no cure for this perided i had sirgury to correct the no fluided in the spinal cord,stayed at clarkston speacialty for care was dropped on my headed on my head left in my wheelchair over nite then on toilet til breakfast was served then was dropped on my headed have a broken back is a quadriplegic is hospitalised right now,i filed for ssi right befor being hospitalised,the treatment at nursing homes that is not quilfied for your care just so they get funded by the goverment is sad redicuious heartbreaking to see people die because of improper care.there is place for each and everyone that need diffrent types of care.but nurseing homes lie under staffed and only in it for thr money the insurence pays and there income that patient get from ssi or ssdi so people in these places only get 37 to 67 dollars amonth to live on which is bs.yes people have care but its not for there illness other wise they wont be dieing or loseing limbs if there was proper care or if there life is a priority instead of a paycheck,wound care barely comes in its nurses taking wound care on.the nurses arent certifications to do wound care other wise people wouldn’t lose there limbs if thats the case.guess what state pays them still for services they dont even do.sad to watch and see.goverment waste people’s taxs dollars on fraud .but thats ok government loves to pay fake nurseing home help,i was placed in there cause of being a quadriplegic had surgury dropped seveal time even got a broken tale bone pulled main musles in my lower back,all because of not being placed in the right care facility,just anywhere so they have state funding.imagen if this was your own father,mother,brother,sister,neice,nefew,uncle,grandparents,ect they cant talk,or maybe they can,they tell the truth but there made out to be liers cause the facility,stick,together for that all american dollar,or when staff stick up for your story they are liers and lose there job!do you know how many staff say oh good states coming in things need to change,but cant speak up for patents care,nurses lie for nurses ceinas lie for ceinas,just to have government money to finance care.so sad to watch,lies cover lies over falls,its truely like you put your family members in jail,way to go state works,pretented like there the best facility ever boy are you dumb,give it a week it becomes jail,fot your loved one,are you proud of your self,place like this keep there incomes ssi,ssdi,pentionds,and insurece pay out which is 6 to 7,000 a day for care,and theres no care just a storage unit to put your love ones,so they get all this. Money the goverment pays out insurence and ssi,ssdi,pention,anything your family member gets as income,same as privite care as well.thats what. You dont know or you do but dont care cause there not a bother in your hair,you go on living life while they suffer,and die,why should you worry,you have a life to live,sad to tell you anyone that allows this should live there to find out the truth,because you will never know nothing til you take a step in this world,you should be a shamed of livibg a full life while they suffer,and die in hell,but wait your family will turn there backs on you,and you will feel horrible like we do being placed anywhere,just to get you out of their hair,and sad part is you maybe able to live on your own but they do everything possible to keep you there they need that government funding,so give us a chance to continue life,dont just store us away like a boxs of junk,try to live life to the fullest,cause once your there your family gives up on you,look into the nurseing home,facilities,and find out the truth,about where you are putting famly members befor there final days of there lives or what the goverment is putting money for no real care just a place to dump a loved one or maybe your self when its your time to live like a dog, thank you i just know i could contiue living life if i was in rim or u of m or a fiscility that gives me a chance that gives me the chance to move forward.not giving up on me.i lost my kids cause cps and dhhs didnt give me time to improve when i have a chance to try to change my life and live normal but ssi would help me with a income,so i could get suitable houseing,care that comes in an continues to help me move forward,not just dump me in a nurseing home so no one cares and dont worry about the abuses they dont know cause ,iam not a burden to them iam in a nurseing home waiting to die at 39 cause of a freak accident,i still have the will to live to stubbrin to give up,i seen parents be parents wheelchair or not,give me a chance to live,please check into these place you put your family members,its truelly hell ,thank you once again,contact me,carriann crum 248-212-4563 iam human and deserve a chance at life ,be in my shoes lose your whole family,start over just to have a chance is all i ask please thank for your time i waa normal no accident will keep me down i have a house but need money to add a ramp and diffrent things to make it wheelchair excessable to continue living my life safely broken back or not i truely dont need to be given up on,iam human and deserve to be treated like one.

        • Marc

          Wow. Just…wow.

  10. Primo A.

    I have rotator cup problem on both sides R&L, I had this problem since 2009 and it got worst and worst after all this time. The cause of the rotator cup problem was my wife, the last year she was alive, had to have a compression sleve put on her right arm to prevent water building up in the arm. Putting the compression sleeve on and off every day finally took its toll and I was hurt working in the Stewart Airport Tower (FAA facility) when I fell down some steps and added to thek problem.

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