Disability, SSI

Changes To Past Relevant Work and Disability Determinations

July 15, 2024 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: July 15, 2024

In fiscal year 2023, more than 1.8 million people applied for disability benefits through Social Security’s two programs: Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

Until recently, Social Security required adult applicants to provide their work history going back 15 years. That’s because the inability to work is key to Social Security’s definition of disability.

In general, Social Security finds adult applicants to be disabled only if they have a severe medical condition that either prevents them from doing any substantial work for at least 1 year or is expected to result in death.

Based on this strict definition of disability for both SSDI and SSI, it’s not surprising that Social Security’s disability application focuses on a person’s illnesses and injuries, limitations, treatment, and work history.

But recalling the details of 15 years of employment – job titles, duties, dates, etc. – can be a major challenge. At the Urban Justice Center, our clients often struggle to provide accurate information from their past. To improve their work history narrative while their disability application is pending, we routinely help them to update and clarify information about their previous jobs.

Thankfully, Social Security recently published a new rule that reduces the period it considers when determining whether a person has past relevant work (PRW).

Effective June 22, Social Security began considering work going back 5 years, not 15. In addition, work is no longer relevant if the job lasted less than 30 calendar days.

You can read more about changes in the disability evaluation process in Social Security’s press release.

Decreasing the relevant work period from 15 to 5 years will make it easier for people to accurately report their work history. The reduction also makes sense given Social Security’s recent efforts to modernize the vocational policy that is used to make disability decisions. Research indicates that certain types of skills – namely, “manual” skills – can significantly deteriorate in 5 years.

The PRW changes will reduce the time it takes for applicants to fill out Social Security’s work history forms. This is a small step to simplifying the disability application process. Social Security also benefits by receiving better quality information earlier in the evaluation process.

Ultimately, millions of people applying for disability should see a reduction in processing times.

Our posting of this blog does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of any non-Social Security organization, author, or webpages. 


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  1. Patricia H.

    I get ssdi but it’s not enough I worked starting at 16 working 3 jobs to provide for my family, now it’s sad all I put in for all that money and wonder if I will ever get above water

  2. Baffled

    1.8 million applications but over 30,000 people died waiting for a decision. This country is disgusting.

    • Norshke@yahoo.com

      Been waiting 3 years 3 months now. I’m 58 worked for 35 years. I have nothing left but a bag of my clothes now.
      Hear failure w/2 surgeries, my heart at 30% now, arthritis with 2 knee prosthetists surgery , clinical depression, diabetes, sleep apnea, sleeping disorder, hypertension, high blood pressure and some more and these people still can’t make a decision after 3 years. Jordan my case worker would not pick up the phone or return my phone call ever. I do have a lawyer but he can’t do anything.
      It fills like I’m in a mob movie like in Sopranos.
      Waiting on me to die ! They don’t care ! They don’t treat you like a human !

  3. Patricia C.

    You both have it wrong. The new rule isn’t about determining how much SSDI you earned while working.

    The new rule determines…

    “The new rule simplifies step four of the process, which assesses whether a person applying for disability benefits can perform any of their “past relevant work.”

    Please read the articles and press releases patiently and thoroughly. Social Security is here for US!

    Can you imagine other Countries where people work for 60-70 years and have absolutely nothing to show for it, no SS, Medica Insu, 401K, Nothing and die poor, starving, alone? About 1/2 a billion people around the world, every day.

    We in the USA are so blessed and lucky, many forget and take it for granted.

    America Is GREAT! Be Proud and not so quick to judge, not without all the facts.

    Bless you.

  4. Burks

    The whole system is diabolical, and unjust.It should be criminal to take money out of one’s check as required in some states for ssi and ssdi and force people to except a later retirement age than previously expected, then tell those same people that they can only now claim five years of all the money they have put in the ssi fund…So what happen to all that money for many years that taxpayers paid into…there is a God and this unjust but He will bring his just for this theft.

    • Darcy L.

      I agree 100% it’s not fair to those who have worked more than 5 years on record it should still count. God bless America but it’s not the land of the free.

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