Progress with Timely Delivery of Payments to People Receiving SSI
Reading Time: 2 MinutesLast Updated: July 17, 2024
We are dedicated to improving service to the American public by prioritizing the delivery of payments to individuals receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI). We are proud to share our progress with more timely release of underpayments.
Watch Commissioner Martin O’Malley’s message about SSI underpayments.
SSI underpayments
In 2023, a monthly average of 7.4 million people with disabilities (including children with disabilities) and older adults, who have little to no income or resources, received approximately $61 billion in Federal SSI payments. For fiscal years 2019 through 2023, underpayments represented less than one percent (1%) of all SSI payments. [1]
While underpayments are not a large share of the total payments we administer under the SSI program, they still can cause significant hardships for people waiting. Underpayments, typically payments from the time of applying for SSI to the date the application is approved, represent money owed for months past. Individuals approved for SSI – but who have to wait on release of payment – may experience even more acute economic insecurity while they wait.
Progress on underpayments
In fiscal year 2024, our agency prioritized addressing barriers that prevent timely release of underpayments. For example, this year we updated a policy that required underpayments over $5,000 to be reviewed by another employee – a peer review – before we released the underpayment. In March 2024, we increased the amount from $5,000 to $15,000. Underpayments less than $15,000 may now be released without peer review. This policy change means the time it takes for SSI recipients to receive their first installment payment is now dramatically reduced.
We are committed to continuing to find solutions to challenges that have hindered timely release of underpayments. As of June 2024, we have released $901 million in SSI underpayments, which includes $209.1 million of underpayments to roughly 81,000 people – our oldest and highest priority cases who are counting on SSI as a vital lifeline.
Real people, real impact
This isn’t just about numbers — it’s about people.
Historically, we know:
- Most people who are eligible for SSI are blind or have a disability.
- Nearly one-third of the people who receive SSI are 65 and older.
- Over fifty-five percent (55%) of people who receive SSI have no income other than their monthly SSI payment.
Enhancing economic security
By delivering payments more promptly, we are improving customer service and enhancing the economic security of millions of adults and children who rely on SSI.
Together, we are breaking down barriers and fostering a more equitable system.
We will continue to prioritize accurate and timely payments.
Call to action
We invite you to learn more about the SSI program as it celebrates its 50th anniversary. Visit our Equity page to learn how you can support ongoing efforts to improve SSI.
Join the conversation
We want to hear from you! How will these changes impact your community? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.
Looking for assistance?
Visit our Online Services page to see what you can do online. You can also call us at 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. People who are deaf or hard of hearing may call our TTY number, 1-800-325-0778.
[1] For more information about the size of the SSI program: Monthly Statistical Snapshot, May 2024 ( – see Table 3
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Tags: equity, SSI, supplemental security income
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Bradley B.
Two unresolved unconcluded serious issues which have resulted in consequences to the beneficiary under my care as his (my 65 yr old Brother) designated representative / payee I’m his sole only care assist and responsible person IT’S taken
3 years and six months too approve his benefits claim.
A total of 3 DDS rep’s two adjudicators, two CA State medical doctors hired by SSA to internally examine claimant med records (names of DDS rep’s, doctor’s of SSA are none but adjudicating author’s aren’t) one supervising specialist handed claimants case in Sacramento CA (a total of approximately 15 months his claim stalled in an abyssal of zero accomplished before shipped out to east coast)) and a host of individual entities from various locations within CA & other states. My as yet unanswered question for “not just why it’s taken 3 1/2 yrs til an A.L.J. (without benefit of a scheduled hearing) whom asked for a provided medical evaluating witness via medical teleconferencing then reviewing said M.D. s
Report (an absolutely gut kicking flat Franklin visually descriptive picture of myself and my bed confirmed now 1 1/2 yrs brother a non – verbal since stroke 01/31/2021 unable to communicate with people can’t write, nor gesture bodily, speech apraxia dysphagia severe with severe global aphasia receptive n expressive all modalities with communication zippo.
Incontinent X2, assistance dependant heavy, hospital discharged 45 day’s post stroke! Hospices approved! “ARE we GETTING the PICTURE” it gets beyond worse but past sickening!; two denial’s initial and recon appeal adjudicating writer’s authored letters of explanation wrote: “An uncooperative claimant unwilling to provide medical evidence of an alleged disability ” two yrs after those letter’s an attorney obtained from his SSA e file all the medical records I mean they the SSA had obtained ALL his med record’s of four treating hospitals and got them on or about the 45 day’s post stroke arena all time dated stamped with DDS rep comments and their uploaded analytics matching from all four hospitals to six neurologic grid rules THEY LIED TO me!
WHY? and
how do we handle that ? ? just ignore it like it didn’t happen THESE (inappropriate vulgarity) rep’s terrorized my family somebody should smartly consider this I may forgive these people I’LL NEVER FORGET THEM Priscilla, Mathew Y, Mrs H the two physicians so ignorantly misinformed regarding every aspect in their sentences. They may or may not have had access to controlled med record’s or could have but didn’t care to pull up recording of SSA e folder on bro ? regardless they recorded opinions of brother which are faulty without any bearing weight of legitimacy a total mind dribbling erring. )
There’s uglier yet, but
second issue this one’s important to resolving ASAP it’s remaining SSI back – pay releasing now sooner than the six months later. It’s appropriately resourcing him THAT’S expensive and shortened on monthly in all those items daily, hygiene products incontinence supplies, nutritional supplements, skin maintenance and repair, expensive pee poop proof bamboo sheet’s an absolute must but I have one per use I need five in hand. And more n more BUT local SSA office not listening zippo nothing.
PUSHING IT INTO the red zone and I haven’t a nickel to afford angry. Too expensive.
So ? you don’t read this kind of posting to often I guess? or maybe you do. Laundering soiled bedding by hand outside with the garden hose for two years because w/d gave out six months into the heavy use ummm HEY good thing is I’m a biblical scholar really. I’m very literate biblically and make lemonade outta brain matter easily so
thanks for sharing
your’s truly
Real B