General, Retirement

A Fulfilling New Years Resolution: Retirement Planning

January 4, 2017 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: November 3, 2023

man on computer  It’s 2017, and that means you might be one more year closer to retirement. Whether you’re at your very first job or wrapping up a successful career, there are always new things to learn about when it comes to saving for the future. So why not make retirement planning part of your New Year’s resolution!

Putting money in a high yield savings account (if you can find one) is always smart, but you can do even more. The U.S. Department of the Treasury now offers a retirement savings option called myRA. There’s no minimum to open the account, you can contribute what you can afford, and you can withdraw funds with ease. To learn more about myRA, visit

Hopefully, your employer chips in a little. An employer-sponsored retirement plan or 401(k) can be a useful way to set aside funds for retirement, especially if your employer offers matching funds on what you invest. If you don’t work for an employer that offers this type of plan, there are many other plans designed to help you save for retirement.

From solo 401(k)s to traditional and Roth IRAs, there are programs designed to fit a multitude of budgets. The earlier you start to save, the more funds you’ll have ready for retirement.

And, as always, there is Social Security, which is funded by taxes you pay while you work. To get estimates of future benefits and check your earnings record for accuracy, you can create a my Social Security account at

Along with giving up bad habits, this New Year start a good habit that can make a lasting, positive change.


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About the Author

Doug Walker, Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Deputy Commissioner, Office of Communications


  1. Eugene H.

    Great Retirement Plans, like watching moviesand having fun with no worries.

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  4. renio

    Hopefully, your employer chips in a little. An employer-sponsored retirement plan
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  5. andrean

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  6. walter c.

    Andrew Saul SSI: *** – ** – ***
    Social Security Commissioner
    Social Security Administration


    I’m requesting an increase in my social security benefits, from $1,214,50 a month to $30,000,00 a month.
    Redress Of Grievances.

    Applying the facts and law in this case, for a unanimous vote by a constitutional member, Walter C. Spidle, for a order in my favor.

    Respectfully Date: August 19,2019

  7. Alex G.

    Thank you so much for the infomation, it really helped me a lot.
    Alex Gambler

  8. Bunny J.

    I just want to thank the Social Security employees and the system in general.I am 65 years old.When disaster hit me it was had.All in one year.My wife who is 62 was diagnosed with dementia july of 2018.In October I was diagnosed with Bladder Cancer since then I have had 2 operations.I have a well payng job as a HVAC technician but most people know the winters where I am at are slow.Well I decided the only way I was going to make it is go for early retirement so I enrolled on line.One of the customer service folks got a hold of me and explained this was not a very good idea and the reasons why.I finally decided to take out a couple of unsecured loans and get some 0% credit cards to try and make until my full retirement.I am almost there and finances were cutting close not counting my medical.I am on medicare but still have insurance with my employer.My employer is fantastic.They have worked with me all the way through my trauma.So as it stands I was going to be a little short which would effect my credit report.Well Social security when my wife and me suggested one way is for my wife to file early and if she did it would be retro backTo to the beginning of the year.Now I know I could have possibly files for medicaid but if you are familiar with someone who has dementia they do not believe anything is wrong with them and when they do think some is wrong the tend to be very depressed,To make a long story short we just received her direct deposit which means for us our house payments will be on time car and any other bills that are coming due by the time my social security kicks in.My last operation was a couple of weeks ago and I start back to work tomorrow.
    I am not sure if you get many thank you letters or if I am even posting in the proper place.
    If you need to move the post feel free but please let all of your hard workers read this if you have to delete it as you girls and guys Saved my life.

    Sincerely Bunny J Worcester

  9. sheila h.

    2 years ago i recieved a letter from a place that i worked a long time ago saying that i have some money in a retirement i have misplaced the letter and hve tried calling the company . they keep giving me numbers to call but none of them are the right numbers. what can i do

  10. Lori

    If I currently receive social security that I collected at age 62 but now I am at full retirement age of 66 can I now get 50 percent of my spouses Benefit instead if it is more and he retired at full retirement age?

    • R.F.

      Thank you for your question Lori. Your benefit as a spouse can be equal to one-half of your husband’s full retirement amount only if you start receiving those benefits at your full retirement age. If a person begins to receive benefits at age 62 or prior to their full retirement age, their benefits are reduced. The reduction factors are permanently applied to all of the benefits the person may qualify for once they opt to start benefits at age 62 or at any time prior to their full retirement age. You may still be eligible to collect reduced benefits on your spouse’s record. Remember, if you qualify for your own retirement benefits and for benefits as a spouse, we always pay your own benefits first. If your benefits as a spouse are higher than your own retirement benefits, you will get a combination of benefits equaling the higher spouse benefit. See our Retirement Planner: Benefits For You As A Spouse for more information. To see if you qualify for a higher benefit than what you are currently receiving, contact your local office or you may call our toll free telephone number at 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. and ask a representative to assist you. We hope this information helps.

    • Mary J.

      Hello Lori, my mother just had exactly the same situation, just follow Ray Fernandez help, good luck!
      Mary, writer at

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