COVID-19, Online Services

A COVID-19 Update from Our Commissioner

March 19, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

I want you to hear directly from me how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our services. The first thing you should know is that we continue to pay benefits. Be aware that scammers may try to trick you into thinking the pandemic is stopping your Social Security payments but that is not true. Don’t be fooled.

To protect you and help stop the spread of this coronavirus, we cannot accept visitors in our offices at this time. There are several other ways you can get help. Many services are available online. If you have a critical need that you cannot address online, we can help you over the phone.

Please visit our website to find out what services we are continuing and which ones we are suspending, how to contact us, and important information about deadlines we are extending to ease the burden on you and medical providers during this pandemic.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Tiff

    I read different things saying that we will so if you don’t like what people are asking and there are people who is older living in there own kids house and their kids claims them I don’t think it is fair that they won’t get it because there kids claim them a dependent

  2. dorothy t.

    If the person is getting SSDI/SSI but his parents claim him as dependent. He is an adult?Is he eligible to get a Stimulus check as well?Thank you

    • Alexa J.

      I personally think they should but from what I have read the way it sounds to me is dependents will not get a check……

      Again I think dependents on SSDI/SSI should definitely get a check but it’s not looking likely at this point 🙁

  3. Holy S.

    The bill simply calls for payments to be made “as rapidly as possible.”

    But experts say it could take longer. In 2001, it took six weeks for the IRS to start sending out rebate checks under a new tax cut, and in 2008, it took three months after a stimulus package was signed into law.

  4. Tiffany B.

    I am on SSI. My dad And mom claims me as a dependent on their taxes. Will I still receive the Stimulus

    • JustMe


      • Dina

        From what I have read, if you are on SSI or SSDI and claimed as a dependent, the person who filed the taxes will get $500 for you as a dependent. You would have to get from your parents.

      • Dina

        From everything I have read since the passing of the stimulus, Yes BUT it would be $500 as a dependent and go to your parents and you would have to get from them.

    • Dina

      Yes, from everything I have read since the stimulus was signed. Your parents would get $500 for a dependent and you would have to get from them.

    • Liz

      It depends, really. If you are a minor, they will get the $500. If you are over 17, then no stimulus will be given to you or your parents.

  5. Jodine

    Hello, If I am not eligible due to age to start receiving SSI, is there anyway due to Covid-19, that I can receive any part of my benefits due to being unemployed as self employed person?

    • Dina

      I believe the only way you can get it then is if you filed taxes in 2018 or 2019 or receiving unemployment.

  6. colleen a.

    Can a privately owned HUD building take a persons stimulus money[who is on SS] for rent,meaning it will be regarded as income?

    • hmm


  7. Suzanne M.

    You know I’m really believing that ssa is fraudulent especially in Greenville SC!!!
    Get this:
    I have had Chiari malformation all my life I have been diagnosed by a Dr ssa knows this I’ve still denied
    I was diagnosed with severe depression ( affects my daily life) I’m bi- polar always getting wrote up on my jobs for my personality and behavior being unsteady.
    I was DENIED a second time!!
    Now I’ve been diagnosed with diabetes type 2 and I’m in another Pending case that is now on HOLD because of covid-19
    I’m supposed to have faith in a system that I paid into since the age of 18 I’m now 47 yrs old and get get anything???
    There is something VERY WRONG and I wish I knew who to get to help me I’ve even had a senator in my state help me get a faster appeal and he did great and yet that JUDGE denied me!!!
    What is going on with these people??
    I believe it’s CORRUPT!!!!
    I’m on EBT only got 3months they want me to work I can barely walk because the edema also diagnosed by my doctor causes my feet and ankles to swell they get red up to my ankles my balance is poor from the chairi my neurologist stated.
    Now everyone I know on EBT got $100.00 stimulus for covid19.
    Guess who didn’t? your right!! ME
    Do I have an enemy there I’m not aware of?
    No one else has this many problems and everyone keeps being surprised I’m not receiving ssa.
    So Mr.Commissioner what do you have to say to this?
    Immigrants incarcerated people get more help than this AMERICAN CITIZEN who was a single mom sometimes working 3 jobs now not able to do any work
    I need money to live on too so what are the answers for me.
    Broken hearted ? American citizen
    Suzanne Marie Richter Boyter

    • StillMe

      I didn’t get no EBT of $100 so you aren’t the only one. I’ve had .16 cents for the past few days

  8. Gregory P.

    Will people on ssi that do not file taxs get the stimulus and how much ? A lot b s on here doesn’t anyone from the ssa know what is going to happen ??

  9. Joyce C.

    Will you all please read the following website, it gives a lot of new information on who will get what:

  10. Dina

    What if someone filed for disability but has not been approved yet, as you know the process can take 2-3 years. Will they or will they not get a check?

    • bigguy

      if you filed taxe in 2018 or 2019 taxes you will get it

      • Dina

        No,they have not worked since 2017 due to Cancer and did not file for disability until beginning of 2019. So they had no income to file taxes

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