
Two New Arrivals: Our New Blog and Top Ten Baby Names for 2014

May 8, 2015 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: August 19, 2021

This is an image of a smiling baby surrounded by balloons and toys.  The image reads: Just arrived! See the top 10 Baby names of 2014!  Look who’s talking — Social Security is proud to introduce its newborn blog! We’re calling our new bundle of joy Social Security Matters, because this is where we’ll discuss the information that matters to you about our programs and benefits! We’re kicking off our blog with our Annual highly anticipated top 10 baby names for 2014.

See the top ten most popular baby names of 2014…

Since 1997 we have been releasing the most requested baby names, based on requests for Social Security numbers for newborns. We reveal the top 10 names for boys and girls each year, and our records date back to the 1880s. This is one of our most popular web pages with over 2.9 million visits in 2014.

What makes a baby name popular is hard to pin down. Trends in new baby names often follow popular culture, influenced by favorite characters in books or movies, as well as religious meanings.

See the top ten most popular baby names of 2014, find out how the names have changed over time, and view our extensive list — customizable by decade, state, and U.S. territory — at

Whether a movie star or your beloved grandmother inspires the choice for the name you give your child, know that Social Security is here for them, and you, through all life’s challenges.

Social Security has a wide range of resources for families with children.

We issue a unique Social Security number to identify each American child soon after birth. Making sure your child has a Social Security number is vital to accessing our services and claiming him or her as a dependent on your tax return.

Their Social Security number will also be important after your children are old enough to begin working. The number helps us keep track of how much they earn, how much they have paid in Social Security tax, and, ultimately, how much they will receive in Social Security benefits when they become eligible.

To learn more about the importance of Social Security numbers, visit

If your child has a severe disability, we also have programs and benefits to help supplement the additional costs of caring for a child with special needs.

You can find many of our publications about Social Security numbers, benefits, disability benefits, and health insurance at

Although popular baby names change over the decades, Social Security has, and always will, live up to its name, as we have for 80 years by providing a measure of financial security to children and their families.

See below if your name is one of the most popular.

This graphic shows two columns, one with boys names in order from 1 to 10, Noah, Liam, Mason, Jacob, William, Ethan, Michael, Alexander, James, Daniel, and a second column with girls names in order from 1 to 10, Emma, Olivia, Sophia, Isabella, Ava, Mia, Embloily, Abigail, Madison, Charlotte

Tell us, in this blog’s comment section, what popular or unique name you gave your baby.

Don’t forget to check back often to join the conversation — and learn more about why Social Security Matters to you!

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About the Author

Doug Walker, Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Deputy Commissioner, Office of Communications


  1. Guy

    We have 3 grandsons named Colin, Rory and Liam.

  2. Angie

    My 14 year old son’s name is Spencer. It fits him. He was a perfect, cute baby then, and is still a cutie!

  3. linda

    I have a granddaughter that was named ava marie, 4 years ago. red hair

  4. Sylvia

    My children are named Marianne, Michael, Edward, Lisa, Mandy (not Amanda) Nico & Tierra. I have some Granchildren with unusual names like Sinead, Dalton, Kori, Ella, Landon & Emersyn.

    • Shelly

      Interesting my daughters name is also Tierra! ?

    • mik h.

      overpopulation is the world’s biggest problem. birth control is the answer.

      • LISA

        Mik Harren

        Your comments are appalling! People like you attack by stoopidy remarks! I’m guessing you are still a child. The editor of this website needs to block unwelcoming comments and delete them and report these actions. Absolutely foolish Mik Harren. Please display his email so I can take action against him.

        • Kim

          Someone should have told his parents about birth control. Two wrongs doesn’t make a right, but his rude comments are absurd and really not necessary. GOD BLESS all of you lovely people who are able to HAVE children and raise them with your husbands or independently. Also being in a free country or where ever you come from naming children, YOUR children whatever name you choose is your business and your right and no one can tell you different. FREEDOM OF SPEECH! FREEDOM OF RIGHTS! and daring Mik Harren ignorance is not a bliss it’s a flaw. No one judged your mother and father for having you, or naming you, maybe they did and you are upset. It’s okay, you do NOT have to take it out on a S.S website. I plan to have 4 children and maybe name them some weird ass name but that is my right. but thank you for inputting on EVERYONE’S comment!

          • Joyce

            Kim, I appreciate your comments. Wonder if Mik was an unwanted child & told often. Sad! I chose “common” names & spelled them the standard way. But I read a study that found that people with unusual, unique names often are achievers.
            More important is loving and raising them well, with GOD’S help & grace. The name will be loved and respected because of the kind of person they become.

          • MGJ

            The negative comments are being made just for attention. Please everyone stop replying to them and he will go away.

          • Amanda

            What the Heck kind of name is Mik? I bet his strife comes from constantly being confused with Mick, Mike or Mickey Mouse.

      • Rickie

        Too bad your parents didn’t practice it!

      • Kat J.

        Mik Harren
        If you believe that the world is over populated, why don’t you be the first to step off it and make more room for the rest of us ?

  5. rachel

    Our ten year old daughter is named Charlotte. It wasn’t even in the Top 150 names when we named her and my husband and I are surprised to see it spike in popularity over the last 10 years. No doubt due to SITC. We still love it and it’s a beautiful name.

    • Momch

      Charlotte is also the name of the new baby princess in England, “Princess Charlotte of Cambridge”

  6. Marilyn L.

    3 Grandaughters Ambrosia, Ivy AnnaMarie, Cloie, and great-grandson Brannan.

    Thank you for letteing us share,
    Grandma Marilyn(:

  7. Shon-del D.

    I have a Liam who is about to turn 17! I guess we started a trend…. Great name!

  8. Sharon

    I have a brand new granddaughter, Lucia Elizabeth!

  9. Arleen

    My baby granddaughter has the name Sofia. Love this spelling. I have an Alexandra, Charlotte, Tabitha and a grandson Dominic. Thank you for the new blog.

  10. Lindsay

    I’m due with a baby William any day now! A classic, strong, historic name with lots of nickname options.

    • ..

      Congratulations and thanks for being the first person to comment on our blog! Looking forward to some great conversations here on Social Security Matters.

      • Joanie H.

        My daughter and son in law are expecting the end of September. Her name will bee AVERY GRACE. It is through God’s grace that they are expecting this miracle little girl. We thank God every day that everything goes well

        • Mary

          My granddaughter’s name is MaKylie Dawn. We were all so thankful her name was so different from others. A child’s name should be unique just like the child is unique.

          • Chelsey

            My sons name is Avery

          • Amanda W.

            Thank goodness you are smart enough to pick a name for your child that everyone else is not going to use! Great job!

          • mik h.

            everyone is going to make fun of the name, and not spell it correctly – a lifetime of hassle

        • Renata

          Yes, I join your in this blessing and pray that God with his love been with them each day of theirs lives

          • mik h.

            wake up – there is no god, just people who believe in fairy tales

          • Lindy

            This is a reply to all of you who are thanking God for their blessings, and for the person who seemed unhappy enough to make this a debate about the existence or non-existence of God. Not the time or place, one. Two if you are SO certain, go out on a limb and check out a few books by Lee Strobel. An atheist reporter set out to disprove God exist by interviewing top scientists in many fields. Happy reading, Lindy a grateful Christian & Biologist
            PS if I had been blessed with a child I would have went w/Clarisse (F) or Elisha (M)

        • Amanda W.

          Thank you for picking a name that is not on the list. It is a beautiful name!

          • Tina

            I picked Douglas (m) Elizabeth (f) so my kids would not be classified as #1 2 or 3 in school

        • mik h.

          there is no god. wake up and stop believing in fairy tales.

          • John J.

            Mik, after reading your dribble, I can say with confidence that you are one of the most negative individuals I have ever had the opportunity to read.

      • Denise A.

        I have a 4 year old little girl her name is Adala Nicole. Pronounced ah-duh-lei…

        • Tam M.

          Hello Denise, it does sound nice for the name but if it’s pronounced that way then it was spelled wrong in English terms. The way you spelled it is a language Indonesian for the word ‘is’. Just wanted to share that but it still is nice.

        • mik h.

          no one is going to be able to pronounce or spell it correctly and your kid is going to grow up having to explain her name to everyone and to all the teachers in school. big mistake on your part.

          • Christine T.

            Mik, I feel very sorry for you. Is there any love in your life at all. It sounds like you have lots of pain in your life, I’m sorry for that, but this is America where people have the right to believe in God if they want to, so for you to become so upset about it that you have to spew such hatered on a website for baby names. Sorry for your losses.

          • AVB

            Hey dude how many kids do you have….why are you on this site …get a job make yourself happy and satisfied….have you ever wondered about that feeling within you that is greater than your physical and even emotional feelings? That is your spirit…And though you do not help it to grow it is still there….waiting to be watered…..
            by the way my daughter’s name is CELI
            Huh? Chaylee!

        • Ron

          Your pronunciation does not indicate which syllable is emphasized. Do you mean AH-duh-lay?


        I have a 5 month old named Aaron!! He’s a junior!!! I love his name!!

        • mik h.

          if he is a junior, then he will never have his own name – he will be “little” aaron,or young arron, or people will call him some stupid name like buddy, or skip, to distinguish him from the other aaron.

          • mrsayrz

            Mr. or Ms. Haren! You obviouly didn’t get enough hugs as a child. You are certainly the most negative person I’ve seen on this site! My God you need some peace, joy and happiness. I pray you receive it soon! Geez… What’s it to you what people name their children??

      • yey

        i think my name its really really unique my name is YEYSHKIRA MARIE


        • marie

          my daughter name is monaye wanted my sons to be king lol

          • mik h.

            u are kidding, right? a ridiculous name.

        • mik h.

          ridiculous names. you have to spell it or pronounce it for everyone you meet.

          • hi

            lmao this guy is too funny

      • Shea

        My daughters are:
        Alessia (pronounced: Ah-lay-see-ah)

      • Kay

        This is such a great bit of information! When my daughter was small a lot of the girls she was in class with had the same name Stephanie I think was the most prominent. Then when my second daughter was born a lot of Jessica’s. Names should be thought out this is something that makes you an individual. When you are introduced you should have your own distinct personality ring through! Nothing like a fruit or object. Of all the millions of names FIND one the suits the little one you are carrying!

      • Taya

        It’s very sad that my name has
        never been connected to anyone famous till here recently with the release of the Chris Kyle movie American Sniper. (his wife’s name) I was very surprised sitting in that theater. Wish her well !!

    • Tavia M.

      My husband and son are both William!

      • mik h.

        bad name, no one will know how to pronounce or spell it – and you saddled your kid with having to explain it her entire life.

        • MBM

          mik, You don’t have a life! Get one…it’s not too late.

    • Laurie H.

      Congrats Lindsay! I love the name William. It makes me think of Prince William of Wales.

    • Elizabeth

      Baby boy ,Oz !

      • JAMIE

        Thanks I will decide 2 watch THE WIZARD OF OZ sum Tyne 2 DaY.

        • marie

          love it oz is kool

      • mik h.

        u just doomed your kid to hear Wizard of Oz comments his whole life.

        • Kay

          All I see when the name Oz is mentioned is the big head on Wizard of Oz, the tv doctor will not be around forever, no one will remember him. The classic movie will always be there.

    • jane s.

      who cares

      • Jess

        Find your chill.

        • Bee

          Jess, your comment is hilarious!

    • Melissa

      Aleasha and Mya

      • Gladys S.

        My daughter’s name is Mya too…

    • Susan

      My grandson’s name is Kerrick, quite unusual.

    • Terri L.

      My granddaughter’s name is Ula, and my grandson’s name is Sage.

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