Guest Bloggers
ABLE Act – 10 Years of Progress for People With Disabilities
Reading Time: 3 Minutes
On December 19, 2024, we mark the tenth anniversary of the Stephen Beck, Jr. Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act, which allows eligible people with disabilities to open a savings and investment account. ABLE investment growth is not taxable and is not countable income if the funds are used to pay for qualified disability expenses […]
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Government Programs for Children With Special Needs
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
For parents of a child with special needs, providing the support and resources their child requires can feel overwhelming. Thankfully, there is help. Let’s explore the most popular government programs available. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) SSI provides payments to adults and children who have disabilities or blindness. SSI helps families with limited income and resources […]
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How Connecting to Benefits Programs Can Save You Money
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
The cost of aging in America is on the rise. Social Security provides retirees with a stable income. Unfortunately, it’s not always enough to cover the costs of health care, food, housing, and utilities. When the cost of living rises faster than your income, it can be difficult to make ends meet in retirement. A […]
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With IRS Direct File, Many Taxpayers Can File Taxes Online for Free
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
The federal government has many critical responsibilities— protecting the planet; keeping our roads, skies, and food safe; and ensuring that Americans get the benefits they paid into for decades. The money to pay for all those things – and many more essential parts of American life – is collected by the IRS. But the tax […]
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Breaking Barriers: Celebrating Women’s Vital Roles as Disability Advocates
Reading Time: 3 Minutes
Women have always played pivotal roles in shaping societies and breaking down barriers across diverse fields. Women’s History Month is a dedicated time to reflect on their accomplishments, from the suffragette movement to advances in science, technology, and beyond. Especially deserving of recognition are women who take on the roles of caregivers and advocates for […]
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ABLE Programs Prepare for Expanded Eligibility
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
December marks the anniversary of the signing of the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act. Important changes are coming to ABLE programs across the country. These programs are life-changing financial empowerment tools for Americans living with disabilities. ABLE provides a way to save money and build financial independence without affecting eligibility for important benefits, […]
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Prioritizing Mental Health for Our Veterans
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
Mental health is a critical aspect of overall well-being — it’s integral to our happiness. Mental health issues can significantly impact a person’s quality of life by making it difficult to work, maintain relationships, and enjoy activities that they love. For our nation’s veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety, these effects […]
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Protecting Your Retirement Money
Reading Time: 3 Minutes
World Investor Week, which kicks off October 2, is a great opportunity for investors to learn how to avoid scams. It’s particularly important for those planning their retirement to learn how to protect their hard-earned retirement money against fraud. The Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) Office of Investor Education and Advocacy provides online resources to […]
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Smart Social Security Strategies for Women
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
While many women plan to claim Social Security retirement benefits, they may not know about how various factors could impact their monthly payment. More women are working than ever before, but their average benefits are lower than those for men because women typically earn less over their lifetime. In addition, falling marriage rates mean fewer women […]
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The ADA Benefits All People, Not Just “Americans with Disabilities”
Reading Time: 2 Minutes
July 26, 2023, marks the 33rd anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This landmark civil rights law protects millions of people with disabilities across the country. The Access Board is celebrating accessible design features encountered in everyday life that benefit everyone, not just those with disabilities. Read on to learn more! Ramps and […]
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