COVID-19, General

Supplemental Security Income Recipients Will Receive Automatic COVID-19 Economic Impact Payments

April 15, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

The Treasury Department announced that Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients will receive automatic Economic Impact Payments directly from the Treasury Department.  Treasury anticipates these automatic payments to go out no later than early May.

SSI recipients with no qualifying children do not need to take any action in order to receive their $1,200 economic impact payment. The payments will be automatic.

SSI recipients who have qualifying children under age 17, however, should not wait for their automatic $1,200 individual payment. They should now go to the IRS’s webpage and visit the Non-Filers: Enter Your Payment Info section to provide their information. By taking proactive steps to enter information on the IRS website about them and their qualifying children, they will also receive the $500 per dependent child payment in addition to their $1,200 individual payment. If SSI beneficiaries in this group do not provide their information to the IRS soon, they will have to wait until later to receive their $500 per qualifying child.

This is great news for SSI recipients, and I want to remind recipients with qualifying children to go to soon so that you will receive the full amount of the Economic Impact Payments you and your family are eligible for. I also want to thank the dedicated employees of the Treasury Department, Social Security, and the Internal Revenue Service for making this happen and working non-stop on this issue.

SSI Recipients with Dependent Children Should Still Go To to Provide Their Information

Social Security retirement, survivors, and disability insurance beneficiaries (who don’t normally file taxes) will also qualify for automatic payments of $1,200 from Treasury. These payments are anticipated to start arriving around the end of April.

The Treasury Department, not Social Security, will make these automatic payments to beneficiaries. Recipients will generally receive the automatic payments by direct deposit, Direct Express debit card, or by paper check, just as they would normally receive their SSI or Social Security benefits.

For those SSI and Social Security retirement, survivors, and disability insurance beneficiaries, with dependent children, who use Direct Express debit cards, additional information will be available soon regarding the steps to take when claiming children under 17, on the IRS website.

Please note that the agency will not consider Economic Impact Payments as income for SSI recipients, and the payments are excluded from resources for 12 months.

For more information about Social Security retirement, survivors, and disability insurance beneficiaries, please see our most recent blog.

The eligibility requirements and other information about the Economic Impact Payments can be found on the IRS website. In addition, please continue to visit the IRS for the latest information.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Ray

    The 13th and have a payee. No is going on. Trump keeping our stimulus to fund his other people.

  2. Tom

    I just check my bank and no check and when i check the irs it says need more info or i do not get one. 1 how do you need more info on me when u got it from ssa at least u said you would 2 how do i not qufaile when i ony make 10,000.00 a year. I think it just another way to say the people how get paid the most get the money and the people that have to fight get broke even more

  3. William J.


    • DAVID S.

      Full of crap don’t lie to people

  4. GAYLA A.

    My mom is my payee I’m 31 and on ssi will I got the 1200.00 and win

    • DAVID S.

      June 29th

      • matthew d.

        David Stafford go fuck yourself

  5. dewanna Y.

    I get my card on a direct express card from ssi when will I get my check my mom is my rep payee

    • DAVID S.

      No , play the irs said they will pay by mid june

    • DAVID S.

      June 29th

  6. William J.

    i’m suffering greatly
    i have no kids
    on ssi for the past 20 years
    haven’t filed taxes in the same time frrame
    when do i get my relief ?
    have direct deposit set up for the past 20 years
    so far i have gotten nothing
    have i been forgotten about ?
    am i on my own ?
    why are you making the poorest of the poor wait so long for relief ?
    or is the $16.00 dollars from food stamps all I’m getting ?

    • William J.

      while searching online for answers to stimulus checks i discovered there was another stimulus event in 2008, until now i didn’t know that one existed. I never got 1 thin dime from the 2008 stimulus event and I’m beginning to think I’m getting the shaft again !! please prove me wrong.
      there are alot of food stores in my area price gouging with impunity.
      i will not pay 75 cents for 1 potato.
      most of my food as well as my pets food i am buying from other states online with 2 credit cards that are around their max limits. i live alone and i do all of my own cooking, cleaning and food shopping and money management by myself.
      I TRIED to use the IRS form for
      NON-FILERS but i don’t have a pin number so the form was useless for me.
      my mail person never delivered my food stamps W-2 income forms so i couldn’t file a return even though my ssi income isn’t taxable.
      next month only my cat will be able to eat at the rate i am going through my SSI check direct deposit and my dwindling credit.
      you other people are lucky you live with others and can benefit from what they have. I don’t have those luxury’s. without this $1,000.00 check I’ll have to sell my possessions one by one to keep being able to eat.

      • William J.

        $1,200.00 check

  7. John T.

    Well peps guess we got the shaft again its aprox. 11:05 mountain standard which would be 12:05 central its funny im pretty sure the 13th was it but i guess the easter bunny an santa are using our stim money at the blackjack table people on ssi ssdi an other gov. assistance better wake up an smell the coffee these people dont give two dams about us the goverment is trying to starve u out then close down the payments to all ssi ssdi an ssa hell ray charles an stevey wonder could see that our economy is going to collaspe folks we are not getting nothing just keepin it real

  8. Tim

    Has anyone on ssi got stimulus payment yet I haven’t seen anything pending on my direct express card

    • DAVID S.

      IRS said we will get our money no later then the end of june

  9. Christina K.

    I have an SSI payee when will the EIP payments be made or scheduled to be distributed to people such as myself?

    • DAVID S.

      The irs said maybeearound june

  10. Fred A.

    My name is fredrick m Arakaki and i get ssi and haven’t received my stimulus check in my checking account why

    • bobby

      they said may 13th

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