COVID-19, General, SSI

Supplemental Security Income Recipients, Act Now – Go to – A Message from Social Security Commissioner Andrew Saul

April 24, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients who don’t file tax returns will start receiving their automatic Economic Impact Payments directly from the Treasury Department in early May. People receiving SSI benefits who did not file 2018 or 2019 taxes, and have qualifying children under age 17, however, should not wait for their automatic $1,200 individual payment. They should immediately go to the IRS’s webpage and visit the Non-Filers: Enter Your Information section to provide their information. SSI recipients who have dependent children and did not file 2018 or 2019 taxes need to act by Tuesday, May 5, in order to receive additional payments for their eligible children quickly. 

By taking this proactive step to enter information on the IRS website about them and their qualifying children, they will also receive the $500 per dependent child payment in addition to their $1,200 individual payment. If people in this group do not provide their information to the IRS soon, their payment at this time will be $1,200 only. They would then be required to file a tax year 2020 tax return to obtain the additional $500 per eligible child.

I urge SSI recipients with qualifying children and who do not normally file taxes to take action now. Immediately go to so that you will receive the full amount of the Economic Impact Payments you and your family are eligible for.

Lastly, a word of caution. Be aware of scams related to the Economic Impact Payments. There is no fee required to receive these payments. Don’t be fooled.

Visit our website for important information and updates.

Click here to view the IRS press release about this important issue.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. anthony p.

    I will buy 1200 iced coffees from cumbies.

    • Jess

      You can only buy a little more than 1100, unless you want to thrown in about 70 bucks out of pocket. Taxes you ding bat.

      • anthony p.


  2. alfred w.


  3. KEVIN

    i was reading dems want to propose 2,000 dollars a month for 6 months. well u know the republicans won’t go for that. but i feel like we need more help. i think they should have just given everyone 5,000 dollars and tell people to do what they can with it. i don’t think this business of slowly opening some states is a good idea at all. it would just take one person with covid to start the epidemic all over. and not to sure where everyone else isbut here in massachusetts we still have a lot of deaths and we are not opening yet.

    • Jess

      Yeah I agree… but I guess there are just too many people who can’t afford to stay home. I mean, $1200 sure isn’t going to cut it for months. And our lawmakers aren’t to swift in helping either. It should have been a larger sum in the beginning, you’re right. Republicans will definitely not give us $2000 each month. I’ve been reading a lot on this and I truly will eat my computer if that happens, or at least lick it and stuff because yeah… I don’t think consuming it in its entirety is humanly possible.

  4. jack


    • jill


    • jack

      wipe your ass will ya

  5. figures

    this blog went weird. posts disappear

    • Jess

      Thats because the guy in charge of the posts smoked too much dope tonight. womp womp womp

      • Kelly B.


      • Peter

        Dope is for the dopes, but weed umm yeah its good for the body legally state here jess !.. Can you imagine walk in a store and buy it well a yeah of course there store , or roll in on a wheelchair . or have someone get it whoop whoop ,

      • Peter

        Jess just peter james jr. Ok

        • Jess

          Ok. I don’t log on there much but next time I do I will look you up 🙂

          • Peter

            K fair enough

  6. Myke

    If I you have a payee will you still get the 1,200 dose any one know?

    • Jeffry S.

      It goes to the payee.

  7. Mike

    I already received my but the thing is I filed my wife and three kids as married filing separately and for whatever reason I didn’t get my three kids $500 but I ended up getting my 1200 along with my wife 1200 with a different bank account that I use specifically for her so I’m not sure if I’m going to receive mine or not and my regular checking account as my SSI and SSDI come in. I assumed my kids will come as paper check.?

    • Jeffry S.

      Unlikely. U probably just won’t get it.

  8. Sean J.

    I guess what happened is the people who used the non filers tool, when in fact they did not need to, but did not know that (because we were given so many run a-rounds) are being MAILED their checks, whether they have bank accounts or not, whether they entered their bank accounts or not. But if you used that tool, it looks like you will be mailed your check.

    The reason the “GET MY PAYMENT” tool did not work for many people is because the IRS had NOT processed your information through SSA yet. The only ones that had worked for, were the taxpayers that the IRS had information for. I worked for me on Friday, and it scheduled my deposit for the 29th. Some people with retirement and SSI (not to be confused with ssdi) received payments on the 27th, and 28th. I did not know you could have SSI with SSR. But apparently if your earned wages were low enough, you get the supplement with it.

    But enough of this anyway. We are all going to have our money by tomorrow. And I don’t think Trump is going to give us more, so spend wisely folks.

    • Jess

      Trump is republican. Enough said.

      • Peter

        Hey jess i not gotten the stm ck , my guess is im im a higher amount in ssdi and it is higher than most are i do know of one whom got there’s but a lower benefit theres is pending for 29th i heard it myself here at home, but i know it just right, for it to be,. Soon i guess it will be and im not at all in need $$ i have plenty , i worked good in my life and made good so thats how im in higher up benefits, but ok soon it will be

        • Jess

          Hi Pete, haven’t got mine either. Mine is pending to bank deposit for the 29th. My mother got hers on the 27th, but she does have less than me. I’m not sure how that worked out. A few have got theirs, but I haven’t heard about a lot. I think ours will definitely be here tomorrow. Just not sure if its midnight or what. I desperately need mine. I can’t drive and I depend on a lot of delivery services right now. Normally though, I’m fine

          • Peter

            Jess : nice to hear that your fine deliveries can be of some exspence i .sometimes get some help with getting to get things body in rough shape here, I’m not even getting a pending yet , i didnt file anything, or enter any on line file, just Absolutely no saying any info on my card its direct express, i should have kept my checking account, oh well yeah just awaiting i dont understand how they done this some get some dont, im not in the 75,000.00 not any where close to that or 30,000 so it like what gives, its a puzzle like a nightmare , going to open a facebook account i hope you look me up so we can chat on it if you interested in doing so, im a bit rusty on that lol nope no one in life but little of associate’s thats it im going to try peter james jr 11 as a name today befire this web is of no more

          • Peter

            Jess its called peter james up n done fb

      • Peter

        Jess its set up peter james jr. ? I hope to hear from you

    • david

      not all of us will according to the tracker at IRS. I didn’t use the non filer too, since I filed, they have my bank info, and I’m still getting a check supposedly the first week in May.

      • Peter

        It did say ssdi ssi ssa ssr didn’t have to file that we would get it automatically just as one gets their benefits as usual ! And still nothing no pending or anything im retired on my own no family , so no one claim me and im not a millionaire

  9. peter

    No me yet still a waiting

  10. Steven N.

    Since this morning my SSDI is pending 1200 on my DirectExpress debit card as of 1am on this 29th.

    • peter

      Why in the world would yours from us be so different? There all the same i dont believe one can be any different from the rest i say your not telling the truth

      • TT

        Liar I see you’re not telling the truth also that’s not right why would yours be different from ours

        • Peter

          What in the hell you saying you don’t make zero sence

    • peter

      Direct express card say the same thing for every single person who has one but your special hmmm ! Sorry i dont believe you and yeah its supposed to be due on the 29th but yours dont say shit your just saying that we know better your a fake good try

      • Barbara G.

        I guess im special i did not recieve a payment on my direct express card i made under 1200

    • peter

      What part of u.s.a .you from can you answer that? No you can’t can you

    • Nicki

      I don’t have anything pending on my direct express card yet.

      • Peter

        Nope neither do i, i didnt file anything, all i did is still waiting, but i know this i know someone who got it i even heard it with my ears ! That person has a low benefit ssdi ,) im just so lucky to be in higher bracket ssdi it will be here just taking some time there doing the lower ones first on ssdi . i completely understand that, thats the way it is , hold on its a coming

    • Nicki

      still nothing pending on my direct express card. I’m on SSDI

    • Nicki

      Did the get my payment portal work for you? It says info not available I’m on SSDiI and have a direct express card

      • Cerise

        Nothing yet, my Ssdi isnt showing pending on my Direct Express Card. My childrens showing. And no stimulus as pending eithier

    • Carley

      Direct Express want let you have it until 29 tomorrow. They have several hundred people’s can’t get till tomorrow!!!

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