COVID-19, General

SSI Recipients: Act by May 5 to Get $500 Economic Impact Payment Now for Your Child

May 5, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: March 17, 2021

Treasury Check

Millions of Americans have already received their Economic Impact Payments. Many more will get theirs as the IRS continues to send payments. People who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Veterans Affairs (VA) disability compensation and pension benefits will receive up to $1,200 automatically. However, some people in this group, those who did not file a tax return and who have a child under 17, must act by May 5th to receive a $500 payment for each qualifying child now. If you miss the deadline, you will receive your $1,200 payment, but you will need to wait until next year to file a tax return to get money for your qualifying child.

Deadline is May 5

You need to act by today to get it. If you receive SSI or VA benefits, did not file a tax return, and have qualifying children under age 17, you must provide each child’s information to the IRS using their Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info Here online tool by May 5.

A qualifying child is someone who:

  • Is your child, stepchild, eligible foster child, sibling, half sibling, stepsibling or descendant, including your grandchild, niece or nephew.
  • Can be claimed as a dependent on your tax return. For those who don’t usually file a tax return, include the child’s information in the Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info Here tool by May 5.
  • Was younger than 17 at the end of the 2019 tax year.
  • Is a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or U.S. resident alien.
  • Has a valid Social Security number or an adoption taxpayer identification number.

Some people have older dependents. This may include your parent or a college student. Here are a couple things to know about dependents 17 or older:

  • You won’t get money for those dependents.
  • If they’re claimed as a dependent, they aren’t eligible for their own $1,200 Economic Impact Payment.

If you’re married, you must also provide additional information using the Non-Filer tool to claim the full $2,400 payment as long as your spouse didn’t receive Social Security (disability or SSI) benefits, Railroad Retirement Board benefits, or VA benefits in 2019. Also, your spouse did not have to file a tax return in the last two years. Payments of $1,200 are automatic for people who don’t normally file a tax return even if they receive:

  • Social Security (Retirement, Survivors, Disability).
  • Supplemental Security Income.
  • Railroad Retirement benefits.

Important Message for Direct Express Card Holders: If you use the Non-Filer Tool to enter dependent information, you will not receive your automatic $1,200 payment on your Direct Express card. You will receive both your $1,200 payment and each child’s $500 payment on a non-Direct Express bank account you can provide, or by mail if you leave bank information empty, and only if the IRS has not already processed your $1,200 payment. If you do not use the Non-Filer Tool, you will receive your automatic $1,200 payment on your Direct Express card, and you will need to file a tax return next year to get a $500 payment per eligible child.

For more information, please visit the IRS Economic Impact Payments website.

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About the Author

Darlynda Bogle, Assistant Deputy Commissioner

Darlynda Bogle, Assistant Deputy Commissioner


  1. Cynthia D.

    In addition to dependents over 17 years old, adults over 17 with disabilities that you claim on your return are not eligible for either the $1,200 on their own or $500 as a dependent.

  2. paul

    There will be another check. it got passed

    • jess

      Yes but that bill, the HEROES ACT, will never make it through the Senate. There are too many idiotic demands in it, I am democrat and even I cannot support that.
      The democrats actually screwed us, their nonsense is going to delay another stimulus because of the other junk they threw in the bill. Student loan forgiveness, money for abortions, money to immigrants…What the fuck.
      This is election year so I am very sure we will see another check out of this, but probably not until June/July. Seeing how slow they are to get shit done. I mean, it’s not like we’re in a CRISIS or anything.

      For the people with direct express though… no clue when you will see a 2nd, considering you havent even received the first?

      • Peter

        Excatly direct express ? Didn’t see the first one and probably not see the next one either, can’t open bank account why they not open to go inside! Irs not open yet ! But if and wherever hell freezes over i’ll get it and im saving it !

  3. Rebecca G.

    I need some help…im a ssi recipient with a dependant. I used non fulers on april 10th, and got a congratulations it was excepted. But what ive read, i should have gotten it on the thirteenth of May. But as of yet ive not received it. PLEASE SOMEONE TELL ME WHY!!!

    • Becca

      They have now said for those who didn’t receive first round on the 13th, it’s now the 20th or the 27th. Also, anticipate that even though you did it right, you won’t receive the payment for your claimed dependent, and if you don’t, you will have to wait until 2021 and file 2020 taxes to get the extra $500.

      • Peter

        The only thing I’m filing is voter registration, and it won’t be trump on it .replace him and then all his croonies will follow out the door. New administration new people that can do the job correctly, cause this virus isn’t going away anytime to soon !

  4. Jenetta Y.

    Have not gotten my stimulus check I get SSID.

  5. palermo

    href=””>To the next. Cheers

  6. Charles P.

    I also feel that something is going on between the Social Security and the IRS.

    • Juan C.

      I an entitled to the stimulus my only income is social security have not gotten my I am on Social security retiree direct deposit and have not gotten nothing

  7. Charles P.

    I also have not received nor heard from any status in regards to my stimulus package as a Social Security recipient.

  8. Steve

    I got a friend that get $ 347 from social security disability – $121 for m Medicare and $446 from SSDI. So a total of $675. Why didn’t she get her payment she did what the IRS said to can tell her because there’s no one to talk to about it.

    • Peter

      Your math is wrong

  9. Rebecca

    Now they are saying the white house is supporting the idea of a second round of stimulus checks. Please get the first round done before you do that. This is lunacy!

    • Juan C.

      I an entitled to the stimulus my only income is social security have not gotten my I am on Social security retiree direct deposit and have not gotten nothing

  10. Lenore B.

    I’m still waiting for my $500

    • Wendi

      Me too. I followed their instructions & filled out the non-filer form by the deadline. ☹

      • Michelle

        I follow their instructions as well and I have not received the $500 for my son either

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