Online Services, SSI

Social Security Administration Announces New Efforts to Simplify SSI Applications

August 27, 2024 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: August 27, 2024

Social Security Administration LogoToday, the Social Security Administration announced a large step in a multi-year effort to simplify processes for people who are applying for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) by starting to offer an online, streamlined application for some applicants starting in December. SSI provides monthly payments to people with disabilities and older adults who have little or no income and resources.

The initial step – known as iClaim expansion – aims to establish a fully online, simplified iClaim application that leverages user-tested, plain-language questions, prepopulated answers where possible, seamless step-by-step transitions, and more. The online application aims to reduce the time spent applying as well as the processing time for initial claim decisions.

“Over the past year, we have asked many applicants and advocates – as well as our workforce – how we could make the SSI application process easier and simpler. Now, we are taking an important first step to do just that,” said Martin O’Malley, Commissioner of Social Security.

“People in our communities who need this crucial safety net deserve the dignity of an application process that is less burdensome and more accessible than what we now have, and we’re committed to achieving that vision over the next few years.”

The rollout of the iClaim expansion will generally be available to first-time applicants between 18 and almost 65 who never married and are concurrently applying for Social Security benefits and SSI. A goal of the second phase – currently targeted for late 2025 – is to expand this to all applicants.

The Federal Register Notice that supports this effort was published today and reflects changes based on what Social Security previously received. To read it, please visit Federal Register: Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Request.

Subsequent SSI simplification steps will incorporate lessons learned from the iClaim expansion into in-person, phone, mobile, and paper-based processes for SSI applications. As part of that, the agency plans to develop a separate simplified child SSI application.

All of these efforts will support and streamline the way Social Security’s staff technicians and applicants work together, providing an applicant journey that reflects continuous feedback gathered from the agency’s Customer Experience team, particularly from underserved communities.

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  1. G. M.

    Since when are SS benefits being awarded based on your income status? Benefits are supposed to be based on the amount you have paid into SS from your pay over your working years. Also, the amount you may be drawing from your spouse, alive or dead.
    If I was notified by SS about this change, my notice was on my old computer which crashed and the data could not be retrieved. I am livid about this under-the-table situation.

  2. Nimisha

    I was approved for Medicaid beginning 1st January 2025. I have been trying to get an appointment SSI from October 2024 through national phone number given on website w/t success. They asked me to contact local office at Manassas. This office phone number is disconnected saying they cannot attend any call.
    I have no way to get SS income at the age of 72 years w/t any job.
    Please help.

    • S.S.

      Hi, Nimisha. Thank you for reading our blog. We’re sorry that you had difficulty reaching someone by phone. We ask for your patience during busy periods. We do ask that members in our blog community to contact their local Social Security office with questions about their specific case. To find the contact information of your local office, visit our Office Locator page. We hope this helps.

  3. Laura F.

    Hello my name is Laura Martin

    I’m in SSA ppl that is on SSA r we getting extra money or what

    • GORDON L.


      • Linda

        Gordon I also go to the VA and I know they can set you up with a social worker there to help you. I know they have a program.

  4. Florence

    Help my husband died in May I was awarded survivors benefits that where supposed to start in August it is November still no regular payment I don’t understand why I got the letter saying I would get money but than not give it to me

    • S.S.

      We’re sorry to hear about your experience, Florence. For your security, we do not have access to private information in this venue. We encourage you to continue to work with your local Social Security office. You can ask to speak with a supervisor during your next call or visit. You can also call us at 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. We hope this helps.

  5. Amy

    The social security employee who are supposed to answer questions and help applicant have no knowledge of the decision that administration toke.
    They raise and lower the SSI for no reason while my living arrangements has not been changed. They make up a $ amount for “food and shelter” with no logic and lower and higher it each month and when I go to office the employee has no knowledge and try to go to the next person without answering my question WHY my SSI changes each month!

    • vanessa e.

      I was denied benefits in may after several attempts at contacting the 1800 number, that is initially supposed to help with benefits. I called to appeal, agents are rude, all they keep repeating is “when did you become disabled” not hearing me out. So a lady calls from isom, I tell her I am wanting to appeal, because I could get noone to help me apply. It was my first time and very difficult, and I didn’t know what I was doing. Then she seems like she is helping, asks me questions, I Hope disconnects twice. Last call I had she left voicemail, initiating she was sending it to Austin right away. I am in extreme financial crises. Now when I go online, it shows as if my applications barely started on August 2nd. It’s been well over 200 days since I originally applied, which by the way, is no longer available on my account. It used to show the denial even after she did app. But when I called Isom to request a fund for hardship and pointed what was status of my appeal, she claimed my appeal was sent to Austin, and I need to basically be “dying” to get a one time advanced payment. Here we are 230 days in, and now the days are up to 411 days for determination. No updates. No response for electronic services, and I live in a rural area that offers no public transportation. How is this removing barriers, when the government workers are the ones creating them! I have multiple disabilities that affect the way I hear, walk, talk, I can’t use my hands for having osteoporosis. Sorry but this is the truth behind all these fake compassionate words you see on government websites. They don’t care. Call the 1800 number. It’ll tell you everything you need to know about SSA abd their barrier removals, because they so badly want everyone to receive what they lawfully deserve.

      • Jody A.

        You think your the only person in this world & that you should come first?! That’s people WAY Way worse then you are & are still waiting Patiently!

  6. Dawn M.

    I’m trying to sign up for the first stimulus I live on SSI very low income just trying to figure out when will be passed and when we would all do you receive our stimulus check’s

    • Jody a.

      These have passed along time ago, it’s to late to get any of them now. They’re was a set time you needed to have everything done by &, well you missed the dead line which was over a year ago poll

      • Dawn

        It’s not too late you have until January2025

  7. Matthew P.

    I’ve been waiting almost 5 years I have 13 different things that are in your criteria for being accepted and I still have not been accepted what can make this change you guys have all my paperwork I went to all your doctors what else do you want from me

    • Johnny Q.

      your blood…have you offered all of your organs including your soul eventually?

  8. Elaine

    1i why is it that I worked with the school board and I can not draw my deceased husband pension? He has been deceased for a long time. I don’t have any minor children and I was married 15 years 1

  9. Carmen V.

    Carmen V,
    Felicitaciones por los cambios y mejoras… me gustaria que los cambios tambien beneficiaran a los que vivimos en el exterior..para simplificar los tramites


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