
If You Have a Disability, Social Security Can Help

October 8, 2015 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: October 8, 2015

Father and two daughters October is Disability Awareness Month. For Social Security, disability is always at the forefront of our conversations. We hear stories daily about Americans living with disabling conditions who need help from the system they contributed to during their working life. Their stories make us proud of the work we do.

Through our Faces and Facts of Disability website, we share the stories about what it means to receive disability benefits from Social Security. The site highlights some of the people who benefit from our programs. We believe that learning the facts and hearing peoples’ stories about disability allows for a better understanding of what’s perhaps the most misunderstood Social Security program.

The Social Security Act sets a very strict definition of disability. Social Security pays benefits to insured people who can’t work because they have a medical condition that is expected to last at least one year or result in death. The impairment must be so severe that it renders the person unable to perform not only his or her previous work, but also any other substantial work.

Social Security doesn’t provide temporary or partial disability benefits. Because the eligibility requirements are so strict, our disability beneficiaries are among the most severely impaired people in the country. Our new online resources, the state disability fact sheets and our national disability issue paper, provide specific information about our recipients’ demographics by state and congressional district. These resources are proof of Social Security’s economic impact and benefit to our most vulnerable citizens.

Disability is something we don’t like to think about, or we may think it can’t happen to us. But the odds of becoming disabled are greater than we realize. The Social Security disability program excels in providing services to people when they need it the most.

For us, disability has faces and names — among them Larry, Kiera, Ebbie, Charlotte, Jamie, and Christine. We want to invite you to come see their faces, and learn the facts. They are truly at the heart of what we do.

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Jim Borland, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications


  1. mimi

    Hello .am having gorafobia.for the last 3years (panic attacks)and I applied for dissability.twise…denied icannt go to see dr.no records?even do a nurse came to see me at home. Can I use my records from my nurse?What is the secret to get help?what kind of lawyer can help.me?how or where can I find an honest one,?

    • Isftt

      Records from your nurse can be used, but first you have to have a medically determinable impairment diagnosed by an M.D. or Ph.D.

  2. Archie

    Does Neuropathy of the feet and hands qualify for disability? Currently drawing social security. Would disability be higher and how does it change when I reach 65?

    • Isftt

      Social security disability is the same as full retirement social security. Neuropathy may qualify. It depends on your age, education. past work and the limitations it causes. Once a person reaches age 60, if they are limited to no more than light work (lifting 20 lbs. occasionally, standing 6 of 8 hours and sitting 6 of 8 hours) and cannot perform their past work as described or as it is done in the national economy, they most likely will qualify. Limitations in fine and gross manipulation are also considered.

  3. diann

    I am goin tobe 50 in march I have finally got my ssdi it took 15 yrs to finally pay in to be able to get on it I was hurt in 98 but was told you have to pay in so long ..so I went from job to job one after the other the cook the block trower the mobile home installer the machine operator ect.ect. man the whole time not really knowin how sever my mental issues were I am rare I say cause everyone says bi-polar or depressed and ect. ect. again I say make a name up for all of it and you will have me I have been on disability for 3 an a half yrs I think an it is evaluation time 1st judicator said no papers no file no documents so not disabled the 2nd one I guess I have lost the reconcideration not sure but now its the same my doctors office says THEY HAVE SENT WHAT SHE ASK FOR to me for 3 or 4 months now and only blood work an something else not my records though so I try to call she never returns my call I told her an the 1 one I have mental issues I have not been to drs for it just my regular doc I do not like the docyors scared to death of them at 40 they wanted to open me up an fix my heart well I walked out an have not been back that’s how bad I do not want to go BUT they made me go to therepst I begged not to go to any clinic only disability drs I had a app. with disability dr on 22 and a clinic app. on the 2nd I begged her please let me go 22 please [no kiddin ]well she made me go to the clinic an cacel the disability drs app. man they didn’t even check my eyes SO she ask me to get my records told me it wasn’t her job OK well I got staph infection SO I told the judicator an she said I COULD NOT COME TO COURT WITH A INFECTIOUS CONTAGOUS DEASE man OK I missed my court date WAS NOT TOLD I COULD HAVE A REPESEATIVE she will not help me no kind of way I AM SO UPSET I JUST WANT TO GIVE UP AT THIS POINT SHE SHE SIGN THIS LETTER SAYIN I WAIVE MY RIGHTS TO A HEARIN CAUSE I WASNT THERE LOSE MY RIGHTS TO A HEARIN MY RECORDS MY CHECK MY MEDICAL MY LIFE WE ARE TALKIN ABOUT …well after I filled it out I read it again for the 100th time an said to self well noway she made me not go I wanted to go so I would not sign the paper it could have said I could not go to medical or anything but it didn’t I ask her bout it an she said don’t worry bout it just sign it well I did not sign it so she can just make her desstion an I will appeal again SOi wait on decision an don’t get it I get her callin my neighbor the only person I even see or go around besides my husband she is tellin him all kinds of stuff what I need to do an so on well he is not my legal nothing aint that wrong an I know I need to go ahead an try try to pay for my records at the drs office and send them to her but somebody please give me something her im am losen cause I have behavior issues which are preventin me to even talk to this woman oh I could go on an on but I will see what ya’ll say remember mental

  4. Nadine M.

    I was involved in an automobile accident in 1995 that injured the frontal lobe of my brain; I also have Multiple Sclerosis. Both disabilities have the same set backs such as no short term memory, not being able to organize thoughts, inability to put thoughts into words, problems with concentrating, staying focused and following directions. These problems forced me into retiring from a job I loved. I just couldn’t keep up the pace and accuracy needed to perform my daily tasks. Now that I’m getting older, all these things have become even harder to endure. People don’t always accept that I’m handicapped because I look healthy. It’s very depressing and hard to live with. Yes, there are medications to help with my disabilities. I take eight different medications daily to get through life a day. Of course, I’m still depressed and most days don’t even bother to get dressed. I have no interests exciting enough to get dressed to face a day. If only people could see inside my head, they would understand!

  5. Marvin

    I am a veteran with 100% disability PTSD a bad back an I am classified as unemployable. But got denied my SSI.WHY???? I have not worked since August 2011 please tell me what is wrong with this picture.

  6. Carolyn B.

    I still have Migraines every day which are controlled by Baromertric Preasure, plus 3 kinds of Migraines. I’ve been diagnosed by 3 Specialists with 3 Cat-Scans. I have also been through 23 different Medications which Did NOT work at all until a Doctor finally found a Medicatio that WORKS. Now I’m finding that the cost is unbearable as in $700.00. THIS IS THE ONLY THING THAT WORKS. HELP!!!!!!

  7. Jennifer

    We all seem to be having trouble with SSDI and qualifying for it, but no ones seems upset with those abusing the Public Aide system, they feed off the same plate. I worked in an Emergency Department and listen to parents who didn’t want to wait hours at the clinic come tot he E.D. instead. Or kids who’s parents say it’s OK to have another baby in a year or 2 for more welfare more food stamps, they’re only 14, 15 now with their 1st kids. Or Anchor Babies any race, qualify for medical card and food stamps, their mother, who is illegal and doesn’t work, will get medical assistance and food program while pregnant. Or how about Refugees how much do they get coming here? Why bother finding a job with that income? On Disability I don’t make half my salary, would love to work but can only make so much, and with my disability no one is willing to help get me back to working status. There, I’ve vented tell where I am wrong.

  8. Cheryl P.

    I have cirrhosis of the liver secondary to hep C. I am currently on Medicaid . I have applied for disability do du to the fact of what I call episodes. When I have these episodes I sleep way longer than I should and I’m in a stupor when I come out of it which usually last for two days. My doctor has been called on just about every occasion. He tells the person that is wit me to take lactulose every hour until I com through it. Last time it started on one weekend and I felt loopy through the whole week and it happened again the following weekend. The episodes are actually Hepatic Encephalopathy. It is really hard to take care of yourself with this going on. I don’t drive very often because of this. I have been denied twice what can I do.

    • Patricia A.

      I am very familiar with cirrhosis of the liver and most of its primary causes, symptoms, treatments, and its stages. With all of this being said, I am very sure, I can guarantee that the SS decision board does as well. The most important thing that you should, or practically MUST since you have been previously denied, have to present for your case is strong DOCUMENTED MEDICAL RECORDS! Get a good Social Security disability, in most cases they give free consults and will take your case for free and won’t charge unless they win the case, at which time they will deduct the fee. Please get everything in black and white and I wish you the best of luck!

    • ..

      Cheryl, we are sorry to hear about your medical condition and that your application for disability benefits did not go the way you had hoped. Social Security wants to be sure that the decision made about your disability claim is correct. If you do not agree with our decision, you have the right to file an appeal. You must make a request within 60 days from the date you received your notice of denial. If you need help with filing your appeal, you can contact your local Social Security office. If your disability claim was denied at the hearing level, you may ask for a review by Social Security’s Appeals Council before you file a new claim, but you must ask for a review in writing within 60 days of receiving the hearing decision. For more information on the appeals process, please visit our Appeal Process page on our website.

      You may be eligible to receive social services from the state in which you live. These services include Medicaid, free meals, housekeeping help, transportation or help with other problems. Since Medicaid is managed by the state in which you reside, please visit the Medicaid web site and select from the drop-down menu to find specific information about the Medicaid program in your state, or you can call the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services at 1-877-267-2323 (TTY Toll-Free: 866-226-1819).

  9. Willis S.

    My youngest son ( 45 years old ) is a disabled Veteran, who has been denied benefits the past 4 -5 years. He can no longer work and is fighting “the system” and has been all along.
    What is wrong with this picture???

    • ..

      Willis, thank you for your comment. First of all, we want to thank your son for his service to our country. Please keep in mind that the Social Security Act sets out a very strict definition of disability, much different than the requirements for other government programs, including veterans benefits. Social Security only pays for total disability. No benefits are payable to partial disability or short-term disability.

      We do offer expedited processing of certain disability claims for military members. You can learn more about these options and how to apply for disability benefits on our web page, Information for Wounded Warriors and Veterans Who Have a Compensation Rating of 100% Permanent & Total (P&T).

    • burrell.k.allen

      I’m in the same position I’m 100 % unemployable disabled veteran with PTSD and I have been trying to get my benefits reinstated for a year almost I have been on ssid since 2004 but the VA was always denying me although I was med evacuated, air lifted to Germany I was a marine and I deployed aboard a ship so in 2013 I had to try going to work and was fired with record breaking numbers from good union jobs because of agressive and violent issues with other people I realized that I definitely have a problem after losing my job my marriage my home and my dignity the VA declared me unemployable and so I was just starting to feel like I was going to be able to actually get a place to live and ssi decided that I no longer am entitled to benefits I then have gotten behind on the tax payments I’ve been paying from my lost marriage and last month had my bank account levied so I don’t expect much more than maybe to be left alone and not have to be explaining that bullshit now 20+years later when I only wish for is to forget about it. Good luck with your son, and please don’t let him give in to the stress and dispair I have to keep myself in check and sometimes think that I could be done with it all easily but we have earned something at least a chance to enjoy the life that we have been dreaming about since the day we got back. I’m sorry it’s been a hectic week and I haven’t really been able to talk about anything because there is no one listening. Tell your son thanks and have a little bit of faith happy veterans day!

  10. Liberty

    SSA disability no longer serves the people from whom they collect funds. They are abberrant and abhorrent and they should be ashamed of the people they harm.

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