COVID-19, General

Economic Impact Payments for People with a Rep Payee, and People Living in U.S. Territories

May 14, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

Social Security issued an update today about COVID-19 Economic Impact Payments to certain groups of Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) beneficiaries. Beneficiaries who have their regular monthly payments managed for them by another person, called a representative payee, will begin receiving their Economic Impact Payments from the IRS in late May.

Special rules apply to beneficiaries living in the U.S. territories: American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. In general, the tax authority in each territory, not the IRS, will pay the Economic Impact Payment to eligible residents based on information the IRS will provide to the territories. It is anticipated that beneficiaries in the territories could begin receiving their Economic Impact Payment in early June.

“The Social Security Administration has been working with the IRS to provide the necessary information about Social Security and SSI beneficiaries in order to automate and expedite their Economic Impact Payments,” said Andrew Saul, Commissioner of Social Security. “While millions of our beneficiaries have already received their Economic Impact Payments from the IRS, we continue to work hard for those beneficiaries who are awaiting their payment from the IRS.”

For additional information about payments to beneficiaries with representative payees, please visit our website.

For the territories, people should contact their local tax authority with questions about these payments. Please note their website may use the term “Economic Impact Payment” or “stimulus payment.”

The eligibility requirements and other information about the Economic Impact Payments can be found at the IRS’ Economic Impact Payment Information Center. In addition, please continue to visit the IRS Coronavirus web page for the latest information.

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About the Author

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Constance

    I get SSI and I still haven’t received my payment

    • A.C.

      Hi, Constance. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS), which is part of the U.S. Treasury, will be making Economic Income Payments. Please visit the Internal Revenue Service’s website here for all your Economic Income Payment-related questions. If you are unable to find the answer, call the IRS hotline at 1-800-919-9835. We hope this helps.

  2. Tyler W.

    I been on directexpress (green card) & disability for a few years. Right now, I am in the middle of evaluation to see a Judge regarding my SSID. That was in feb then pushed to April and now I dunno when i see a judge.

    I reported a $100 gift from my mom (birthday money) & you guys put it down as $1000 not $100. Ive reported the error 25x but it never gets fixed.
    So instead of $948 a month I get $843. As of June 2020, I still owe -$7.93 so in July 2020 I will get $940 again.

    I check mySSA every day & I get locked out of after entering my info.

    I change my address within 10 days of moving. I *always* do. And now, I dont know where my mail goes. If i got a check or not. Why no SSI deposit? Why no directexpress info? MySSA info?

    The irs website says my returns were accepted & my refund expected is $0.00?? Whyyy??

    Also, my domestic spouse was blackmailed. Our last room mate (after declining our rent & kicking us out) blackmailed us “$500 cash for the treasury check”

    Why does this injustice occur? The place before that put “not a hospice” in our lease & forced me out cus of my SSI mail.

    Why does this happen?

    • Rh

      Go to your local police and report your ex roommate.

    • A.C.

      Hi, Tyler. We are sorry to hear about your situation. Please visit the Internal Revenue Service’s website here for all your Economic Income Payment-related questions. If you are unable to find the answer, call the IRS hotline at 1-800-919-9835. Thanks!

  3. Rebecca

    It’s May 21st, and I am still waiting on my stimulus payment. SSDI and same address and account number,so what is the deal? The IRS website is no help, it says the same thing since the beginning. The number they have directed people to call about the stimulus payments at the IRS is a recording, that basically reads to you what the website says – no action required, they will use your SSA 1099 information to calculate your stimulus and you will receive it the same way you do your monthly benefit. No ability to even talk to a real person of had questions answered.

    They just want us to become frustrated and give up, just like jumping the hoops to get benefits! Good grief, like it isn’t humiliating enough to deal with things on a daily basis, now this. Quit making people feel like they are begging for what they are supposed to receive!

  4. David M.

    I have received SS retirement payments for the past seven years via direct deposit here in the Philippines and I am not required to file a tax return. The IRS website says I had to do nothing because I would automatically qualify for the stimulus payment. Today is May 22 and I still have not received a stimulus payment.

    How about you other expats that are not on SSDI and only receive a standard retirement payment. Have you received a direct deposit stimulus payment?

    Kind regards

  5. tony

    You can check Get My Payment application for the status of your payment on the IRS website.

    Note: The Get My Payment application will show “Payment Status Not Available” until the payment is being issued. This response does not mean you are not eligible or will not receive a Payment.

    After the payment is made by the IRS, the IRS will send you a letter from President Donald Trump stating how you received your payment by mail or direct deposit.

  6. Tamara

    I receive benefits from SSDI..I am like a lot of Americans who have been told the “stimulus payment is on it’s way or date after date of when we are to receive it” . As of today still nothing and no answers…supposedly if you go to the IRS page your answers lie there…but nope none found there..Why are the payments not coming?? There seems to be a problem between the two agencies and no one will admit there is…I know I myself would like answers…

  7. Doreen L.

    Can Someone Help Me With These Questions PLEASE, FIRST QUESTION: I Am On SSDI From a Head Injury So I Have a Rep Payee But All My Paperwork Such As My 1099 Has Both Of Our Names But With My Rep Payee’s Address But My Drivers License Is Under a Different Address ?? QUESTION 2: I Had a Different Rep Payee For Years Up Until a Few Months Ago The Rep Payee Is a Different Person. Will Any Of These Scenarios Effect My Stimulus Check Being Received ??
    Thank You

    • tony

      The IRS uses the 2019 SSA 1099 tax form to send the EIP payments. SSDI was direct deposited to everyone at the end of April, so all you can probably expect to receive is a paper check mailed to the address on the 2019 SSA 1099 tax form. President Donald Trump’s name will be on the paper check.

      • Peter

        Some are just troll’s who think they know it ALL, we still waiting for the stimulus ( e i p ) and now just may-be thats a may-be its in the mail now, i doubt that! Only time will tell and thats the real truth, vote trump out and his croonies will follow out the door

      • Peter

        Yeah hmmm i have direct deposit ! Ssdi in retirement ! Already. Wheres my stimulus? I been getting ssa-1099 for a long as time now , years worth, i didnt get squat yet ! Irs says i should have gotten it but i didnt, wont even take info to fix it. Now maybe in the mail lame excuses ,

  8. rita a.

    what if you are a representative payee of someone under 17 will they get their own stimulus check for $1200 or was I suppose to fill out the nonfilers form and add them under me as I am their payee but am also on SSI myself how does that work exactly NO ONE has been able to give me a straight forward answer to this :(.

    I am on SSI myself I had put my son on that is 16 years old and receives SSI but I took him off of my file as a dependent on May 7th after the deadline to have dependents on was there so will they see him as the dependent on my file or will he just receive his own stimulus check that the payees are supposedly to receive at the end of MAY..


    • V.V.

      Hi Rita, thank you for your question. Please visit the IRS Economic Impact Payments Information Center to answer your questions about eligibility, payment amounts, what to expect, when to expect it and more. Hope this helps!

  9. Howard L.

    Today is May 21st. I am on SSDI due to an industrial accident that left me seriously disabled due to employer negligence in 1991. I receive my SSDI direct deposit to a US bank every month. I have not received the stimulus payment as of today. Why???

  10. David M.

    Update from an expat:

    I have been receiving SS payments via direct deposit here in the Philippines for the past 7 years. As of May 21 I still have not received a stimulus payment. I have no dependents and I am not required to file a tax return.

    If you are an expat, I would appreciate hearing from you regarding your particular situation.

    Kind regards

    • Howard L.

      I live in Thailand and same scenario but get ssdi

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